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1、大学英语四级考试预测作文(2010.6)恩波英语研究所预测作文(一)My View on Double BA Degree1. 现在大学生读双学位的现象很常见2. 我对这一现象的看法【范文】Recently it has become a common phenomenon for college students to have two majors at the same time. In this way, they can get double BA degrees when they graduate from the university several years later.

2、Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole. To begin with, most students will become more hardworking and efficient in order to finish the learning tasks satisfactorily. Moreover, with two degrees at hand after graduation,

3、they will stand a better chance in the job market full of fierce competition. In the third place, as for todays university students, tuition and fees are becoming more and more expensive. If they can make achievements in study at school and find a satisfactory job afterwards, it will not be a big pr

4、oblem.Weighing the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can naturally arrive at the conclusion that it is beneficial and rewarding. This system not only compels students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition.【点评】 首段直接点题,说明现象;第二段分述三个优点,其中首句为让步状语从句,意思是“虽然可能带来负面的后果,但总体上是有益的”;

5、第三段呼应第二段,得出结论。 范文首段提出大学生读双学位这一普遍现象;第二段分三点进行论述,其中前两点是优点,即学生会更加勤奋,并且有利于他们在激烈的求职市场中找到工作,最后一点是解释可能带来的学费问题并不严重;第三段下结论,呼应第二段。第二段第三句中的stand a better chance(of)表示“大有希望”;第三段末句中的compel sbto do sth表示“迫使某人做某事”。预测作文(二) Opening Psychological Courses1. 许多人建议大学开设心理课程2. 我对这一问题的看法【范文】Recently more and more educator a

6、nd common citizens suggest that universities colleges open more courses which are helpful for students psychological health. Personally, I fully agree with their proposal for the following reasons. On the one hand, the ever-increasing pressure of study at the moment and job-hunting in the future may

7、 lead to many psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and even despair, and the psychological courses open a door for communication and relaxation. On the other hand, such courses can teach students how to regulate feelings and emotions under different situations, which is a good preparat

8、ion for the future life in the complex social network. Finally, these courses also introduce good habits which are conducive to mental and psychological health. To be mature and qualified citizens in the society, students have to do more than study hard. In a word, I warmly welcome the establishment

9、 of psychological courses in universities. In my mind, they are good for students psychological development.【点评】首段提出主题,其中第二句为过渡句,引出下文;第二段提出三点同意的理由;最后一段得出结论,与第一段首句呼应,其中第二句是解释型的补充说明句。 范文首段提出许多人建议大学开设心理课程。作者同意这一建议,并分三点在第二段中叙述理由。首先,目前的学习以及将来的就业压力需要开设心理课程。其次,教会学生如何调整在不同环境下的情绪。最后,给学生介绍有利于其身心健康的好习惯。第三段总结呼应

10、首段内容。 第二段第一点中的ever-increasing表示“一直在增加的”,修饰两个名词词组,对比鲜明,at the moment表示“现在”,in the future表示“将来”,open a door for表示“开启了之门”;第二点中的regulate表示“调节,控制”;第三点中的conducive表示“有益于的”,后接介词to。预测作文(三)Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Dictionary 1. 电子辞典的优点 2. 电子辞典的缺点 3. 我的结论【范文】The discussion about electronic di

11、ctionaries has never stopped in the past few years. Lets have a look at its advantages and disadvantages before drawing the final conclusion. The biggest advantage of an electronic dictionary is its convenience. Whenever you meet new words or expressions, you can know the meaning quickly. Whats more

12、, with the development of science and technology, electronic dictionaries are becoming more and more advanced: they can pronounce the words clearly, provide sample sentences to illustrate word usage and store difficult words for special memorization. Last but by no means the least, electronic dictio

13、naries are becoming cheaper and cheaper, and more and more students can afford them. However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, some students rely too much on the electronic dictionarythey never put their heart into learning new words and expressions. In the second place, some ex

14、planations are neither complete nor accurate, which are quite misleading. Finally, new technical inventions do not necessarily lead to progress in learning. Diligence is always the decisive factor, because there is no royal road to learning.Up until now, we can see it clearly that an electronic dict

15、ionary is not beneficial or harmful in itself. The key lies in the userso long as we can make proper use of it, it can be most helpful to us in many respects. 【点评】首段提出一个长时间争论的话题;第二段中指出该事物的优点;第三段阐述缺点;第四段首句下结论,表明此事物本身无对错,第二句指出关键在于使用者,即如果合理使用,就会从中受益。 范文首段指出,有关电子辞典的讨论从来没有停止过;第二段阐述优点,即电子辞典便于查询,而且随着技术的发展,

16、电子辞典功能也越来越多,另外价钱也越来越低;第三段提出缺点,电子辞典让学生产生依赖心理,而且有些解释不准确,另外技术的进步不一定带来学习上的进步;最后一段总结,电子辞典本身无对错,关键在于正确使用以便为我们服务。 第二段第三句中的illustrate表示“用图或例子来说明”;第三点中的afford表示“买得起”。第三段第一点中的rely too much on表示“过分依赖”;put ones heart into doing sth表示“专心致志于某事”;第二点中的accurate表示“精确的”,misleading表示“使人误解的”;第三点第二句中的decisive factor表示“决定因素”。 预测作文(四)Teenagers Stud



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