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1、2019/9/3,1,The updated status and treatment guideline of environmental and chemical request of European and American market on electrical and electronic products. 欧美对于电子电器产品环保及化学要求的最新发展状况和应对指南,Darryl Yun,2019/9/3,2,The first Part 第一部分: 欧美电子电器产品环保及化学要求: The environmental and chemical request of Europ

2、ean and American market on electrical and electronic products.,2019/9/3,3,The deep annotation for WEEE and RoHS 对WEEE和RoHS更深的诠释,They are resourced main on political reason, then are the environmental target 他们是主要源于政治原因,其次才是环境的目的 not only the environmental protection, also not only the healthy protec

3、tion, but the trade protection 不是保护环境,保护健康, 而是贸易保护. They are the new barrier, 他们是新的壁垒 * WEEE more like the tariff wall, the invisible wall to increase your cost. WEEE更象是关税壁垒,犹如一堵无形的墙增加你的支出。 * RoHS more like the TBT; the environmental related certification, similar as the safety certification but mis

4、ty. RoHS更象是技术性贸易壁垒,环境认证就与安规认证相似,但更模糊。,Why most of local manufactories have not met the cost up to now? 为什么大多数 本地企业到现在还没 有遇到支出要求?,Self-brand exportation factories have met 自主品牌的出口企业已经遇到,Most of OEM and the factories exported by the agent/buyer/importer/retailers have not met yet OEM和通过中间商进出口的公司大都没有遇到

5、,Retailers have set up the collection station 零售商会自己设回收点 High profit 暴利 bleed white yet 已经榨干了本地企业,2019/9/3,4,WEEE Directive 2002/96/EEC,2019/9/3,5,Why WEEE Directive ? 为什么要有WEEE,About 90% of the EEE waste is land-filled 90%的电子废弃物被填埋,Landfill 填埋96%,Mechanical Recycling 机械循环利用率 3%,Energy Recovery 能源再生

6、率 1%,Total Collected in W. Europe (1999)- - 764,000 tonnes 欧洲总的回收量(1999年) 76.4万吨,2019/9/3,6,A producer responsibility directive. It aims to: 一个生产者承担责任的指令。它的目的在于: Reduce the waste from electrical and electronic equipment 减少来自电子设备的废弃物 Increase recovery and recycling rates of WEEE 增加废弃电子电器产品的再生和循环使用。 I

7、mprove environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of WEEE 提高废弃电子电器产品全部生命周期中所涉及到的所有操作者的环保执行情况,Objective 目的,2019/9/3,7,Scope General 范围- 一般,Covers discarded EEE 包括: Designed to operate at a maximum voltage of 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c; 最大工作电压不超过 1000 V a.c 或 1500 V d.c,通过电

8、流、电磁场、发电机、变压器工作的设备或测量这种电流的设备;和 Falling within 10 categories of WEEE (Annexes IA 不在WEEE指令覆盖范围的设备 Specifically intended for military use. 军事用途,2019/9/3,8,Scope Categories 范围-分类,Large household appliances 大型家用电器 Small household appliances; 小型家用电器 3. IT Except filament light bulbs & household luminaires

9、. 照明设备( 白炙灯泡和家用照明光源除外),Electrical 监控设施 Automatic dispensers.自动售货机,2019/9/3,9,Producers responsibility 生产者责任,Producers responsible for collection, reuse, recycling, disposal and costs 生产者负责收集、再利用、循环使用和处理的费用 Producers install systems for take back free of cost for final user 生产者设立对最终使用者免费的回收体系 Individ

10、ual or collective possible 可以是个别的,也可以是集体的 2. Producers take over cost of reuse, recycling, disposal 生产者负责再利用、循环和处理的费用 3. Producers responsible for management cost of historical waste 生产者负责历史性废弃物的管理费用,2019/9/3,10,Dismantler 拆分拆解,WEEE,Shredder 切碎机,Landfill 填埋,Re-use 再利用,Siderurgy 熔炼,Foundry 铸造厂,Steel

11、钢,Non-ferr metal 有色金属,SR 视情况,Energy recovery 能量再生,Recycling 循环使用,Components 零件,Recovery & Recycling 回收再用和再循环 Waste Stream during Recycling example: 废弃物循环利用流程实例,Component suppliers 零件供应商,Component suppliers 零件供应商,Manufactory 整机制造商,Raw material producers 原材料生产商,Raw material producers 原材料生产商,2019/9/3,1

12、1,Rate for Collection, Recovery, Recycling 收集,再回收和再循环比例,Separate collection 4 kg per inhabitant and year from households,Automatic dispensers Large household appliances - Recovery: 80% - Recycling, reuse*: 75%,IT & telecommunications appliances Consumer equipment - Recovery: 75% - Recycling, reuse*:

13、 65%,Small household appliances Lighting equipment Electrical and electronic tools Toys, leisure & sports equipment Monitoring and control instruments - Recovery: 70% - Recycling, reuse*: 50%,Medical device To be determined by 31 December 2006,2019/9/3,12,Example 例子: Refrigerator Weight 冰箱重量: 100 kg

14、 (Category 1) Recovery Target 再生目标 : 80% Reuse / Recycling Target 再利用/循环使用目标: 75% Conclusion 结论: Disposal as Landfill 填埋处置: max. 20 kg Recovery as incineration 焚烧: max. 5 kg Back into resource stream 循环利用: minimum 75 kg,Recovery & Recycling Targets 回收再用和再循环的目标,2019/9/3,13,Treatment - Selective Remov

15、al 处理-选择性除去,All liquids;所有液体 Capacitors containing PCBs 耐火陶瓷纤维元件,The following materials, substances, components must be removed from the product by the treatment facilities(the information should be provided by manufactories) 至少下列物质、配制件和组件要必须从任何分类收集的废弃电子电气设备中除去(相关的有毒物质存在部位的信息应由工厂提供),2019/9/3,14,Tre

16、atment - Selective Removal 处理-选择性除去,Cathode ray tubes; 阴极射线管 External electric cables; 外置电线 Radioactive substances; 放射性物质 CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs 气体放电灯 Asbestos waste. 石棉废料,2019/9/3,15,Cost Estimations 费用估算,Collection costs: 200-400 Euro per ton 收集费用: 每吨200400欧元 - 4kg pp, 350M inhabitants: 300-600M Euro per year 4公斤每人每年,3.5亿人口:每年3亿6亿欧元 Treatment costs: 30



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