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1、小升初英语总复习I.字母部分I).英文字母顺序表A a,B b,C c,D d,E e,F f,G g,H h,I i,J j,K k,L l,M m,N n,O o,P p,Q q,R r,S s,T t,U u,V v,W w,X x,Y y,Z z II).字母归类从读音上看,英文字母可以分为元音和辅音字母,A a, E e, I i O o, U u 为 5个元音字母,Y y, 为半元音字母,其他的都是辅音字母.III).字母书写格式I,大写字母都一样高,不顶第一线.II 1)小写字母(a,c, e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z)写在中间格,上下都不出格.2)小写字母(b,d

2、,h,k,l)上顶第一线,占上,中格3)小写字母(g,q,y)的下端抵第四线II语音部分与字母发音相同的单词B bee C sea see G gee I I eye P pea Q quene R are T tea U you Y why英语中有 48个语音因素,其中:20元音因素:28个辅音因素:III. 词汇部分人物(people)family.grandfather(grandpa)grandmother(grandma)parents=father(dad)+mother(mum) uncle aunt brother sister cousin son daughter baby

3、 kid boy girl man woman mr miss lady classmate pen pal friend neighbour relative robot tourist visitor 职业(jobs)Teacher pupil studen nurse policeman Sodier poet postman driver fireman hunter butcher hawer人体(body)Head hair eye nose ear mouth tooth neck arm hand finger knee leg foot动物(animals)Cow pig d

4、uck hen mouse bird lion monkey dog frog cat猫 rabbit puppy wolf bull pet elephant tiger seagull ladybird学习用品(shool things)Bag schoolbag book English book chinese book pen pencil pencil-box sharpener ruler eraser glue dictionary数词(num)基数词(1-20):Zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ele

5、ven twelve thirtten fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty序数词(第一到第二十):first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth食物饮料(foods and drinks)Meal breakfast lunc

6、h suuper picnic rice rice-dumpling noodle cold drink soup water pepper jam salt sugar lollipop tea sweet egg eggyolk jelly nut chocolate ice-cream milk cake mooncake biscuit bread meat beaf fish pork mutton水果蔬菜( fruit and vegetable)Apple pine-apple banana orange mango lemon carro grape气象(weather)War

7、m cool rain wind hot cold windy cloudy snowy sunny forecast颜色(colours)Red pink blue yellow white orange grey brown衣服(clother)Hat scalf jumper coat shirt T-shirtT raincoat glaves belt trousers dress swimming suit socks stocking 交通工具(vehicles)bick bicycle boat car bus ship subway plan train taxi 课程(co

8、urses)English chinese math music science 月份(months) (1 月-12 月)January February March A-pil May June July August September October November December季节(seasons)Spring summer autumn winter星期(week)(周一至周日) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekday weekend节日(Festival)Spring Festival

9、 The Dragon Boat Festival National Day Chidrens Day Christmas房屋家具(house)Door bed table chair wardrobe teapot bench seat sofa stair roof light lamp chimney slide cupboard scissors自然(nature)Bridge lake sky road sand stone land earth运动(sports)Metre race football basketball hot dance skip swimming swing

10、 lion dance dragon danc roller-blanding国家(countries)China Canada India France America English Australia地点(locations)School classroom class bookestore shopping centre market cafe cinemal shop pet shop post office bank railway station zoom space museum home garden kitchen room bedroom living room flat

11、 city village storeroom名词(noun)Name flag hobby sticker sticker story album photo timetable plan reunion fire-cracker top cion dollar pound yuan camp television bamboo paiting present film hole field horn idea medicine phone age picture number cover mark librarian notice sum yesterday today tomorrow

12、corner matter outing red packet ticket holiday piano pie homework housework paint purse 动词(verb)Jump run throw fly meet know touch raise take can see need learn keep sell drop catch will wont stay hate rub kill scold visit open carry pick hide reply wait finish help hit enjoy ask steal search pull p

13、aste break flod wink burn comb turn sign iron collect hold brush write bake sweep cook walk go come climb give mess guess borrow forget feel have like fit remember arrive shout wave cry bark miss understand talk shappen动词词组(verb phrases)Pick up put down wake up good at fall over try to never mind lo

14、ok for hand in on foot get up go to bed Gests do not go in No mobile phone No talking No fishing No picking of flowers No spitting No parking形容词(adj)Nice good big beautiful fine well kind old happy angry sad shy hungry lovely long short thin thick cheap dear hard soft dirty sick naughty strange late

15、 magic lonely weak worried little heavy light louder smaller bigger pleased foolish exicited huge dangerous clever diffcult straight enough useful interteting interested similar same more less fewer different better other boring famous ugly empty busy strong left right wrong疑问词What who when where ho

16、w why 方位介词at in on in front of behind outside inside near beside under aboveIV.要求写词A名词单数变复数(规则变化)a.一般情况下,在词尾加- s. apple-apples,cake-cakes map-maps b.以-s,-x,-ch,-sh 结尾的词,尾加-es.box-boxes,glass-glasses,brush-brushes,c.辅音字母加-y 结尾的词,先变 y为 i,再加-es family-families,baby-babiesd.元音字母加-y 结尾的词,直接加-s boy-boys, day-days, key-keys(不规则变化)e.特殊变化:foot-feet man-men woman-women mouse-mice tooth-teethf.单,复数不变:chinese-chinese japanese-japanese deer-deer



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