2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4

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2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4_第1页
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2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4_第2页
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2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4_第3页
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《2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高中英语刷题首选卷 基础练 能力练 unit 5 theme parks section ⅱ the language points of reading(第1课时)(含解析)新人教版必修4(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)完形填空Listen to how a simple ball of yarn (毛线) became a web of love for one class of high school students.Their teacher seated the students in a _1_ on the floor. One member of the group was _2_ to toss (扔) a ball of yarn to someone across the circle, _3_ o

2、ne end tightly. The recipient (接受者) took hold of the string and _4_ as the one who tossed it _5_ something that he or she especially _6_ about him/her. Keeping hold of the string, the recipient _7_ tossed the ball across the circle to someone else and said something _8_ about him/her. The ball of ya

3、rn was tossed across and around the circle until everyone had both heard and shared _9_. And thus the yarn became a woven web of love and good _10_.Before they went their separate ways, the teacher took scissors and _11_ through the web. Each person took a piece of yarn away as a remembrance (纪念) of

4、 the _12_ words they heard. _13_, many of them wore cherished pieces of yarn _14_ their wrists for days and weeks afterward.Every year now, students _15_ their teacher to end the term with the Web of Love. It has become an annual _16_ in their high school, which goes to show how much encouragement _

5、17_ to most people.Why wait? We can find _18_ to praise others throughout the day. Few people grow weary of hearing sincere _19_ and praise. And each time you give it you help to create an _20_ web of love that can last a lifetime.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。老师让孩子们玩丢毛线球的游戏,游戏规则令每个孩子都受到了激励。作者以此劝告大家时刻找机会给予别人赞美,表达

6、关爱。1A.queue BsquareCline Dcircle答案:D从下文中的“One member of the group was _2_ to toss (扔) a ball of yarn to someone across the circle”可知,老师让学生围成一个圆圈(circle)。2A.instructed BadvisedCforced Dplanned答案:A根据语境,老师指导一个孩子把毛线球扔给另外一个孩子。instruct “教授,指导”,符合语境。3A.dragging BpushingCholding Dpulling答案:C从下文中的“Keeping ho

7、ld of the string”可知,孩子在扔毛线球的同时要紧紧握住(holding)线的一端。4A.smiled BlistenedCtalked Dstood答案:B从下文中的“The ball of yarn was tossed across and around the circle until everyone had both heard .”及第7空句子的表述可知,扔毛线球的人要说话“said”,因而接住毛线球的同学要倾听(listened)扔毛线球的人对他说的话。5A.shared BwroteCinvented Dpassed答案:A从下文中的“until everyon

8、e had both heard and shared”并通读全文可知,扔毛线球的孩子要把自己对对方的喜爱给对方分享(shared)。6A.hated BlearnedCliked Dremembered答案:C从倒数第二段中的“which goes to show how much encouragement”可推知,扔毛线球的孩子要说一些喜欢(liked)对方的话。第19空后的“praise”也是线索。7A.therefore Bthen Calso Dstill答案:B接住毛线球的孩子随后(then)把球扔给另外一个同学,使游戏持续下去,此处表示动作的次序。8A.interesting

9、BwrongCsubjective Dpositive答案:D根据上下文尤其是第二段最后一句可知,扔球的孩子要对接到球的孩子说一些积极的话。positive “积极的”,符合语境。9A.knowledge BpleasureCexperience Dencouragement答案:D从倒数第二段最后一句中的“which goes to show how much encouragement”可知,老师通过这种游戏让孩子们得到鼓励(encouragement)。10A.feelings BrewardsCthoughts Dideas答案:A根据上下文可知,孩子们得到了鼓励和关爱,因此毛线球成为

10、一张承载着爱和美好感情(feelings)的编织网。11A.tore BgotCcut Dlooked答案:C从下文中的“many of them wore cherished pieces of yarn _14_ their wrists”及本句中的scissors可知,老师把前面提到的毛线网切割(cut)开,给孩子们一人一段。12A.angry BspecialCclear Drealistic答案:B孩子们听到的都是对自己的赞美和积极评价,因此是很特别的(special)一些话。13A.Naturally BHopefullyCFortunately DSurprisingly答案:D

11、从下文可知,许多孩子居然把老师给的一段毛线戴到了自己的手腕上,这里表示令人吃惊,故选D项。14A.across BonCwithin Dbeyond答案:B根据语境,孩子们把老师给的一段毛线戴到了手腕上,用on符合语境。15A.remind BhelpCask Dorder答案:C根据语境可推知,孩子们喜欢这个游戏,他们要求(ask)老师每个学期结束时都玩扔毛线球的游戏。16A.habit BtraditionCrule Dcelebration答案:B从上文可知,玩扔毛线球的游戏在学校中形成了传统,因此用tradition。17A.costs BreturnsCtakes Dmeans答案:

12、D从上文孩子们把毛线戴到手腕上以及他们要求老师每个学期都做这样的游戏可知,鼓励对他们来说意义重大。mean “对重要”,符合语境。18A.opportunities BpossibilitiesCtreasures Dpurposes答案:A从前文“Why wait?”可知,此处表示我们每一天都可以找到机会(opportunities)表扬别人。19A.apology BthanksCappreciation Dremarks答案:C根据语境和该空与praise的并列关系可知,此处应用appreciation “欣赏”。20A.empty BunseenChonest Dobvious答案:B

13、综合分析全文可知,作者前面叙述的毛线网是有形的,而此处指有机会时你给予别人的鼓励和肯定所形成的关爱网是无形的(unseen)。阅读理解AIf you are ever in Connecticut, you need to be sure to take the family to LakeCompounceTheme Park. The park lies in Bristol, Connecticut. It has been opened since 1846 and is known as Americas oldest park.In October, they open the p

14、ark for an event called Haunted Graveyard which is open at night. The rates are $34.99 for regular tickets, $25.99 for kids and $17.99 for those over the age of 60. If you go before 5:00 pm, you only pay $17.99. Kids under the age of three are free and parking is $8.00.The rides at the theme park ar

15、e so much fun. The ride liked by all is the Boomerang withthetopspeed of over 45 miles per hour. The drop on this ride is 125 feet. Another popular ride is the Pirate Ship. These two rides are great for thrill_seekers because you actually feel as if youre falling out of your seat.The park also has plenty of water rides for those who love water fun,such as water guns and water slides. Lights Out is a fast water slide that is all in the dark. It goes a


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