2019年高中英语 课时跟踪练(三)(含解析)新人教版必修5

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1、课时跟踪练(三)Learning about Language & UsingLanguage一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1These are the people that have contributed (贡献) more to the development of the Internet.2(2016江苏高考)Moreover, wider and better social benefits can be reached with the positive (积极的) social images built. 3Be cautious (小心的) whe

2、n climbing the mountain.4He was rejected (拒绝) by all the employers and he felt quite upset.5His grandmother used to make a living by spinning (纺) thread.6He walked backward (向后) before turning and ran away.7Constructing (建造) the new building cost him great money and energy.8The audience was enthusia

3、stic (热情的) on the opening night of the play.9(2017全国卷)Both the hand movements (运动) and the very idea of communicating without speaking attracted me. 10As can be seen from the chart (图表), more and more people own mobile phones in China now.单句改错1Getting up early will contribute to improve your health.

4、improveimproving2Read this and tell me if it makes a sense.去掉a3I expected to see Lang Lang at the concert but he did not turn up.I后加had4With all the work finish, they hurried back home for lunch.finishfinished5The bridge under the construction will be open to public next year.去掉the6He was very stric

5、t in himself when he was young.inwith7Apart his nose, he is goodlooking.Apart后加from8He said that he had rejected by his ideal university.had后加been.选词填空reject, with, contribute . to ., with caution, only if, make sense, be strict with, under construction, apart from, be enthusiastic about1Apart_from

6、being an expert on DNA, Professor Wang is also carrying out research on medicine.2If you are a teacher, you should be_strict_with every student.3Most of the factories under_construction have been designed by Chinese engineers.4Though too old to work much, the retired worker is_enthusiastic_about nei

7、ghborhood affairs.5He thought he would be_rejected from the factory because of poor health.6My father contributed a lot of books to the Hope Project.7Only_if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.8We live in a house with many flowers around it.9It makes_sense to take care of your heal

8、th, for it is the most important.10The old man stepped down the stairs with_caution.本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1To her, money spent (spend) is more than money earned (earn)2Once the fall comes, there will be many fallen (fall) leaves in the wood.3Absorbed (absorb) in his study, Tom simply forgot food and slee

9、p.4He is a pleasant fellow to_work (work) with.5.Everyone present was amused (amuse) at the story told (tell) by the young man.6.They looked disappointed (disappoint) on hearing the result of the game.7.We all became inspired by his inspiring life story.(inspire)8Regular air traffic links the city t

10、o the rest of the country.补全句子1He concluded_his_speech_with a famous saying: “Where there is a will, there is a way.”他以一句名言“有志者,事竟成”结束他的演讲。2The reason why_he_did_not_attend_the_meeting yesterday was that he was ill.昨天他没有参加会议的原因是他生病了。3The student has_been_exposed_to_English for some six years.这个学生接触英

11、语六年左右了。4I hope the doctor can cure_me_of_my_disease.我希望医生能治好我的病。5He is too young, so to deal with the problem is_a_real_challenge_for_him.他太年轻了,因此处理这个问题对他来说是一项真正的挑战。6No one knows who is_to_blame_for the fire.没人知道谁该为火灾负责任。7It_was_announced_that the Prime Minister would speak on television that evenin

12、g.据通告,首相将于当晚发表电视讲话。8There is no doubt that neither_computers_nor_robots can take the place of human beings completely. 毫无疑问,电脑和机器人都不能完全代替人类。二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Bertha von Suttner received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905 she was the first woman to receive it, and also the inspiration for the creation o

13、f the Nobel Prize.She met Alfred Nobel, a rich millionaire, by answering his newspaper ad for a secretary. Although she only worked for him for a few weeks, she remained good friends with Alfred Nobel for the next 20 years. When she became involved in the peace movement in Europe, she promised to ke

14、ep Nobel informed of its progress. When Alfred Nobel died in 1896, his will included the establishment of a peace prize, thanks to Bertha von Suttners influence.Bertha von Suttner was born in an aristocratic (贵族的) military family, but she spent the second half of her life working for peace. She wrot

15、e books, attended peace conferences, gave lectures and helped organize peace societies in Austria, Germany and Hungary, as well as the International Peace Bureau in Switzerland. Her novel, Lay Down Your Arms, was one of the most influential antiwar books of all time, and helped to make her a leader of the peace movement in Europe. Its end to war theme was both the ambition (抱负) and the most important goal in the life of this great woman.Bertha von Suttner worked so hard for peace because she believed that a terrible war would break out in Europe if nations didnt work hard to establish last


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