2019年高中英语 课时跟踪练(十五)(含解析)新人教版必修5

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1、课时跟踪练(十五)Learning about Language & Using Language一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1Treat (对待) the earth seriously, for it is not given to you by your parents but lent to you by your children.2He applied (申请) to be sent to the northwest of China.3(2016四川高考)In fact, women are less likely to have high blood

2、 pressure (压力) or to die from heart attacks. 4The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery (勇敢)5With six of us in the car, it was a tight (紧的) squeeze.单句改错1A great number of new factories has been set up in my hometown.hashave2Over the years, he has applied himself to improve the living cond

3、itions of the migrant workers. improveimproving3A few kind words at the right time make difference.difference前加a4She was thinking about the problem then Tom patted her.thenwhen5Ill treat you for lunch at the restaurant in front of our school.forto6There is some doubt that he can win.thatwhether7It w

4、as in 1987 when I graduated from the university.whenthat8Yang Lan had knowledge of English when she was in the university.had后加a.补全句子1Meanwhile, the number of people, who have access to their own cars, has increased_sharply_in_recent_years.同时,近年来,拥有私家车的人数在快速增长。2(2015陕西高考书面表达)I am_writing_to_apply_fo

5、r_the_position as a student volunteer.我写信是想申请学生志愿者这个职位。3Only if we know what we do in our daily life and live a lowcarbon life can_we_make_a_difference.只有我们知道在日常生活中做什么,过一种低碳生活,我们才能起作用。4All visitors to this village are_treated_with kindness.所有到这个村庄的游客都受到友善地对待。5Last Monday, I was_walking_in_the_street

6、_when I suddenly saw an old man fall off his bicycle.上周一,我正在街上散步,这时突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔了下来。6If we can do as mentioned above, there_is_no_doubt_that we can master English.如果我们能做到如上所述,毫无疑问,我们就能掌握英语。 本单元语言点温故练习.补全句子1Teachers give their lessons with_the_aid_of computers.老师在电脑的协助下授课。2The famous actor fell_ill

7、because of that long journey.那位著名的演员由于那次漫长的旅行生病了。3What you just said did_an_injury_to_your_mother.你刚才说的话伤害了你的母亲。4The library provides us students with a_wide_variety_of_books.图书馆为我们学生提供各种各样的书籍。5To most Chinese children, a dictionary means another reference book to_squeeze_into an already heavy schoo

8、l bag.对于大多数中国孩子来说,一本字典意味着另一本参考书挤进本已沉重的书包。6In_the_first_place,_he has enough money to buy his son a big house. 首先,他有足够的钱给他儿子买一所大房子。7Interest is as_vital_to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.对于学习来说,兴趣如同理解能力一样重要,甚至更重要。8The crowd poured_out_of the concert hall.人群从音乐大厅涌出来。9Thats_where I

9、 was when the accident happened. 那就是事故发生时我所在的地方。10As_they_expected,_everything has gone very well.正如他们所期望的,一切进展得很顺利。.写出下列句中可以省略的部分1You have solved the problem. Can you tell me how you solved the problem?you_solved_the_problem2I havent told him the news.Oh, you ought to have told him the news.have后的t

10、old_him_the_news3Tom is a teacher, and his brother is a doctor.第二个is4Work hard when you are young, or youll regret.you_are5If it is possible, Ill arrive there on time.it_is6He looked around as if he was in search of something.he_was7The girl who the teacher spoke to is Liu Ying.who8Please tell me th

11、e way in which you did the job.in_which二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解Meet Liam Mills, the first aid specialist who provides lifesaving support at festivals and events, and hes just 16 years old.A bit young to be a first aider, arent you?You might think that, but in fact Ive been doing this for almost a year n

12、ow. I already have a huge amount of valuable experience.Why did you join the British Red Cross?Ive always been interested in first aid, so when I saw some Red Cross volunteers at a local event I went over for a quick talk. After hearing what they had to say, I jumped_at the chance of joining.Whats t

13、he big attraction?As soon as youve treated an injured man, you will never look back. Ive treated many types of injury now, from cut fingers to even heart disease cases. Its endlessly challenging and interesting.What have you learned?Im now a skilled volunteer, which means I have additional qualifica

14、tions (资历) on top of my standard first aid certificate (证书). For example, Im qualified to use Entonox (laughing gas) for pain management. First aid with the Red Cross is a whole lot more than just cleaning and dressing wounds.Any standout memories?Once, my colleague and I attended a call. As we appr

15、oached the scene, all I could see was someone lying perfectly still on the floor. When you realise that someone is helpless and completely depending on you to do the right thing, you feel this sudden rush of responsibility. But fortunately, our training means we have the confidence and knowledge to deal with such situations.Best thing about being an event first aider?You get to help people, while also enjoying the chance of going to lots of great events. It really is a winwin situation.语篇解读:本文是一则访谈。文章是对急救小专家Liam Mills的采访。1We learn from the text that Liam


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