2019年高中英语 module 1 basketball section ⅲ grammar — 构词法教案(含解析)外研版选修7

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1、Section Grammar 构词法语法图解探究发现He was named their most valued player five times.Lets have a swim.We will try our best to better our living conditions.The girl in black appears very beautiful.我的发现(1)句中,name通常为名词,此处用作动词。(2)句中,swim通常为动词,此处用作名词。(3)句中,better通常为形容词,此处用作动词。(4)句中,black通常为形容词,此处用作名词。(5)中,黑体部分为前缀

2、;中,黑体部分为后缀。前者一般不会改变一个词的词性,后者往往改变一个词的词性。一、词的转化1概念:由一种词类转化为另一种词类,称为词的转化。2常见的词类转化形式:(1)动词名词He wanted to taste the soup and know the taste of it.他想尝尝汤,知道汤的味道。We pump water from a well to water the cabbages every night.我们每天晚上从井里抽水浇白菜。(2)名词动词Will you please give me a hand and hand me the book?你帮我一下,把那本书递给

3、我好吗?The nurse nursed her husband back to health.这名护士看护她的丈夫,使他恢复了健康。(3)形容词动词To make the sentence correct, you must correct the mistakes in the sentence.为了使句子正确,你必须改正句中的错误。The teacher asked the students to keep quiet and the classroom quieted down immediately.老师要求学生保持安静,教室里立刻静了下来。(4)形容词名词We watched th

4、e final game, that is to say, we watched the final.我们看了最后的比赛,也就是说,我们看了决赛。The girl in black appears very beautiful and she likes wearing black clothes.穿黑衣服的那个女孩看上去很漂亮,她喜欢穿黑色的衣服。即时演练1写出下列黑体单词的词性和词义(2017浙江高考)As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person.n.答案The hall can seat two th

5、ousand people.v.容纳Those who do wrong should be punished.n.坏事Wash and dry your hands before you eat meal.v.擦干(5)其他词类转化情况out adv.往外,向外n.托词;出路south n南方adv.向南,朝南up adv.在上面n.增长upstairs n楼上adv.在楼上Come down to us we cant hear you upstairs.下来到我们这儿来,你在楼上我们听不清楚。即时演练2完成句子The case has been emptied for these boo

6、ks.箱子已经被倒空用来装这些书。It will free us of a whole lot of debt.它会使我们摆脱巨额债务。She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road.她放慢车速,开始驶上一条狭窄的道路。Jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match.杰里米希望在大赛来临之前能享受到些许平静和安宁。The companies have a total of 776 employees.这些公司总计有776名员工。Parents and children sh

7、ould communicate more to narrow the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.家长们和孩子们应该多交流以缩小他们之间的代沟,以便他们能更好地了解彼此。二、词的派生1概念:由一个词根加上前缀或后缀,构成另一个单词的方法叫派生法。2常用前缀(1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有:dis, il, im, in, ir, mis, non, un等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。appear出现disappear消失correct正确的incorrect不正确的lea

8、d带领mislead引入歧途stop停下nonstop不停(2)表示其他意义的前缀常用的有:a(多构成表语形容词), anti(反对;抵抗), auto(自动), co(共同), en(使), inter(互相), re(再;又), sub(下面的;次;小), tele(强调距离)等。alone单独的antigas防毒气的Internet互联网subway地铁telephone电话autochart自动图表enjoy使高兴reuse再使用,重复使用cooperate合作即时演练3根据汉语提示,运用所学前缀知识写出正确的单词agreedisagree (不同意)abilityinability

9、(无能;无力)understandmisunderstand (误解;误会)profitnonprofit (非营利的)socialantisocial (反社会的)dependinterdependent (相互依赖的)setreset (调整;重新设置)dangerendanger (使遭危险)3常用后缀(1)名词后缀常用后缀例词意义er, or, ist, ee,ian, ss, antreporter, musician,assistant人(可数)er, orcooker, calculator器具(可数)ness, y, th, domdifficulty, truth性质或状态(

10、t)ion, (s)ion, ing, ment, aldiscussion, building,arrival动作、过程或结果hoodchildhood, womanhood时代即时演练4用所给词的适当形式填空The lady is one of the greatest novelists (novel) alive.The governor (govern) was leaving a meeting with US officials when he was shot.Its difficult to tell the difference (different) between th

11、e two words.She hoped that her son would become a musician (music)The teacher was pleased with her honesty (honest)(2)形容词后缀“名词后缀”构成的形容词:名词ic/icalchemical, electric, electrical, historic, historical, physical名词alnational, natural名词ishfoolish, childish, womanish名词lybrotherly, friendly, weekly名词engolde

12、n, wooden, woolen名词erneastern, northern名词yrainy, cloudy, dusty, funny名词ousdangerous, famous名词lessendless, homeless, hopeless“动词后缀”构成的形容词:动词edexcited, tired, interested动词ingsurprising, interesting, astonishing动词ablecomfortable, enjoyable, acceptable动词ive/fic/oryactive, terrific, preparatory即时演练5写出下列单

13、词的形容词形式naturenaturalfoolfoolishgoldgolden carecarefulexciteexcited/exciting enjoyenjoyable(3)动词后缀后缀en (使成为、变得), fy (使得、变成), is(z)e(成为、使)例词widewiden加宽, beautybeautify美化, realrealize意识到, organorganize组织(4)副词后缀常用后缀例词意义lyhappily, suddenly, strangely以方式ward(s)backward(s), forward(s),afterward(s), eastwar

14、d(s)表示方式或动作的方向有的形容词的副词有两种形式,一种和形容词同形,一种加后缀构成副词。原形副词表示具体的含义,而加后缀ly组成的副词表示抽象的含义。例如:The tunnel led deep under the mountains.这条隧道在群山深处穿过。Her lies hurt my father deeply.她的谎言深深地伤害了我父亲。即时演练6完成句子He came up with a program to beautify the nations highways.他提出了一个美化国内公路的计划。The city is widening the street.该城市正在拓宽这条街。Well organize an oral English contest.我们将筹划一次英语口语比赛。He drove directly to school.他开车直接去学校。.用所给词的适当形式填空1Man is short of natural (nature) resources now.They really require to be protected.2Be reasona


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