2019年高中英语 module 2 a job worth doing section ⅰ introduction & reading — pre-reading教案(含解析)外研版必修5

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《2019年高中英语 module 2 a job worth doing section ⅰ introduction & reading — pre-reading教案(含解析)外研版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年高中英语 module 2 a job worth doing section ⅰ introduction & reading — pre-reading教案(含解析)外研版必修5(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 A job worth doingAs soon as Christiana heard from her STEPUP job coach that shed be doing her summer internship at Minnetonka Moccasin, she got excited. She was always looking forward to learning more about this familyowned international business.Christianas first day started with introduct

2、ory meetings with a number of staff members, including top leadership and the CEO! Christiana took it in stride and was eager to get started with her work. “I was surprised by how friendly and helpful everyone was,” she says. “My coworkers were very welcoming and kind, and they were very glad to ans

3、wer my questions and teach me how to work well.”Christiana worked in the customer service department. She had already mastered the complex database systems for orders and returns and learned to be patient and kind to customers. “This is the first time Ive ever been behind the scenes of a major compa

4、ny and have seen how it functions,” she says. “The customer service part is fascinating because of the sheer amount of work they do to keep the company going. People are really impressed by what I did this summer!”Christiana has a very broad range of interests from meteorology and psychology to thea

5、ter and literature. The University of Minnesota is one of her top choices for college after she finishes her senior year at South High. In terms of her major, shes keeping her options open, and she is looking forward to the annual STEPUP Golden Gopher Day to explore the University of Minnesota campu

6、s and meet with admissions staff.As for Minnetonka Moccasin, they could not be happier. Christianas supervisor is thrilled with the quality and amount of work that she has been accomplishing, saying that she is careful, pleasant and ready to learn every day. David Knox, Human Resources Generalist, s

7、ays, “It is wonderful to work with Christiana. If she is in STEPUP next year, we will want to have her back.”Section_Introduction_&_Reading_PrereadingThe Human Traffic SignalAt 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world. Life is hard at high altitude, and the mountains mak

8、e communications difficult. Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are frequent. One road in particular, which goes north from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world. On one side the mountains rise steeply; on the other side there is a sheer drop, which in places is hundre

9、ds of metres deep. Although there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks. The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. In theory, the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning, and by traffic coming do

10、wnhill from 3 in the afternoon. But in practice, few drivers respect the rules.signal/sInl/n.信号in bad condition情形、状况不好in good condition状况良好frequent adj.频繁的,频率高的in particular尤其;特别which goes .为非限制性定语从句,修饰road。be considered (to be/as) .被认为是on one side .on the other side .一方面另一方面sheer/I/adj.垂直的;陡峭的on av

11、erage平均come off the road驶出公路every two weeks每两周画线部分为so .that引导的结果状语从句。survive vi.幸存下来;幸免于难in theory理论上;从理论上来说in practice实际上;在实践中respect/rIspekt/vt.遵守人体交通信号第1段译文位于海拔3 500米的玻利维亚首都拉巴斯是世界上海拔最高的首都。在高海拔地区的生活很艰苦,高山使得交通非常困难。很多路的状况都不好,事故频繁发生。尤其是从拉巴斯通往北边的一条路被认为是世界上最危险的路。在路的一边,山体高耸险峻,另一边是悬崖峭壁,有些地方有数百米深。尽管交通量不大,

12、但平均每两周就有一辆车驶出公路。悬崖落差如此大,以至于从如此高的悬崖上摔下去,车上任何一个能活着的人都是幸运的。按道理,这条路上,只准许早晨8点以后车辆向山上行驶及下午3点以后车辆向山下行驶。但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。But thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen. Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46yearold man who lives in a village near the most dangerous part of the road, known locally as la curva del d

13、iablo (the Devils Bend). Timoteo has an unusual job he is a human traffic signal. Every morning he climbs up to the bend with a large circular board in his hand. The board is red on one side and green on the other. Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic. When two vehicles approach from o

14、pposite directions they cant see each other, but they can see Timoteo. Timoteo is a volunteer. No one asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it. Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money to live on. But often they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for g

15、ranted.thanks to幸亏,由于toll/tl/n.(事故、疾病等的)伤亡人数who .the road为定语从句,修饰man。(be) known as被称为a human traffic signal人体交通信号bend/bend/n.弯曲处;弯道circular/skjl/adj.圆形的画线部分为with复合结构(withn.介词短语)。direct the traffic指挥交通,direct/dIrekt/vt.指挥from opposite directions相对地;来自不同方向in the opposite direction朝相反的方向volunteer n志愿者pay sb. for .为而支付某人钱tip n小费so that引导的结果状语从句。live on(人)靠生活pass by经过taking .为现在分词短语作伴随状语。take .for granted以为理所当然第2段译文但是多亏了一个人,这条路上的事故死亡率已经下降了。46岁的铁穆特欧安迫塞是个性格温和的人,他住在这条路最危险的一段附近的一个村庄里,这段路被当地人称为la curva del diablo (魔鬼弯道)。铁穆特欧有一份不同寻常的工作他是人体交通信号。每天早晨,他手里都拿着一块大圆板爬上弯道。这块圆板一面是红色的,另一面是



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