2018学年六年级英语下册 unit 8 what’s your dream(第2课时)教学设计 陕旅版(三起)

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2018学年六年级英语下册 unit 8 what’s your dream(第2课时)教学设计 陕旅版(三起)_第1页
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2018学年六年级英语下册 unit 8 what’s your dream(第2课时)教学设计 陕旅版(三起)_第2页
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1、Unit8 Whats Your Dream 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit8【主 题】Warming-up: Think and circle, Lets talk, Lets guess, Listen and tick or cross【课 时】第2课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂并理解Lets talk部分的对话内容。2. 能完整熟练地朗读对话,并能模仿运用以下功能结构就自己和他人的理想进行会话:(1) Whats your dream?I want / hope to be a / an . and .(2) Did you have a dream wh

2、en you were young?Yes. I wanted / hoped to be a / an . and .3. 引导学生从小树立远大的理想,并为之努力奋斗,具备明确的学习目标。二、教学准备1. 教师准备Lets talk部分的教学挂图或本课时的PPT教学课件。2. 教师准备Lets talk和Listen and tick or cross部分的教学音频。3. 教师准备几张大小相同的纸条(足够写下两句英语即可)。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前热身Part A Warming-up: Think and circle课件出示本部分的图片,带领学生快速说出

3、每幅图片中的职业,学生容易忘记或混淆的,需要多重复几遍。之后尽可能多地使用本节课将要学习到的语言知识,采访个别学生,其间可通过肢体语言帮助学生理解,逐步导入新课。T: Boys and girls, we will have an English class meeting today. Lets talk about your future. What do you want to be? What would you like to be in the future? Circle the picture, please.(让学生圈出各自理想中的职业)OK. What do you wan

4、t to be, S1? Can you tell us?S1: Yes. I want to be a scientist.(引导学生回答)T: Sounds great.(竖起大拇指夸学生) Would you like to be a scientist and study the stars?S1: Yes. I would like to be a scientist. / I would like to study the stars.T: What would you like to be, S2?S2:I would like to be .结合学生对语言知识的运用情况与学生进

5、行自由地交流,也可以帮助学生回答,引导学生尽量回答完整,并尽可能多地重复would you like .和课文中将要出现的语句,加深学生的理解。之后,让学生根据圈选结果进行会话。(2)新课导入在学生进行充分热身后,教师回转话题,导入新课:T: Well. What would I like to be in the past? Do you know? What was my dream?课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A: Lets talk1. 承接上一话题,课件呈现师范大学的背景,教师讲解生词dream, come true帮助学生理解:T

6、: When I was 18, I wanted to go to college because I had a dream. I like English and children very much, so I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to help my students realize their dreams. I studied hard, and then 1 went to college. I made my dream come true. You see, Im a teacher now.板书并领读单词dr

7、eam,继续讲解T: Can you guess my dream when I was 12?课件出示我12岁的照片和study the stars的图片。T: I wanted to be a scientist. I wanted to study the stars.Whats your dream, S1?(课件出示课题,并板书,观看学生的反应,如果不懂,可以用What do you want to be in the future?再提问一遍,让他们逐渐明白这两句话意思相近)S1:I want to be a scientist.(引导学生回答)T: Sounds great. B

8、ut its not easy to be a scientist.(用手势环绕全班所有的人,并摇头) The dream is very difficult to come true.(面露难色) You must study hard.(握拳做努力状) Maybe you will make your dream come true one day, and you will become a scientist.(用肯定、激励的眼神看着学生)板书并领读短语come true。T: Whats your dream, S1?S2: I want to be a .T: Why?S2: Be

9、cause .(根据学生应用英语的能力与学生进行交流,也可以帮助学生回答,为学生提供更丰富的话题,并为后续的教学做铺垫)T: Boys and girls, we will have an English class meeting today. We will talk about the topic “Our Dreams”.向学生出示英语版本的课程表,注意突出显示课程安排中的“班会”课,帮助学生理解class meeting的意思。然后板书本节课的话题Our Dreams,帮助学生理解talk about的大致意思。2. 出示Lets talk部分的挂图,介绍新课:T: This is

10、Wu Chen. She had a class meeting today. They also talked about their dreams at the class meeting. Lets try to know Wu Chens dream.(1) 课件出示问题:Whats Wu Chens dream? Whats her fathers dream?然后播放Lets talk的教学视频。要求学生认真听,认真看,并在看完对话视频后,回答问题。教师通过学生的回答情况,了解学生对对话的理解情况。(2) 让学生打开课本,再看一遍对话。然后课件出示问题:What does Wu C

11、hens father do? Did his dream come true? Why?(3) 课件出示Wu Chens father wanted toand, but he is a _now. His dream _come true.教师带领学生完成课件上的填空Wu Chens father wanted to be a tour guide and travel around the world, but he is a worker now. His dream didnt come true.这样通过引导学生对Wu Chens father的梦想和职业的比较和思考,帮助学生更进

12、一步理解对话内容。并通过探讨梦想没有实现的原因,引出并重点教授句型Its difficult to come true.和I will study hard from now on.T: Did his dream come true? Is he a tour guide now?Ss: No.T: Why? Can you guess?Ss: .T: Maybe you are right. There were many reasons. Maybe he couldnt speak English well. Maybe he didnt study hard in the past.

13、 Maybe . (重复学生刚才猜想的回答,既帮他们纠正一些不可避兔的语法错误,又进一步总结种种困难,帮助学生更好地理解下一句话Its difficult to come true.) So, it was difficult to come true. And Wu Chen wants to be a scientist. Its difficult to come true, too. She will study hard from now on.(用手向下指) She mustnt wait till tomorrow. That will be too late. She must

14、 study hard from now on.板书短语:from now on从现在开始,马上开始T: Is your dream difficult to come true? Tell me, please.Ss: Yes. My dream is difficult to come true.引导学生回答,并练习说这个难度比较大的句子。T: So, you will study hard from now on. Do you think so?Ss: Yes. I will study hard from now on.适时进行情感渗透,告诉学生为了实现自己远大的理想必须付出必要的努

15、力,从现在开始要刻苦学习,为实现自己的理想而奋斗。3. 整体回顾对话,全面理解,并进行听说练习,可以以两人对话(Pair work)的形式重点练习功能句:S1: Did you have a dream when you were young?S2: Yes. I wanted / hoped to be a / an . and .(2)巩固活动1. 播放Lets talk部分的录音,要求学生模仿其语音语调跟读对话。2. 课件呈现如下内容,让学生根据课文内容,补充完整:Dad: What did you talk about at your _today?Wu Chen: We _our dreams.Dad: _then?Wu Chen: I want to be a _and _.Dad. _But its _to come true.Wu Chen. I know. And I will _from now on.Did you _when you were young, Dad?D


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