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1、东北大学学 年 论 文题目An Analysis of Polite Discourses between Chinese and English Cultures中西文化下的礼貌用语分析 姓 名 院 系 外国语学院专 业 英 语 指导老师 张 优 2011年6月16日ABRTRACTThe expressive ways of politeness are different from culture to culture and are closely associated with the typical behaviors of some particular social group

2、s. Generally, polite discourses such as address, greeting and leave-taking, thanks, apology and compliment play a vital role in peoples daily life. This paper makes a detailed contrast and analysis to the polite discourses between Chinese and English cultures, and summarizes the reasons for the diff

3、erences of the polite discourses different historical and cultural background and different value orientation. According to the analysis, people can learn English better as well as have a deeper understanding of cross-cultural communication.KEY WORDS: polite discourses, culture, value orientation摘 要

4、礼貌的表现方式在不同的文化中是达不相同的,它与某一特定社会群体的典型行为密切相关。总的来说,礼貌用语中的称呼语、问候语与告别语、致谢语、道歉语以及赞扬语在人们的日常生活中扮演着重要角色。本文对中西礼貌用语进行了具体而详尽的对比与分析,并概括了不同文化之间的礼貌用语存在差异的原因,即是由于不同的历史文化背景和不同的价值取向造成的。通过分析比较中西文化下的礼貌用语差异,人们可以更好的学习英语,同时对于跨文化交际有一个更深层次的了解。关键词:礼貌用语,文化,价值取向OUTLINEIntroductionPoliteness is a kind of common phenomenon in huma

5、n beings society. Its not only a research category of ethics, but also of sociolinguistics and pragmatics. Sociolinguistic rules governing address, greeting, compliment, apology, thanks, and leave-taking vary in different society or even among different groups of the same society. This thesis tries

6、to contrast different expressive ways of polite discourses, and to analyze and contrast the differences between Chinese and English cultures.The different expressive ways of polite discourses1.1 Address1.2 Greeting and leave-taking1.3 Thanks1.4 Apologies1.5 Compliment .The reasons for different poli

7、te discourses between Chinese and EnglishCultures 2.1 Different historical and cultural backgrounds2.2 Different value orientations ConclusionAs the notion of politeness varies from culture to culture, a behavior is considered polite in one region but impolite in another. There are different socioli

8、nguistic rules guiding peoples behavior which might cause misunderstanding in intercultural differences; but remember that there also similarities, mutual adjustment, tolerance, and understanding between people from different cultures.IntroductionPeople all communicate with others all the time. No m

9、atter how well they understand each other, communication is hard. “Culture” is often at the root of communication challenges. The culture influences how people approach problems, and how they participate in groups and in communities. When they participate in groups they are often surprised at how di

10、fferently people approach their work together.Peoples histories are a critical piece of their culture. Historical experiencewhether of five years ago or of ten generation backshape who they are. Knowledge of your history can help you understand yourself and one another better. Exploring the ways in

11、which various groups with our society have related to each other is the key to opening channels for cross-cultural communication. This thesis is intended to compare different expressive ways of politeness in Chinese culture with that in English culture to have a better understanding of the polite di

12、scourses with different cultures. Through the brief analysis, it can be concluded that it is the historical and cultural background and different value orientation that determines the dissimilarities of polite discourses under different cultural contexts. Learning the relationship between language a

13、nd culture and how that influences communication and understanding will help people participate in groups in an easy and friendly way. .The different expressive ways of polite discoursesThere are various languages with different meanings in the world. People from different cultures might misundersta

14、nd each other because they dont have a good knowledge of the differences of politeness. Here are some detailed examples of polite discourses to analyze the behaviors in different cultures by which people can improve their ability to communicate with others.1.1 AddressThe forms of address in every la

15、nguage reflect social status of the speaker, of the addressee, of the relationship between them. As far as English and Chinese forms of address are concerned, each has a system of its own due to the different cultures they have derived from. Generally speaking, there three noticeable differences between Chinese and English address systems which are likely to cause problems for intercultural communication. First, a proper Chinese name is arranged in the order of surname plus given name(s). An English name, however, is arranged in reverse


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