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2、构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权浙江工业大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于1、保密口,在年解密后适用本授权书。2、不保密。(请在以上相应方框内打“ V ”)円期:畔广月w F学位论文版权使用授权书浙江工业大学硕士学位论文北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究摘要近年来,北京银行杭州分行的一些客户把大量信贷资金盲目投入房地产、高技术等利润和风险都较高的行业,但是,由于中国经济发展速度的放缓以及国家财政金融政策的调整,少数企业特别是民营企业出现资金链断


4、差、企业盲目投资、企业之间相互担保以及企业主缺乏诚信带来的风险;信贷风险还受宏观经济复苏乏力、产业结构失衡、国家财政过度授信、存贷款利率变化、贷款企业集中度高等的影响。最后,本文在调研北京银行杭州分行信贷风险成因的基础上,提出了北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理的策略:银行树立全面信贷风险管理理念、健全信贷组织管理体系、优化信贷结构、建立信贷管理岗位责任制、完善信贷激励机制、提高政策的洞察力和敏锐性、培养信贷人员的素质等,有助于降低信贷风险,提高经济效益和综合竞争力。关键词:北京银行;信贷风险;管理研究浙江工业大学硕士学位论文北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究The Research for cred

5、it risk management of Bank ofBeijing Hangzhou branchABSTRACTIn recent years, some customers of Bank of Beijing Hangzhou branch take agreat deal of credit funds to real estate, high technology, profits and risks are higherindustry. However, due to Chinas economic slowdown and the national fiscal andf

6、inancial policy adjustment, a few enterprise especially civilian battalion enterpriseappears capital chain rupture phenomenon, which greatly influence the safety of creditcapital fund, in this case, Bank of Beijing Hangzhou branch must take seriouslyhighly credit industry for the emergence of new pr

7、oblems, new risk vigilance, andtake effective measures to prevent risk, therefore, its very important to carry out thebanking credit risk management research.In order to effectively manage credit risk,the topic adopts theory researchmethod,comparative method, survey method, case study method, focusi

8、ng on theanalysis of current situation and causes of the Bank of Beijing Hangzhou branch incredit risk based on the research at home and abroad in the bank credit riskmanagement. This paper argues that the credit risk of Bank of Beijing Hangzhoubranch mainly consists of bank internal factors, enterp

9、rise factors and the externalenvironment factors. Internal factors include the credit organization is not perfect, thecredit management system is not perfect, the credit incentive mechanism is not perfect,the credit management method and means are backward, bank members illegaloperations driven by t

10、he interests. As to the enterprises, business economic benefits ispoorer and poorer, blind investment, mutual guarantee between partnershipenterprises and the lack of sincere of enterprises credit risks; credit risk is alsoaffected by macroscopical economy anabiosises lack of power, industrial struc

11、tureunbalance, national finance excessive credit loan,the deposit and loan interest ratechanges, highly centralized enterprises and other effects.Finally, based on the investigation of the causes of the credit risk of Bank ofBeijing Hangzhou branch, the paper propose the Bank of Beijing Hangzhou bra

12、nch toestablish the comprehensive credit risk management concept, perfect creditmanagement system, optimizing the credit structure, establishing of creditmanagement system of job responsibility, perfect credit incentive mechanism,improvein浙江工业大学硕士学位论文北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究policy insight and sensitivity, r

13、aise personnel quality, strengthen credit riskmanagement, which helps to reduce credit risk, improve economic benefits andcompetitiveness.Key words: Bank of Beijing; credit risk; management researchIV浙江丄业大学硕士学位论文北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究目 录m IABSTRACT Ill1輔11.1选题背景与意义11. 2文献综述21.2. 1国内研究现状及趋势21.2.2国外研究现状及趋势5

14、1.3研究目标和方法61.4研究内容和论文框架62商业银行信贷风险管理基础理论72.1信贷风险的含义72. 2信贷风险管理的含义及原则72.2. 1信贷风险管理的含义72. 2. 2信贷风险管理的原则82. 2. 3信贷风险管理的流程92. 2. 4强化信贷风险管理的意义92. 3信贷风险管理理论102. 3. 1资产管理理论102. 3. 2负债管理理论122. 3. 3资产负债综合管理理论122. 3. 4资产负债表外业务理论122. 3. 5全面信贷管理理论122. 3. 6信息不对称理论132.4中外商业银行信贷风险管理比较分析132. 4. 1组织管理上的差异132. 4. 2风险防范方面的差异142. 4. 3人员制约手段的差异142.4. 4不良信贷资产处理策略上的差异153北京银行杭州分行信贷风险现状和成因分析173.1北京银行杭州分行信贷风险现状173. 2内部风险183.2. 1信贷组织机构不健全18V浙江工业大学硕士学位论文北京银行杭州分行信贷风险管理研究3. 2. 2信贷管理体制不健全20


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