I was born in a small village

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《I was born in a small village》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《I was born in a small village(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 I was born in a small village.,Module 7 My past life,Today is Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday. Today you are a middle school student, one year ago you were a primary student. I am a teacher,ten years ago I was a student. is,amwas are-were,I am now 28 years old. I was born in 1986. I was born

2、 in a small village. My first teacher was Miss Zhang. My first friend was Lingling. She was very friendly. When I was young,I was very happy.,Introduce,Lets introduce,He was born in Shanghai.,Yao Ming Shanghai 1980,He was born in 1980.,When was he born ?,Where was he born ?,Jackie Chan Hong Kong 195

3、4,When was he born?,He was born in 1954.,Where was he born?,He was born in Hong Kong.,Zheng Shuang Liaoning 1991,When was she born?,She was born in 1991.,Where was she born?,She was born in Liaoning Province.,When were they born?,They were born in 1999,Where_,They_.,Twins Taiwan 1999,were they born?

4、,were born in Taiwan,-When were you born?,Lets talk about our past(过去的) life.,-I was born in 200 _.,-Where were you born?,-I was born in _.,Tom 2007 America,Liu Xiang 1983 Shanghai,Miss Li 1984 Pingyuan,Zhang Han 1984 Heilongjiang,A: When were you born? B: I was born ,A: Where were you born? B: I wa

5、s born ,Practise in pairs,A: When was she born? B: She was born ,A: Where were they born? B: They were born ,- Lingling was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.,Where was Lingling born?,Activity 1 Listen and number the questions as you hear them. a) Who was your first teacher? b) What was you

6、r first school like ? c) Where were you born ? d) Was she strict?,3,2,1,4,Listen again and check ( ) the true sentences.,( ) 1. Betty was born in the US. ( ) 2. Betty was born in a small town. ( ) 3. Bettys first school was a big school. ( ) 4. There were twenty-two students in Bettys class. ( ) 5.

7、Bettys first teacher was strict.,wasnt,twenty,Watch,1Where were you born?你出生在哪里? 1)born 是动词bear“出生”的过去分词,be born是 出生 的意思,一般只用于过去时态,通常在be born的后面接时间或地点作状语:be born in + 年/月/地, be born on+某日。 翻译: a.他出生在1996年。 _ b.我出生在成都。 _ 2)本句是由Where引导的特殊疑问句。询问某人出生在何时/何地,用一般过去时态。,Language Notes,He was born in 1996 .,I

8、 was born in Chengdu .,翻译:你妈妈出生在哪里/什么时候出生? _,When/Where was your mother born?,2. What was the name of the village? = What was the villages name? 可译为“这个村子的名字是什么”。the name of是“ -的名字 ”的意思。 3. first是序数词。序数词在修饰名词时一般在前面加the, 但如果序数词前面有形容词性物主代词时,“the”省略。如: a. He is _ student to come to the school. (第一个). b.

9、 My _ teacher is Ms Yao.(第一个) 翻译:你的第一个语文老师是谁? _,the first,first,Who was your first Chinese teacher?,4.She was strict but nice.她很严厉但很和善。 strict 严格的,严厉的。 对某人要求严格用be strict with sb, 对某方面要求严格用be strict in sth. 举例: 1.我父亲对我要求很严格。 My father is strict with me. 2.他对工作很严格。 He is strict in the work.,5. friendl

10、y “友好的”,与其对应的名词为friend。friendly的反义词为 unfriendly“不友好的”。 相关短语有: make friends with与某人交朋友; be friendly to sb 对某人友好 eg:He wants to _. (交一些美国朋友) We should _ each other.(彼此友好),make some American friends,be friendly to,6.What were they like? 他们是怎样的人? “What be sb. like?”句型用来询问某人的外貌特征/性格特征(而What do/does /did+

11、 主语 + look like?是问一个人的外貌是什么样的)。 回答时句中用“be + 形容词” 或“have + 名词”。 例:a. What is he ?他长得什么样? He tall and thin, and he _ short black hair. 他又高又瘦,并留着短黑发。 b. What was he like? 他是怎样的人? He_.(很友好),like,is,has,is very friendly.,Activity 4.Read and complete,Lingling,Tony,Born in,First teacher,First school,First

12、friend(s),Xucun,Ms Yao,Cambridge,Mrs Lane,Darwin Primary School,Becky and Adam,Now choose the correct answer.,1 Was Lingling born in Xucun ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she isnt. 2 Was Tonys first school called Darwin Primary School ? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasnt. 3 Was his teachers name Mrs Smith? A

13、. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasnt. 4 Was Mrs Smith Linglings teacher ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. 5 Was Ms Yao very friendly ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. 6 Were Becky and Adam Tonys friends ? A. Yes, they were. B. No, they werent. 7 Was Becky good at school ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she

14、 wasnt. 8 Was Tony difficult at school? A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt.,Lingling was born in _in Shanxi _. The name of the village was _. Her first teacher was_. She was very_. Tony was born in _in _. His first school was_. His first teacher was_. She was _but_. His first friends were _ and _. Beck

15、y was_ and Adam was _. And Tony was _, too.,a small village,Province,Xucun,Ms Yao,friendly,Cambridge,England,Darwin Primary School,Mrs Lane,strict,nice,Becky,Adam,good,difficult,good,Retell:,Sum up,一般过去时:常用来表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一般与表示过去的时间状语连用。如: yesterday, last week, the day before yesterday, in1994 eg: My teacher was in



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