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1、材料英语证书考试(PEC)-有机材料处理词汇TermExplanationActinomycetes:Any of a group of generally low-oxygenutilizing bacteria identified by a branching growth pattern that result in large threadlike structures. Many species occur in soil and are harmless to animals and higher plants.Adjuvant:An ingredient that improv

2、es the properties of a formulation to which it has been added.Aerate/aeration:To supply with air or expose to the circulation of air:aerate soilorsoil aeration. Forced aeration refers to the use of blowers in a compost pile.Aerobic:To be with oxygen. Life or biological processes that can occur only

3、in the presence of oxygen, such as the digestion oforganic matterby bacteria.Agricultural material:Material of plant or animal origin, which result from the production and processing of farm, ranch agricultural, horticultural, aquacultural, silvicultural, floricultural, vermicultural, or viticultura

4、l products, including manures, orchard and vineyard prunings, and crop residues.Anaerobic:To be without oxygen. A biological process occurring in the absence of oxygen, marked by a foul odor. These odors may include acetic acid, butyric acid, or putrescine.Arthropod:(Greek-joint foot)Any of numerous

5、 invertebrate animals of the phylum (family) Arthropoda, including the insects, crustaceans, arachnids, andmyriapods, that are characterized by achitinousexoskeletonand a segmented body to which jointed appendages are articulated in pairs.Ash:The residue that remains after a solid waste has burned.

6、Also referred to as bottom ash and fly ash.Bacteria:Microscopic single-celled organisms lacking a nucleus. They are structured as either rod-shaped, sphere-shaped, or spiral-shaped. They can be aerobic or anaerobic, or facultative anaerobic.Backyard composting:The on-site process (typically small sc

7、ale) where the biologicaldecompositionof organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings, brush, and food scraps is processed into a soil amendment.Beetle mites:(Acari)Heavily armored fungus- and needle-eaters.Best management practices:The most effective and practicable method of preventing or red

8、ucing the amount of pollution generated by pollution sources. Often abbreviated as BMPs.Bioaerosols:Airborne particles of biological origin including bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts, pollens, andorganic matter.Bioassay:Appraisal of the biological activity of a substance by testing its effect on

9、an organism and comparing the result with some agreed standard.Biodiversity:The variability among living organisms on Earth, including the variability within and between species and within and betweenecosystems.Biofiltration:The harnessing of natural processes forvolatile organic compounds(VOC) and

10、odor control. Example: an air stream is passed through a biofilter containingmicroorganisms, which metabolize the VOCs, turning them into carbon dioxide and water.Bioremediation:The use of plants or microorganisms to clean up contamination and pollution or to solve other environmental problems, and

11、return the environment to its original condition.Biosolids:The nutrient-rich organic byproduct material resulting from the treatment of sewage sludge and wastewater.CAFO:Combined animal feeding operation (CAFO). Animal feeding operations (AFOs) are livestock-raising operations, such as hog, cattle a

12、nd poultry farms, which confine and concentrate animal populations and their wastes. CAFO is the largest category of AFO with greater than 1,000 animal units and is a significant contributor to the pollution of waters in the U.S.Casing layer:A moist layer of peat moss mixed with a small amount of ca

13、lcium carbonate that growers apply overmyceliumto retain moisture and provide a growing surface for mushrooms.Catchment:a) A catching or collecting of water, especially rainwater, b) A structure, such as a basin or reservoir, used for collecting or draining water, c) The amount of water collected in

14、 such structure, d) A catchment area.Cellobiose:Adisaccharideobtained by thehydrolysisofcellulosebycellulase. Formula: C12H22O11Cellulase:Any enzyme that converts cellulose to thedisaccharidecellobiose.Cellulose:The main substance in the cell walls of plants, which is used in making paper, artificia

15、l fibers, and plastics.Chitin, (pronounced ktin):Main component of the cell walls of arthropods, found in the outer skeleton of insects, crabs, and lobsters and in the internal structures of otherinvertebrates.CNMP:Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan is a conservation plan that is unique to anima

16、l feeding operations and which incorporates environmental practices to utilize animal manure and organic by-products as a beneficial resource to ensure that both production and natural resource protection goals are achieved.Co-composting:The process of blendingbiosolidswith manure or other green waste materials to produce compost. Co-compos



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