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1、Listening task,Workbook,Unit 4,Discuss these questions briefly with others in your group.,1). What makes a good talk?,Prepare a talk by listing the things to be talked about. When you present your talk, first tell your audience what youre going to talk about. Then say it. Finally, sum up what youve

2、said.,2). What things should you NOT do when giving a talk?,You should not write down every thing you want to say and read it aloud to your audience.,2. Han Tao has to give a talk to his English class. He knows what he wants to say but he doesnt know the best way to present his talk. His neighbor, M

3、rs Jones, is giving him some advice. Listen and answer these questions.,1).What is Han Tao talk going to be about?,His talk is about stamp collecting as a hobby.,2). What has Han Tao done so far to prepare his talk?,He has made a list of the things he wants to talk about.,3. Taking notes.,Say what y

4、ou are going to talk about, say it and then summarize what you said. Write topics on the board. Use visuals if possible Hand out examples after the speech so audience are not distracted.,Dont read your speech. Make eye contact with the audience and use a conversational tone. Make notes to remind you

5、 of what to say.,Listening text,HOW TO PRESENT S TALK,Han Tao (H) has to give a talk to his English class. He knows what he wants to talk about, but he doesnt know the best way to present his talk. His neighbor, Mrs Jones (J), is giving him some advice.,J: Hi, Han Tao. Why arent you outside in the s

6、un?,B: Oh, hi, Mrs Jones. I cant. I hope to prepare a talk for school and Im stuck.,J: Oh, whats the problem?,H: Well, Ive made a list of the things I want to talk about. But I dont know how to start my talk.,J: Mmm. Let me have a look at your plan Hey, that looks good.,B: Thanks.,J: You know, the b

7、est advice I ever got about giving a talk was from my father. He said: “First, tell them what youre going to talk about. Then say it. And finally, tell them what youve said.”,H: Um. Im not sure I understand.,J: Well, for example, you could start your talk with something like:“ Good morning, everyone

8、. Today I want to tell you about my hobby, which is stamp collecting. First Im going to tell you how I got started and how my collection developed. And then I want to tell,you why I think stamp collecting is a great hobby.”,H: Oh, I see. Im really just telling them a summary of what I wrote on my pl

9、an.,J: Thats right. Its like a preview to prepare them to listen. You could even write your three topics on the board if you wanted. That,way, the listeners not only hear, but also SEE what youre going to talk about. H: Good idea.,J: In fact, you should try to use visuals throughout your talk. You c

10、ould show them some of your stamps, for example.,H: Yeah, and I could even hand out some of the stamp books around,the class. My teacher says that some people learn better when they can touch things or do something.,J: Great idea. But they might get so interested in looking that they forget to liste

11、n. I suggest you hand them out after the talk.,H: Yeah. Right. So, now I need to write down exactly what Im going to say.,J: Mmm. Thats not really such a good idea.,H: Why not? J: If you write out your speech, itll sound like as though youre reading,it out. You need to make eye contact with your aud

12、ience and speak directly to them in a conversational tone.,H: But I might forget what I want to say.,J: Not if you make notes. Here, Ill show you,Now its your turn to prepare a two-minute talk abut something your are interested in. It could be a hobby or sport, a book or film, a career you hope to f

13、ollow when you leave school or a country you know a lot about.,Talking,Decide on the subject for your talk and then brainstorm possible topics. 2. Read through your notes and choose three or four topics to talk about. 3. Decide in what order you want to talk about them and write headings on a sheet

14、of paper.,4. Under each heading write any key words that will help you remember what you are going to talk about. Use Han Taos notes on the previous page as a model.,5. Read through the list of rules for giving a talk that students in your class made in the listening section. Think about how you can

15、 put the rules into practice.,6. Practice your talk with a partner. Listen to each others talk and offer advice for improving it. 7. Give your talk to a group of your classmates. Ask your group to tell you what you did well in your talk and what you need to improve for the next time.,Use the visual

16、cues to guess the words.,r_,c_,ainbow,assette,Using words & Expressions,c_,a_,m_,ab,lbum,essy,Unscramble the letters on page 76 to make words and then write some sentences using the words.,centigrade currency seminar resemble tiresome,6. assess 7. consult 8. oral 9. concrete 10. component,3. Answers.,shabby,2. caption,3. beneath,4. preview,5. competent,4. Answers.,Across: 1. ballet 4. bent 5. adopt 6. visual 9. cuisine



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