核按钮高考英语一轮复习 unit 5 inside advertising考点突破课件 新人教版选修9

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1、选修九 Unit 5 Inside advertising,1. 课前自测 2. 课堂学案,课前自测,Key:1. dishonest; honest; honesty 2. immoral; moral; morality 3. consumer; consume; consumption 4. appoint; appointment; appointed 5. advertise; advertisement; advertiser 6. promote; promotion; promoter,Key:7. invitation; invite; inviting 8. associa

2、te; association; associated 9. worthy; worth; worthless; worthwhile 10. inform; information; informative; informed,Key:1. turn us into 2. being controlled 3. 识别你的目标 4. displaying 5. fit into 6. appeal to 7. rely on 8. 产生情感反应 9. 不需要;厌恶 10. 防止广告商宣传不道德行为,Key:1. Having identified 2. to make and to show

3、3. advertising products 4. being constantly exposed to 5. it is their duty,Key:1. attached 2. filling 3. being cotrolled 4. to 5. Unfortunately 6. dishonest 7. though/if 8. consumer 9. for 10. it,阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。,Every day, we come across various ads. Even some of the casual garm

4、ents we wear have brand names _1_ (attach) to them. With so many messages from advertisers _2_ (fill) our lives, its important to know how to avoid _3_ (control) by them. In order to persuade people to do something, ads often appeal _4_ our hopes and dreams or our emotions. _5_ (fortunate), not all

5、advertisers are honest. Unless we have ways to protect ourselves, these _6_ (honest) advertisers will use methods that may mislead us. Even _7_ there are laws and advertisers codes of conduct, some bad ads do get made. This is why many countries have a government organization which examines complain

6、ts about ads. A _8_ (consume) can complain to the organization, giving reasons for their complaint. You may have heard the saying: “Buyer Beware.” This means that the consumer is responsible _9_ checking the product before buying. When _10_ comes to advertising, consumers need to be educated about t

7、echniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves.,课堂学案,1. feature n. 特征;特色;容貌;特写;故事片 vt. 以为特色;由主演;特写,1. (2013上海卷) The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a persons face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. 第一步似乎是对一个人的面

8、部容貌进行特征分析,这就类似于我们扫描杂货上的条形码。 2. The magazine will be running a special feature on environment next week. 该杂志下周将发表一篇关于环境的专题文章。 3. Family affection seems to feature heavily in all of his books. 亲情似乎是他所有作品中的主要特色。,【词块助记】,common feature 共同特征 physical features 体格特征;物理性质 feature film 故事片;正片 feature in 在中起重要

9、作用;在中占重要地位,1. (2013江苏卷改编) One of the _ (feature) of Jurassic oceans was an abundance of large sharks and crocodiles, both of _ were fond of ichthyosaur(鱼龙)lunches. 2. (2013山东卷改编) The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a _ (vary) of stars. Key:1. featu

10、res; which 2. variety,2. budget n. 预算;经费 vt. & vi. 编制预算;节省开支,1. If you can cut out all of that advertising budget, then you can sell the product for much cheaper. 如果你把广告预算都去掉,产品就可以卖得便宜地多。 2. (2013浙江卷)If you put things off at the last minute, you might find that you havent budgeted enough minutes to

11、finish the necessary tasks. 如果你把事情拖到最后一刻,你会发现你根本没办法安排足够的时间去完成必要的任务。,balance the budget 平衡预算 family/annual budget 家庭/年度预算 be on a tight budget 紧张的预算;拮据 budget ones time 安排时间 budget for sth. 为计划开支,【词块助记】,1. They have budgeted for their time carefully. 2. Im learning how _ (budget) Key:1.去掉for 2. to bu

12、dget,3. promote vt. 促进;提升;促销;提拔,1. (2014辽宁卷) Vitamins C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health. 维C和维E有助于保护视力和促进眼部健康。 2. (2014天津卷) Sweetie, my company wants to promote me but needs me to work in Brazil. 亲爱的,我的公司想要提拔我,但是需要我在巴西工作。 3. The airport to be completed next year will help promote t

13、ourism in this area. 明年竣工的机场将带动该地区的旅游业。,promote economic and cultural exchanges 促进经济文化交流 promote world peace 促进世界和平 promote awareness of environmental issues 提高环保意识 get promoted 得到提拔 promote sb. to/as 提拔/擢升某人为某职务,【词块助记】,【构词】promotion n提升;晋升;促销;促进;发扬,1. While waiting for the opportunity to get promot

14、e, Henry did his best to perform his duty. 2. Last year, their company spent a lot of money _ advertising and promotion. Key:1. promote改为promoted 2. on,【词块助记】,4. expense n. 价钱;费用;代价,1. Her airfare and hotel expenses were paid by the committee. 她乘飞机和住酒店的费用由该委员会承担。 2. Advertisers go to a lot of troubl

15、e and expense to make adverts and so they want to make sure they achieve their purpose. 广告商在广告上花了不少精力和财力,因此,他们要确保能达到他们的目的。,at ones expense 由某人付费或承担费用 at any expense spare no expense 不惜成本;不惜一切代价 at the expense of 以为代价 cut down on expenses 削减开支 free of expense 免费 go to the expense of 在某事上花钱,1. He fini

16、shed the job in the expense of his health. 2. Should new teachers continue to _ (train) for two years at public expense? Key:1. in改为at 2. be trained,【词块助记】,5. ban vt. 取缔;禁止 n. 禁止;禁令,1. She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drug test. 她在药检中被查出服用禁用药物而被禁赛两年。 2. The ban against foreign books has been withdrawn in that country. 国家对外国书籍的禁令已经解除。 3. There is to be a total ban on smoki


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