2019年春七年级英语下册 module 1 lost and found unit 1 whose bag is this同步课件 (新版)外研版

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1、,Module 1 Lost and found,知识点一 first of all 教材原文 First of all,come and look in the lost and found box!首先,过来 看看失物招领箱吧! first of all是固定搭配,意为“首先;第一”。例如: First of all, let me tell you a piece of good news. 首先,让我告诉你一则好消息吧。,例 (2016云南中考)We will spend the coming week together. So , lets know each others name

2、s. A.in the end B.all the time C.first of all D.as a result 解析 in the end最后,终于;all the time一直,总是;first of all首先,第一;as a result因此,结果。故first of all符合题意。 答案 C,知识点二 whose引导的特殊疑问句 教材原文 Whose bag is this?这是谁的书包? Oh sorry! Its mine.哦,对不起!它是我的。 问句是whose引导的特殊疑问句,whose意为“谁的”,该句的结构是 “Whose+物品+is this?”,答语要用“It

3、s+名词性物主代词或名词所有 格形式”。例如: Whose wallet is this? 这是谁的钱包? Its Jacks.它是杰克的。,例 (2018广西南宁四十九中第二次月考) model train is this? I think its Janes. Look, her name is on it. A.Where B.Who C.What D.Whose 解析 本题考查特殊疑问词的用法。根据答语中的“我觉得它是简 的”可推断,问句的含义是“这是谁的火车模型”,表示“谁的”要用 whose,故答案为D。 答案 D,知识点三 I think+宾语从句的句式结构 教材原文 I thi

4、nk its Bettys.我觉得它是贝蒂的。 本句是“I think+宾语从句”的句式结构,其中its Bettys是宾语从句, 其前省略了引导词that。例如: I think it is a good plan. 我觉得这是一个好计划。 注意,I think the bag is Lilys. 我觉得那个包是莉莉的。 I dont think the bag is Lilys. 我觉得那个包不是莉莉的。 例 I think his idea is good. (改为否定句) I his idea good. 解析 本题考查宾语从句的“否定转移”。 答案 dont think;is,知识点

5、四 careful的用法及搭配 教材原文 Everyone,please be careful with your things from now on.从现 在开始,请每个人小心保管自己的物品。 careful作形容词,意为“仔细的;细致的;小心的”。它是由care加形容词 后缀-ful构成的派生词。 搭配 be careful with.小心(对待) My mother often asks me to be careful with my school things. 我妈妈经常 要我小心保管我的学习用品。,拓展 care的派生词小结:,例 (2018天津和平区期中)根据汉语完成句子 你

6、乘坐公共汽车时要小心你的包。 Be your bag when you take a bus. 解析 本题考查be careful with的固定搭配。 答案 careful with,例 根据汉语完成句子 从现在开始我们要尽量做得更好。 , we will try to do better. 解析 本题考查from now on。,知识点五 from now on的用法 from now on意为“从现在开始”。例如: You should study hard from now on.从现在开始,你应该努力学习。,答案 From now on,.根据句意和图片提示写出所缺的单词 1.I h

7、ave got some . 2.Is this your , Lily? Yes, it is.,3.My mother has a pair of . 4.Whose is this? Its my brothers. 5.Is this your ? No, it isnt. Its Marys.,答案 1.crayons 2.eraser 3.gloves 4.wallet 5.watch,.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词 1.My favourite colour is (紫色). 2.(2017山东青岛中考)Her ways of solving problems are dif

8、ferent from (我的). 3. (2017广西南宁十八中三月月考)She likes listening to English (录音带)every day. 4.I cant (找到)my bag. Where is it? Its on your bed. 5.(2018广西桂林一中期中)Dont (丢失)the key. We have only one. 6.Be (小心的)when you cross the road.,7.(2018山东青岛中考) (谁的) baseball is this? It belongs to Tony. 8.(2018天津和平区期中)I us

9、ually wear my (手套)when it is cold.,答案 1.purple 2.mine 3.tapes 4.find 5.lose 6.careful 7.Whose 8.gloves,.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.My gloves (be)red. They look beautiful. 2.My bag is on the table. What about yours? (my)is on the sofa. 3.I (lose)my keys on my way home yesterday. 4.She (find)a ball under the ch

10、air and gave it to her brother. 5.(2018吉林长春中考)Doing homework (careful)is a good habit and it helps a lot.,答案 1.are 2.Mine 3.lost 4.found 5.carefully,.单项选择 1.Whats on the table? There is eraser. eraser is my sisters. A.a;An B.an;An C.a;The D.an;The,答案 D 句意:桌子上有什么?有一块橡皮。那个橡皮是我 妹妹的。eraser前的不定冠词要用an,先排除

11、A和C;根据句意可推断,第 二空要用定冠词the表特指,故答案为D。,2.Here my gloves. Would you like to try them on? A.is B.are C.have D.has 答案 B 本题考查“Here+be+名词主语”结构的用法,主语是my gloves,故所缺的be动词是are。,3.Whats your favourite ? Purple. A.animal B.game C.colour D.food 答案 C 根据答语“紫色”可推断,问句问的是“你最喜欢的颜色是 什么”,故所缺的词是colour。,4.(2018安徽合肥瑶海区期末)Whos

12、e bike is this? Oh, its . My uncle gave it to me as a birthday gift yesterday. A.yours B.his C.mine D.theirs 答案 C 本题考查名词性物主代词的用法。根据答语中的“我叔叔 昨天送给我当生日礼物的”可推断,那是“我的”自行车,故所缺的词 是mine。,5.(2018天津宁河区第一次联考) book is that? It is . A.Whos;Tom B.Whos;Toms C.Whose;Toms D.Whose;Tom 答案 C 问句的含义是“那本书是谁的”,表示“谁的”要用whos

13、e, 先排除A和B;答语的含义是“它是汤姆的”,表示“汤姆的”要用名词 性物主代词,故答案为C。,6. (2017重庆涪陵区期末)Its bad that many people their lives in traffic accidents every year. A.lose B.obey C.take D.have 答案 A lose失去;obey遵守;take拿走;have拥有。根据语境“每年都 有许多人在交通事故中失去生命”可知用lose。,7.I cant find my pencil case. My mother asks me to be my things. A.angr

14、y with B.interested in C.careful with D.busy with 答案 C be angry with生的气; be interested in对感兴趣; be careful with小心对待;be busy with忙于。根据语境“我找不到 我的铅笔盒了,我妈妈要我小心保管我的物品”可知选C。,.从方框中选出合适的词,并用其适当形式填空 she whose purple lose care 1.Tony, is this your bag? No, its not mine. Let me ask Lingling; maybe its . 2. pen

15、is this? Its my pen. I am looking for it. 3.What colour are Marys shoes? Her shoes are . 4.Where is Mr Smith? He is talking to a boy at the and found office.,5.Your mother asked you to be with your things.,答案 1.hers 2.Whose 3.purple 4.lost 5.careful,.单项选择 1.(2015福建龙岩中考)Can I help you? Yes. Id like to buy eraser. A.a B.an C.the 答案 B 由题意可知,“我想买一块橡皮”,表示“一块橡皮”要用an eraser,故答案为B。,2.(2016广西南宁八中3月月考) eraser is this? Its my sisters. A.Who B.What C.Whose D.When 答案 C 结合答语“它是我姐姐的”可推断,问句问的是“这是谁的 橡皮”,故所缺的特殊疑问词是whose。,3.(2017天津中考)Is this computer? Yes, its



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