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1、Unit:11)To use the machine, first insert the correct coins, then select (挑选) the drink you want and press the button.2)Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also on occasion from the Polish.3)Food chemists will investigate the health food (保健食品) on sale to see if it really does giv

2、e the benefits claimed.4) In retrospect, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing (数据处理) center in this city.5) My initial reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.6) A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety o

3、f natural phenomena7) Make sure the label is firmly attached to the parcel before you mail it. 8) My boyfriend bought me dinner to make up for being late the day before. 9)The committee is awaiting a decision from the head office before it takes any action. 10)The little girl did not seem to be in t

4、he least frightened of being left by herself in the hous 11)The WTO is intended to promote trade among its member states. 12)When the moon emerged from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance. Unit2 1)Prof. Williams says that my composition is good except for the ending which se

5、ems too abrupt2)Suffering from insomnia(失眠)for several days, Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more emotional than physical. 3)The organizer of the charity concert said, I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will bless those who have given so generously for the p

6、oor and needy.4)The insurance policy does not cover damage to the goods caused by normal wear and tear. 5)The old economic beliefs are widely regarded as too dated to be useful in solving the problems now emerging in our economy. 6)You are free to say what do you think, but as a responsible individu

7、al you should also be prepared to face the consequences of what you say. 7)Prices are going down. However this seemingly welcome change may bring about other problems in the economy. 8)Johns view on the train crash stands in contrast to those of almost all of his colleagues. 9)Curiosity is the most

8、powerful driving force in ones pursuit of knowledge. 10)After teaching ragde school for a year or so, she felt a genuine love for the pupils.11)Donations from alumni(校友) are an important source of the universitys income. But research funds come primarily from the government. 12)Should judges conside

9、r popular sentiments before deciding cases?Unit 3 1)The view that you should never spend more than you earn is fairly typical of people of their generation. 2)The artists stood before the paintings almost dumb with astonishment at their beauty. 3)In 1963,after his junior year in high school, Clinton

10、 was elected into a government study program for young people in Washington,D.C. 4)William Byrd composed many pieces of music, but his Latin church music is considered his most glorious work. 5)Governments establish welfare systems to provide a safety net to prevent people from suffering the effects

11、 of poverty. 6)You quit that respectable, well-paid job for this unpromising one? What came over you? 7)Many animals face extinction(灭绝) as the result of human interference. 8)Her hope of her husbands return is fading as years go by. 9)Having worked for three years, Roger decided to enroll on an MBA

12、 program and narrowed down his choice to three famous universities on the East Coast. 10)A frank reply is much more appreciated than beating about the bush(转弯抹角). 11)Harold is always coming up with these dumb schemes for making money that just get us into trouble. 12)Call me, write to me; at any rat

13、e, lets keep in touch.Unit 4 1)He would have preferred his wife not to work, but conversely he was also proud of what she did. 2)Things are much cheaper here than in New York, but then, our average salary is much smaller.3)His forgetfulness may be a symptom of brain trouble. 4)The small boy started

14、spitting up blood and his mother panicked(惊慌失措). 5)These laws are intended to prevent government officials from abusing their power. 6)“Go to the bathroom and wash your hands,”the nurse told the children in a commanding tone. 7)Mary, a Harvard Law School graduate, was a very capable lawyer and our f

15、irm took her in as a partner. 8)The article is interesting, but it needs some editing before it can be published. 9)To my knowledge, they have arranged to meet next Friday morning in the managers office. 10)When we say that we see light at the end of the tunnel, we mean that victory is In sight. 11)He promised to repay me in three days .But the days stretched into months and I never got a cent


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