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1、Reading Special English,Engineering Collage, Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University Hu jun,Fundamentals of Mechanical Design,1.The Meaning of Design 2. Mechanical Engineering Design 3.The Phases of Design,What is the design ?,Design :To design is to formulate a plan for the satisfacti

2、on of human need.,设计:设计就是为满足人的需求而形成的计划。 这是广义设计的概念。,In the beginning the particular need to be satisfied may be quite well-defined Here are two examples of well-defined needs,1. How can we obtain large quantities of power cleanly,safely,and economically without using fossil fuels and without damaging

3、 the surface of the earth? 2 This gearshaft is giving trouble;there have been eight failures in the last six weeksDo something about it,起初,要满足的特定需求是很明确的。这里是两个很明确的需求的例子。 1.怎样在不用化石燃料和不损坏地球表面的情况下,可以清洁、安全、经济地得到大量的动力。 2.齿轮轴出现了问题,最近六周有八个故障。在这方面做些工作。,On the other hand,the particular need to be satisfied ma

4、y be so nebulous and ill-defined that a considerable amount of thought and effort is necessary in order to state it clearly as a problem requiring a solution Here are two examples,另一方面,欲满足的特定需求是模糊的和错误定义的,当这些问题需要解决时,为清晰地定义它需要付出大量的思考和努力。这里有两个例子。,长句分析,整句是sothat结构。不定式结构的被动形式to be satisfied作后置定语,修饰主语the

5、particular need; that从句中又有表目的短语in order to。as引导表时间的短语作状语。,1 Lots of people are killed in airplane accidents 2 In big cities,there are too many automobiles on the streets and highways,1许多人在空难中遇难。 2在大城市的街道和高速公路上,汽车的数量太多。,This second type of design situation is characterized by the fact that neither th

6、e need nor the problem to be solved has been identified Note,too,that the situation may contain many problems.,既不解决需要也不解决问题是第二类型设计的特点。同时,这种状态可能包含许多问题。,Problem-solving:,A basic kind of thinking that has received much study by psychologist and other students of behaviour. 问题求解:主要为心理学家和其他行为学专家所研究的一种基本思

7、维方法。 在设计哲学中,常常把设计定义为问题求解过程或决策过程(decision-making process)。,This second type of design situation is characterized by the fact that neither the need nor the problem to be solved has been identified. 整句为被动语态。That引导定语从句修饰the fact, 不定式to be solved作后置定语,修饰the problem。,We can classify design too,1 Clothing

8、design 2Interior design 3 Highway design 4Landscape design 5 Building design 6Ship design 7 Bridge design 8Computer-aided design 9 Heating system design 10 Machine design 11 Engineering design 12Process design,1.服装设计 3.公路设计 5.建筑设计 7.桥梁设计 9.供暖系统设计 11.工程设计,2.内部设计 4.景观设计 6.船舶设计 8.计算机辅助设计 10机器设计 12过程设计,

9、我们也可以将设计分类。具体如下:,In fact,there are an endless number since we can classify design according to the particular article or product or according to the professional field,因为我们可以按特定产品或按专业领域来分类,实际上设计的类别是非常多的。,Since引导原因状语从句,article or product为并列成分,而or according to 与前一according to 构成并列成分。,In contrast to sc

10、ientific or mathematical problems,design problems have no unique answers;it is absured,for example,to request the “correct answer” to a design problem,because there is none.,相对于科学或数学问题,设计问题无唯一答案。例如,要得到一个设计问题的正确答案是荒唐的,因为根本没有正确答案。,In fact,a “good” answer today may well turn out to be a “poor” answer t

11、omorrow,if there is a growth of knowledge during the period or if there are other structural or societal changes.,实际上,如果某段期间的知识在增长变化,或存在其它的结构变化或社会变化,今天的“好”的答案,到明天就可能是“坏”的答案。,Almost everyone is involved with design in one way or another,even in daily living,because problems are posed and situations a

12、rise which must be solved Consider the design of a family vacationThere may be seven different places to go,all at different distances from homeThe costs of transportation are different for each,and some of the options require overnight stops on the way,即使在今天,几乎所有的人都被卷人了一种或另外一种方式的设计当中,因为必须解决的问题及其形势已

13、明确提出。,假设设计一个家庭度假活动。可能有距家距离不同的七个地方可以去。去每个地方的交通费用各不相同,有些地方可能要在途中过夜。,The children would like to go to a lake or seashore resort. The wife would prefer to go to a large city with department store shopping,theatres,and nightclubs. The husband prefers a resort with a golf course When these needs and desir

14、es are related to time and money,various solutions may be found,孩子们可能喜欢去湖边或海边,妻子则愿意去有百货商店、剧院和夜间俱乐部的大城市,丈夫更愿意去带有高尔夫球场的胜地。,当这些需要与时间和所需费用有关时,可能会有各种不同的解决方案。,Of these,there may or may not be one or more optimal solutionsBut the solution chosen will include the travel route,the stops,the mode of transport

15、ation,and the names and locations of resorts,motels,camping sites,or other away-from-home facilities It is hard to see that there is really a rather large group of interrelated complex factors involved in arriving at one of the solutions to the vacation design problem,因此,这一问题可能有一个或几个最佳解决方案,也可能一个答案也没

16、有。但所选解决方案应包括旅游路线、经停站点、交通方式、所去之处的名称和地理位置、汽车旅馆、野营地点或者其它的离家必备物品。,很难了解由相互关联的复杂因素构成的这个相当大集合。这些因素与度假设计问题的解决方案有关。,A design is always subject to certain problem-solving constraints. For example,two of the constraints on the vacation design problem are the time and money available for the vacation,一个设计问题往往要受到某些解决问题的限制条件制约。 比如,在度假设计间题中的两个制约条件是度假能用的时间和费用。,Note,too,that there are also constraints on the s



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