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1、Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional inno

2、vation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of sci

3、entific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions scie

4、nce and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology p

5、rojects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, suppor

6、ting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue

7、to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments

8、 in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy

9、 experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and t

10、echnical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development采购经理岗位职责(1人)1




14、完成公司内部其他工作13、完成上级交办的其他任务纸质采购主管工作职责(1人)1 在部门经理的领导下负责本部门的全面工作进度2协助领导组织包装供应商的招标、管理、储备等相关工作3负责本部门人员内部管理工作4、及时了解掌握包装市场行情以及新材料的应用工作,做好市场调研工作,掌握包装及包装原料价格的动态变化,为包装采购做好提前准备工作5与塑料包装采购部门经常沟通对接和清合理的制定采购计划6负责与生产及其他部门部长沟通,做好纸质包装供应工作7、协助领导组织包装供应商的招标、管理、储备等相关工作8负责解决和处理纸质包装在供应中出现的问题并做质量问题并对其进行汇总9了解生产情况,掌握包装的供应情况,并对其

15、进行监督做好纸质包装的供应工作10负责与包装设计部进行对接,及时了解包装更新情况和新工艺改进工作,做好准本确保包装正常供应等11负责监督采购包装的制作情况、库存跟踪情况、生产使用情况、包装的质量和供应工作进行落实。12负责领导交办的其他工作塑料采购主管工作职责(1人)1 在部门经理的领导下负责本部门的全面工作进度2协助领导组织包装供应商的招标、管理、储备等相关工作3负责本部门人员内部管理工作4、及时了解掌握包装市场行情以及新材料的应用工作,做好市场调研工作,掌握包装及包装原料价格的动态变化,为包装采购做好提前准备工作5与纸质包装采购部门经常沟通对接和清合理的制定采购计划6、协助领导组织包装供应



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