《语言学教程》第 2 章 语音学与音位学1

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1、第 1 学期 第 6 讲 第 2 章 语音学与音位学(1) (Speech Sounds / Phonetics & Phonology),2.0 序言 2.1 语音的发出,语言中的层次化(Stratification),2.0 导 论,为什么要研究语音 以及与之相关的各方面 ? 语言的定义:语言是用于人类交流的具有任意性特征的口头符号系统。Language is a system of arbitrary vocal signs used for human communication. 所有的语言都具有三个主要部分: 语音、词汇语法和语义。 这是语言学习、语言教学和语言传播的需要。、,语言

2、学的若干原则(为什么研究语音) 1. 语音是语言最早的,也是主要的,使用范围最广的媒介。 2. 相对于书面语言,口头语言更具有基础性,在语言研究中具有优先地位。 3. 语音的变化和状况制约和反映着语言的方方面面。,本章的基本任务是: 从共时性角度描写语音 A synchronic description of speech sounds in the langue 。所以,本章实质上是描写性语音学。,回顾:1.7.1 语音学 (Phonetics) (P15),Phonetics studies speech sounds, that is, how speech sounds are act

3、ually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc. 语音学研究的是语音,即语音如何发出、传递和感知,以及对语音、词语和连续性口语等的(语音学性质的)描写和分类。,回顾:1.7.2 音位(系)学 (Phonology) (P16),Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of sp

4、eech sounds and the shape of syllable. It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure. 音位学研究的是那些支配语音的结构、语音的分布和语音的排列,以及音节的形式的规则。音位学以音位为起点来研究语言的语音系统。,音位学的定义 Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of languages. It aims to “discover the

5、 principles that govern the way sounds are organized in languages, and to explain the variations that occur.” (Crystal, 1997: 162) 音位学研究的是语言的语音模式和语音系统,致力于发现支配语言中的语音组织的规律,并解释音位变异现象。,从具体语言的专语音位学到普通音位学,In this chapter, we will introduce and discuss some of the basic ideas of articulatory phonetics and

6、phonological analysis.,在本章,我们将 介绍和讨论有关发音 语音学和音位分析的 若干基本概念。,2.1 语音的发出 How Speech Sounds Are Made ?,2.1.1 发音器官 发音器官的定义 Speech organs, also known as Vocal Organs, are those parts of the human body in the production of speech.,发音器官的文字讲解,发音器官及其活动决定语音的产生和区别。 发音器官分为三大部分:动力区、声源区、发音区 1. 动力区:肺 、气管 来自肺部的气流是语音的

7、动力。由肺部呼出的气流携带着语音,通过细支气管、支气管和气管,到达喉腔。 2. 声源区:声带 声带位于喉腔的中间,是两片富有弹性的带状薄膜。两片声带之间的空隙叫声门。声带放松或收紧,使声门打开或关闭。从肺部出来的气流通过声门时发生不同强度的振动,从而发出不同的声音。通过控制声带松紧的变化,可以发出高低不同的声音。,喉腔上通咽腔,下接气管,是呼吸和发音的重要器官。它位于颈前正中部,在成人相当于第36颈椎部,是由一组软骨、韧带、喉肌及粘膜构成的锥形管状器官。 3. 发音区:咽腔、口腔、鼻腔、 咽腔:位于口腔后部,是上通口腔和鼻腔,下接喉腔的管形腔体;咽腔,是消化道与呼吸道即声道的共同通道。 口腔和

8、鼻腔靠软腭和小舌分开。,SPEECH ORGANS, also knows as VOCAL ORGANS, are those parts of the human body involved in the production of speech. It is striking to see how much of the human body is involved in the production of speech: the lungs, the trachea (or windpipe), the throat, the nose, and the mouth., 语音器官,也叫

9、发音器官,是指人体中参与发音的那些器官组织。 人体中参与发音的器官有:肺、气管、咽喉、鼻和口。,The pharynx, mouth, and nose form the three cavities of the VOCAL TRACT. Speech sounds are produced with an AIRSTREAM as their sources of energy. In most circumstances, the airstream comes from the lungs. It is forced out of the lungs and then passes t

10、hrough the bronchioles and bronchi, a, 咽、口和鼻构成声道的三个腔体。 人们发音时会有气流;气流是发音的能量来源。在大多数情况下,气流来自于肺部。气流从肺部压出来,然后经过一组被称为细支气管和支气管的分叉式管道进入气管。 【见下页】,series of branching tubes, into the trachea. Then the air is modified at various points in various ways in the larynx, and in the oral and nasal cavities: the mouth

11、 and the nose are often referred to, respectively, as the ORAL CAVITY and the NASAL CAVITY.,【接上页】 然后气 流在喉腔、口腔和鼻 腔的不同位置以不同 的方式得到调整;口 和鼻通常被称作是口 腔和鼻腔。,Inside the oral cavity, we need to distinguish the tongue and various parts of the palate, while inside the throat, we have to distinguish the upper par

12、t, called PHARYNX, from the lower part, known as LARYNX. The larynx opens into a muscular tube, the pharynx, part of which can be seen in a mirror.,在口腔的内部,我们需要分清楚舌和上颚的不同部分,而在咽喉的内部,我们需要分清楚它的上部分和下部分,分别叫做咽和喉。咽是位于喉的上部的一个开放式的肌肉管道,人们从镜子里可以看到咽的一部分。【见下页】, The upper part of the pharynx connects to the oral a

13、nd nasal cavities. The contents of the mouth are very important for speech production. Starting from the front, the upper part of the mouth including the upper lip, the upper teeth, the alveolar ridge, the hard palate, the soft palate (or the velum),【接上页】 咽的上 部连接着口腔和鼻腔。 口腔内部的器官对 于发音至关重要。 从前向后,口腔的上 部

14、依次包括:上唇、 上齿、齿龈隆骨、硬 腭、软腭和小舌。 【见下页】,and the uvula. The soft palate can be lowered to allow air to pass through the nasal cavity. When the oral cavity is at the same time blocked, a NASAL sound is produced. The bottom part of the mouth contains the lower lip, the low teeth, the tongue,【接上页】 软腭可以 下垂,使气流

15、通过鼻 腔。 如果同时在口腔 中发生堵塞,那么发出 的音就是鼻音。 口腔的下部包括下 唇、下齿,舌和下颚。 【见下页】,and the mandible (i.e. the low jaw). In phonetics, the tongue is divided into five parts: the tip, the blade, the front, the back and the root. In phonology, the corresponding sounds made with these parts of the tongue are often referred to

16、 as CORONAL (tip and blade), DORSAL (front and back) and RADICAL (root).,【接上页】 在语音学 中,舌分成五个部分:舌 尖、舌叶、舌前、舌后和 舌根。在音位学中,依 据舌的不同部分所发的音 分别叫做:舌冠音(依据 舌尖和舌叶发出的音), 舌面音(依据舌前和舌后 发出的音)和舌根音(依 据舌根发出的音)。,At the top of the trachea is the larynx, the front of which is protruding in males and known as the “Adams Apple”. The larynx contains the VOCAL FOLDS, also known as “vocal cords” or “vocal bands”. The vocal folds are a pair of structure that lies horizon


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