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1、八年级(上)英语堂上过关卷-M8班别:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_M8 U1I.Listen and fill1. What did Lingling show Sally?She showed her _.2. Where is the National Museum of China?_is the National Museum of China.3. Where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?_ the Great Hall of the People _ the Museum.4. What is Linglings favourite?_ is he

2、r favourite.5. Where can Sally do some shopping?The best place is _.II. 请在M8 U1里找出以下短语或句型:1.在左/右边_ 2.在A和B之间_3. (平面上)走过_ 4. (空间上)穿过_5. 一直往前走_ 6. 转左/右_7.在的拐角处_ 8. 在中间_9. 有点_ 10. 与紧挨着_III. 完成句子:1、向左拐,你就会看到一个大教堂。_ and you will see a big church.2、当你过了桥后,请给我打个电话。Please call me after you _ the bridge.3、那个超

3、市在银行右边。我先去取钱,然后再去买东西。The supermarket is _ the bank. I will get money first and then do some shopping .4、看! 在那拐角处有一个银行.Look! There is bank _.5、看!餐厅中间有个大桌子。Look! There is a big table _ the restaurant.6. 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗? M8 U2I. 阅读M8 U2,并完成以下阅读理解:( ) 1. Where do the travelers start? A. in the north of Lon

4、don B. in the west of London C. in the south of London D. in the middle of London( )2. Which is the best way to see London if you are tired?A. by bus B. by car C. by bike D. by boat( ) 3. What is the old fruit and vegetable market for now?A.It is used for selling fruit and vegetable.B.It is used for

5、 selling fruit only.C.It is used for selling vegetable onlyD.It is used for stores and restaurants and musicians( ) 4. Where will you get if you turn left into Kings Street, and go past the church? A. get to the market B. get to the tower of London C. get to the Big Ben D. get to the square( ) 5.Cho

6、ose the best title of the passage. A. A short tour of London B. Welcome to the Buckingham Palace C. Where is the River Thames D. Welcome to the London Eye II. 请在M8 U2里找出以下短语:新课标第一网1.上(车船) 2. 下(车船) 3. 向某人展示某物 4. 在和之间 5做最好的方式 6. 在中间_7. 到达某地 8. 欢迎到 III. 完成句子:1. 所有的乘客都将在这下车。All the passengers will _ her

7、e.2. 船在那儿,我们快上船吧。The boat is over there. Lets _ the boat quickly.3. 在我们学校师生间关系很好.In our school, the relationship _ is so nice.4. 提高你的英语口语的最好方法就是多练习._ improve your oral English is to practice more.5、当你过马路时请注意交通灯。Please look out for traffic lights when you _ the road.6. 当你沿着河走, 超市就在你的右边As you_ the river, the supermarket_



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