j1 面签可能的问题及答案

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《j1 面签可能的问题及答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《j1 面签可能的问题及答案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、J1面签原则:Effective and brief整个签证的核心是一个基础和两条主线: 基础:专业.这是你来签证的根本原因.记住,你是去美国读专业,不是为了其他目的. 主线一:从中国到美国.这是你签证的直接原因,必须有合理的解释. 主线二:从美国回到中国(最重要).这是visa officer(VO)考察的核心,即移民倾向. 签证过程中,签证官考察的问题又分为核心问题和常规问题。签证者只这要在核心问题上牢牢扣住一个基础两条主线,说服签证官你能回国,常规问题上不令签证官反感,签证就能过!一、专业问题 1. Why do you want to study in USA? For a colle

2、ge student of design arts concerned,a lot of the leading schools are in the US, especially in the west coast.对于一个学设计的大学生而言,美国有很多顶尖的学校,尤其是西岸。2. What is your major? Design arts, in China as a developing country, the major has a great prosperity of course.我学艺术设计,这个专业在中国这样一个发展中国家,很有发展前景。3. In what aspec

3、t of your major will you study? In this summer program, I will study for technical skills of design and how to run a design company.通过暑期这个项目,我将学到设计的技法和一些设计公司的经营方式。二、选校问题 1. How do you know this University.? My teacher in Zhejiang University City college introduce me the university是我们大学的老师推荐的。2. Why

4、do you choose this University.?Our college have a cooperation relationship with PSU. 我们学校和波特兰州立大学已有合作关系。3. Why do you like your major? In China as a developing country, the major has a great prosperity. 这个专业在中国这样一个发展中国家,很有发展前景。4. Why do you choose US but not Euro?US is my first choice. Maybe for nex

5、t summer, I will go Euro.美国是我的首选,或许明年夏天,我会去欧洲。三、资金与去向问题 1、Who will pay for you the trip? My parents, of course.2、What is your plan? Here is my program calendar.这个是我们的项目行程安排。All the original papers and agreements of the progeam are keep in our teachers to avoid loosing, he is standing there. I will a

6、sk him to show you if that is necessary.为了以防丢失,所有和项目有关的协议原件均由我们老师保管,他站在那里,如果您需要的话,我请他过来递交给您审阅。3、Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?First, I need to go back to continue my study in China.Second, it is easier for a design student to get a job here.Third, my family is in China, I mu

7、st go back.其他问题 1、Have you any work experience? Im a college student by now, so Im just have the experience of part-time job.我还是一个大学生,我只有兼职的经历。2、What if I dont give you the visa? I just want to open my eyes in the major of the study, and enrich my experience during the college time. Of course US is

8、my first choice due to the cooperation relationship between PSU and our college. Maybe I will try for europe alternatively :lt:n.tivli我是想通过这个项目,去开拓我的眼界,丰富我大学时代的经历。美国是我的首选主要原因是我们学校和波特兰州立大学有合作3、What will you study in the United States?I will study for technical skills of design and how to run a design

9、 company. Of course to improve my English as well.我将学到设计的技法和一些设计公司的经营方式,当然我的英语必定有所提高。4、When/ where did you get your Bachelors Degree?何时拿到学士学位?此项依据个人情况回答。5、Are you going to study in USA?Of ouurse, for this program. After graduation, I havent set up mind by now.对于这个项目,我是去美国学习。至于毕业之后,我现在还没决定。6、How long

10、 will you study in USA?We will departure on July 20, the program will start on July 21. We will back to China on Aug.12 of the pacific time. Here is the calendar(行程表).我们将在7月20日离境,交流项目将在21日展开。我们当地时间8月12日返回。这里是我们的行程表(递上PSU为我们准备的行程表)。Ps: 记清楚行程,哪天到、哪天离开、在哪里、交通工具是什么行程Itinerary1.7月20日 上海洛杉矶(转机)波特兰 (太平洋时间7

11、.20同天抵达)We will departure on July 20 in Pudong international airport, and arrived in LA to transfer to Portland.2.7月31日8月1日 西雅图(火车)During the July 31 to Aug.1st, our team will visit University of Washington in Seattle.3.8月5日8月12日 洛杉矶(北京时间8.13抵达上海浦东)We will departure from LA to back to China on Aug.127、What is your purpose for the visa?Im participate the program organizated by our college to study for technical skills of design and enrich my experience.拿到签证后,我将可以参加由我们学校组织的这次项目,学习设计的技能并开拓眼界。



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