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1、现代科学技术概论:医学 An Introduction to Modern Science and Technology:medicine,20世纪医学成就 achievements,化学治疗和抗生素,免疫疗法,内分泌紊乱和激素调节,营养不良、氨基酸、维生素,诊断和治疗,化学治疗和抗生素 chemotherapy and antibiotics,使19世纪末几乎无法治疗的传染病,经过20世纪前50年的努力,情况发生根本的变化,绝大多数传染病得到有效治疗,外科手术后的感染基本得到控制。,奎宁(Quinine),俗称金鸡纳霜,茜草科植物金鸡纳树及其同属植物的树皮中的主要生物碱。,Anopheles

2、 albimanus mosquito feeding on a human arm. This mosquito is a vector of malaria and mosquito control is a very effective way of reducing the incidence of malaria.,传染病防治和控制prevention and control of infectious diseases,body louse,Scanning electron microscope (SEM) depiction of a flea,louse,Flea bites

3、 on the back of a human,In 1940s, A U.S. soldier is demonstrating DDT-hand spraying equipment. DDT was used to control the spread of typhus-carrying lice.,Lindane,hexachlorocyclohexane,Fleming (centre) receiving the Nobel prize from King Gustaf V of Sweden (right), 1945,Penicillin core structure, in

4、 3D. Purple areas are variable groups.,Streptomycin was first isolated on October 19, 1943 by Albert Schatz,Oxytetracycline-3D-balls,20世纪医学成就 achievements,化学治疗和抗生素,免疫疗法,内分泌紊乱和激素调节,营养不良、氨基酸、维生素,诊断和治疗,免疫疗法 immunotherapy,免疫学是20世纪兴起的学科,主要是对人体免疫机制做系统的研究。而免疫疗法则只限于治疗和预防传染病的应用。,被动免疫(注入人体的物质直接同病原体对抗) passive

5、 immunity 自动免疫(借助外物使人体产生战胜疾病的能力) active immunity,Edward Jenner,1802 caricature of Jenner vaccinating patients who feared it would make them sprout cowlike appendages.,Louis Pasteur in his laboratory, painting by A. Edelfeldt in 1885,An apparatus (4-5 cm length, with nine short needles) used for BCG

6、vaccination in Japan, shown with ampules of BCG and saline,Bacillus Calmette-Gurin (or Bacille Calmette-Gurin, BCG),Martinus Beijerinck in his laboratory in 1921,Transmission electron microscope image of a recreated 1918 influenza virus,Peppers infected by mild mottle virus,A typical virus replicati

7、on cycle,Scientist studying the H5N1 influenza virus.,An Egyptian stele thought to represent a polio victim, 18th Dynasty (14031365 BC),A child with a deformity of her right leg due to polio,A man with an atrophied right leg due to poliomyelitis,Shopkeeper expresses a nations gratitude for Dr. Salks

8、 discovery (13 April 1955).,Jonas Edward Salk 1957,A child receiving an oral polio vaccine,Rotavirus Reconstruction,How antigenic shift, or reassortment, can result in novel and highly pathogenic strains of human influenza,The different sites of infection (shown in red) of seasonal H1N1 versus avian

9、 H5N1. This influences their lethality and ability to spread.,2009 flu pandemic,Flu inspection on a flight arriving in China,Flu inspection on a flight arriving in China,Flu inspection on a flight arriving in China,Mexico City Metro,Flu inspection on a flight arriving in China,U.S. President Barack

10、Obama being vaccinated against H1N1 flu on 20 December 2009.,内分泌紊乱和激素调节 Endocrine disorders and hormone,内分泌系统的经典概念是指一群特殊化的细胞组成的内分泌腺(endocrine gland)。它们包括垂体、甲状腺、甲状旁腺、肾上腺、性腺、胰岛、胸腺及松果体等。这些腺体分泌高效能的有机化学物质(激素),经过血液循环而传递化学信息到其靶细胞、靶组织或靶器官,发挥兴奋或抑制作用。激素也称内分泌为第一信使。随着内分泌学研究的进展,对内分泌系统产生了新的认识。,The major endocrine

11、 glands: 1 Pineal gland 2 Pituitary gland 3 Thyroid gland 4 Thymus 5 Adrenal gland 6 Pancreas 7 Ovary (female) 8 Testes (male),Endocrine Alimentary system,Ernest Starling,Sir William Maddock Bayliss,1902年,bayliss和starling,发现促使胰脏分泌“肠促胰液肽”, 根据这种物质的生物活性,命名为激素,其拉丁文hormone,原意为“我激发起活性”。之后人们从各种腺体提取液中发现生理和病

12、理作用。肾上腺素提取液1895,脑下垂体后叶提取液1909,肾上腺皮质激素提取液1929,治疗效果好,Endocrine reproductive system,Endocrine glands in the human head and neck and their hormones,营养不良、氨基酸、维生素 malnutrition, amino acid and vitamin,20世纪人们认识了各种不同食物的营养价值,There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, dietary fibre, miner

13、als, protein, vitamin, and water.,The nutritional information label on a pack of Basmati rice in the United Kingdom,Carbohydrates,Legumes contain healthful dietary fibers.,Common culinary fruits. Bananas, apples, pears, strawberries, oranges, grapes, canary melons, water melon, cantaloupe, pineapple

14、 and mango.,Fresh vegetables are important components of a healthy diet.,vitamin,维生素(vitamin)是人和动物为维持正常的生理功能而必需从食物中获得的一类微量有机物质,在人体生长、代谢、发育过程中发挥着重要的作用。,诊断和治疗 diagnosis and treatment,20世纪人们对疾病的诊断和治疗,有了显著进展。,A normal chest radiograph. Image B: Q fever pneumonia.,x-ray radiography,X-ray computed tomogra

15、phy,A patient is receiving a CT scan for cancer. Outside of the scanning room is an imaging computer that reveals a 3D image of the bodys interior.,Computed tomography of human brain, from base of the skull to top. Taken with intravenous contrast medium.,Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG from the Germ

16、an Elektrokardiogramm,Image showing a patient connected to the 10 electrodes necessary for a 12-lead ECG,Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG from the German Elektrokardiogramm,12 Lead EKG of a 26-year-old male.,Animation of a normal ECG wave.,An EEG recording net (Electrical Geodesics, Inc.1) being used on a participant in a brain wave study,Electroencephalography (EEG),Electroencephalography (EEG),A physician using an endoscope,An example of a flexible endoscope,Diagnostic sonography (ultra


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