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1、跨文化交际主要内容梳理,Cross-cultural Communication,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第一讲 日常谈话中的文化差异1,A.Greetings and Farewells Westerners coming to China always feel surprised to be told that the Chinese people often greet people with 你吃饭了没有?This, of course, is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the people merely nodde

2、d with a smile, waved goodbye and went off. As we all realise that this remark was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying Hello or Hi. If the greeting had been put literally into English Have you eaten yet? Or Have you had your lunch? It would have sounded rather unusual.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第一 日常谈话中的文化差

3、异2,To American the greeting might mean this:“I havent either. Come on, lets go together and get something to eat,” or “if you havent,I was just going to invite you to my place.” In other words, it could indicate an invitation to a meal. When Chinese part, they usually say good-bye, bye-bye. But usua

4、lly in China, its a custom to say请留步,慢走,走好,慢点骑等等。 B.Ways of Address,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第一 日常谈话中的文化差异3,In recent years, the trend of many English-speaking people has been to address others by using the first name tom, Michael, Linda, Jane, etc. Rather than calling the person Mr. Summers, Mrs. Howard or miss

5、 Jones.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第一 日常谈话中的文化差异4,One can infer from the preceding that the Chinese custom of addressing members of ones family relatives or close neighbors as 二哥,三姐,四婶,周大伯should not be carried over into English. Another common Chinese form of address is the use of a persons title, office, or occup

6、ation, such as 黄局长, 林经理, 李校长。But one seldom hers English speakers addressing others as bureau Director Smith, Manager Jackson, Principal Morris.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第一 日常谈话中的文化差异5,C.Compliments and praise American and Chinese have differences in replying to compliments: Americans tend to accept the complime

7、nt while Chinese generally murmur some reply about not being worthy of the praise. D.Miscellaneous Social Amenities Both Chinese and English have expressions for gratitude, apologies, remarks preceding a request; for example, there are 谢谢,对不起,请Thank you, Im sorry, Excuse me. On the whole, they are q

8、uite similar and present no problem. However, even among these, there are certain differences.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第二讲 语言中的文化差异1,.Cultural Connotations of Words: A.Image and culture 形象与文化 狗:dog E-neutral word C-(with derogatory sense)如:走狗/看家狗/赖皮狗/痛打落水狗/狗东西/狗腿子/狗胆包天/狼心狗肺/狗急跳墙/狗血喷头,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第二 语言中的文化差异2,Ge

9、t the dog put on dog love me, love my dog. Let the sleeping dog lie. Every dog has its day. 狮子lion A person felt to be like a lion especially in courage, ferocity, dignity or dominance,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第二 语言中的文化差异3,英国国王查理一世King Richard由于勇敢过人, 因此被称作the Lion-Heart. 英国人以狮子作为自己国家的象征。The British Lion(指英国)a li

10、terary lion(文学界的名人),v.lionize(把某人捧为名人) B)Meaning and Cultural Content词义与文化内涵,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第二 语言中的文化差异4,1)materialism唯心主义(追求物质享受, 物质主义); 2)idealism唯心主义(理想主义);在英语中,idealism作为(“理想主义”解时,他的对立面就是materialism, 前者具有不图私利, 为理想而奋斗的意思, 而后者却具有贪图物质享受、贪图私利的意思。,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第二 语言中的文化差异5,.Unique Things of a Certain Cul

11、ture某种文化所特有的东西 街道妇女street women? 个体户individual household? 全民所有owned by the whole people?,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第三讲 新词语1,1.利用现有的反义词构成新的复合反义词,例如; 原词 新词 Nightmare夜间恶梦 daymare昼夜恶梦 Hot line热线 cold line冷线 Brain drain人才外流 brain gain人才流入,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第三 新词语2,2.仿照原有的同类词创造出其对应的词或近义词,例如; 原词 新词 Green revolution blue revol

12、ution 绿色革命 蓝色革命 White-collar worker gray-collar worker 职员 灰领工人,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第三 新词语3,3.通过词的转义, 形象性地表达某种概念,发人联想,例如; 原义 转义 Apple 苹果 屈从白人的印地安人 Bottom line 结算盈亏的地线 最后结果、要点,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第四 讲 颜色词1,In this chapter, the cultural associations of certain colors will be discussed, with “colorful” phrases and expr

13、essions in both English and Chinese used as illustration.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第四 颜色词2,White 白色所引起的联想有一些是相似的。Purity洁白,纯洁,innocence清白无辜在汉译英时,应注意有“白”字的词语。如; 白菜Chinese cabbage白熊polar bear 白费in vain 白开水boiled water,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第四 颜色词3,Black In both English and Chinese there are various terms indicating that blac

14、k is often associated with negative qualities;blackist, 黑名单: black market, 黑市 black-hearted黑心的 In the black-has a good meaning: running a business profitably.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第四 颜色词4,Blue In English, blue is usually associated with unhappy feelings. In a blue mood; having a blues-a sad gloomy or depress

15、ed mood情绪低沉,抑郁 A blue Monday倒霉的星期一 Blue blood贵族 blue book 蓝皮书,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第五讲 禁忌与委婉语1,Taboos,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第五 禁忌与婉语2,In different cultures, some words or expressions are to be avoided. There are verbal taboos. Peoples of different cultures do not all agree on what are taboos. English and Chinese have

16、certain areas of agreement on taboos. Human excretion Sex and certain parts of the body is taboo in both cultures.,跨文化交际主要内容梳理 第五 禁忌与婉语3,Age, income, marital status, politics and religion etc are considered improper to ask a stranger or a person that one does not know well. Euphemism 1.Pregnant 2.W.C,toilet 3.Go to the toilet 4.Prosti


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