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1、红字人物分析英语论文篇一:毕业论文:红字中海斯特形象分析的开题报告 毕业论文开题报告 英文题目:On the origin of main characters in “The scarlet letter”with 系 别: 人文科学系专 业:班 级: 涉外1221学 号: 学生姓名:薛琪指导教师: 李学辰20XX年2 月 242 3 4 5篇二:红字中文解读赏析红字背后成长的野玫瑰论海斯特的孤独、痛苦、罪红字是美国十九世纪最有影响力的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔?霍桑第一部长篇小说,该小说情节简明,内容深刻,矛盾突出,构思新颖,手法独到,语言生动,心理描写细致入微,使它成为“心理罗曼史”,美国浪





6、取下A字时,珍珠拒绝来到海斯特的身边,而当海斯特重新戴上A字时,珍珠才又回来,这是多么有意思的一幕,明显得暗示了珍珠与A字有着很大的共性。纵使面对生命如此多的痛苦和不公平,海斯特依然坚强。她用自己的隐忍、善良和宽容为自己和珍珠搭建了一个庇护所,最终盼到了上帝的宽恕。霍桑用细腻的手法,探究了人类心灵的最深处,阐述了自己对于罪恶和天意基本的矛盾态度,创造了一个伟大的传奇女性形象,也早就了这本经典的传世之作。Summary of the Scarlet LetterHester Prynne was a kind, smart and beautiful British girl. Pitifull

7、y, she had to marry an old, ugly and hypocritical doctor, Roger Chillingworth, which Hester didnt love at all. This marriage buried Hesters happiness and youth. On the way to the North America, Roger was kidnapped by the Indians, thus, Heater lost touch with her husband and lived in Boston alone. Du

8、ring the lonely and tough “widow” life, Hester fell in love with the local clergyman, Arthur Dimmesdale, which was a prominent and outstanding young man. After their illegitimate daughters birth, Hester and her baby were jailed for the sin of adultery. Although the usual penalty for adultery was dea

9、th, the Puritan judges had decided to be merciful to her, declaring that Hesters punishment would be to stand for several hours on the scaffold platform and to wear a scarlet piece of cloth formed into the letter “A”. Furthermore, she had to wear this letter on her breast for the rest of her life. I

10、n order to protect Arthurs reputation and status, Hester refused to speak out the father of the sin-born infant. She was willing to endure the agony of her lover. Arthur was xxpletely moved by Hesters strong will and generosity. In the assembly, Roger suddenly appeared on the edge of the crowd and r

11、ecognized the woman standing on the scaffold platform was his wife. Later, as a doctor, Roger was brought into the prison andgave Hester and the baby medical care. He took the chance to threatened Hester and didnt allow her to tell anyone their relationship. He had determined to seek out the babys f

12、ather and take revenge on that man.Hesters term of confinement came to end. She lived in a small thatched cottage on the outskirts of the town with her daughter, Pearl. Thanks to the excellent needlework, Hester not only fed herself and Pearl, but also donated the rest of her money to the poorer peo

13、ple. As time went by, Hester gradually gained the public recognition because of being tough and kind. The scarlet “A” had turned to be a symbol of “ability” and “angel”. At the same time, little Pearl grew up and became a lovely and beautiful girl. While as for Roger, he had found out that Arthur wa

14、s his rival. He took pains to get close to Arthur and pretended to make friends with Arthur. On the surface, he treated Arthur, but in fact, he tortured Arthur both physically and mentally. Suffering from great self-condemnation, Arthur began to decline. Once he tried to run away with Hester in sear

15、ch of new life, unfortunately, their plan was spoiled by Roger. Later on, as a result, Arthur finally and xxpletely fell in despair. Afterwards, during s procession, Arthur climbed to the scaffold platform with Hester and Pearl, in a very straightforward manner; he confessed to the crowd that he was

16、 Pearls father. Then he tore away the upper part of ministerial garments,revealing a “red stigma”. Exhausted and crushed, Arthur died. Losing the target of revenge, Roger also lost his hope of life, so he died in the sequent year. Since Roger left a great heritage to Pearl, Hester and Pearl lived a peaceful life and after Hesters death, People buried her w


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