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1、BatchDoc Word文档批量处理工具2017年江苏省扬州市中考英语试卷一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案1(1分)(2017扬州)They stopped in _ beautiful place for camping,near _ farmhouse of the Smiths()Aa,aBthe,aCa,theDthe,the2(1分)(2017扬州)We all like watching the TV programme Readers _ Saturday evening()AinBonCatD

2、for3(1分)(2017扬州)Bryan will not want to have _ to do with horses in the future()AeverythingBsomethingCanythingDnothing4(1分)(2017扬州)All done!Lets swim,Martine!Swimming!I just _get used to it in winter()AcantBshouldntCmustntDneednt5(1分)(2017扬州)_ she couldnt see his face,she could tell by his voice that

3、 he was young()AUnlessBIfCBecauseDThough6(1分)(2017扬州)What are you reading?A book about a baseball playerThis guy was well _for his devotion to charity work()AenjoyedBrespectedCbehavedDexpected7(1分)(2017扬州)_bad news!We didnt win the 15th Sudirman CupIts a pity()AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a8(1分)(2017扬州)MrsW

4、hite is _enough to spend her spare time on our maths problems()AconfidentBcuriousCwiseDgenerous9(1分)(2017扬州)I went from a school desk to a ship in my teens_days would you be at sea?Homesick?()AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow soon10(1分)(2017扬州)My grandpa knows the history and medical _ of many plants(

5、)AwealthBpriceCvalueDcost11(1分)(2017扬州)You have a nice carThank youI _ it for less than one month()AboughtBhave boughtChadDhave had12(1分)(2017扬州)Mom does all the housework so that Sarah can take the time _ her words on paper()AputBputtingCto putDputs13(1分)(2017扬州)What do you think of the sofa?Not ba

6、d,but it may _ too much space of our living room()Atake upBput upCopen upDmake up14(1分)(2017扬州)Excuse me,could you tell me _?Well,theres one on your left()Awhen the bank opensBwhere the bank isChow far is the bankDhow can I get to the bank15(1分)(2017扬州)Only those who have a lot in common can get alo

7、ng well_Opposites sometimes attract()AI hope soBI think soCI dont careDI dont think so二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题15分,计15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案16(15分)(2017扬州)When Charles Lee handed me the small red notebook in 1974,he changed my lifeWhile travelling,you should keep notes on the things you see and do(16)

8、 ,you will forget them some day,he explainedI was staying in his house when travelling in EnglandI took his(17) I wrote in the notebook every day during the homestay and back to universityI recorded weekend trips,my professors and ideas about my life and futureWhen I wrote,I wondered about my(18) an

9、d purposeWho would read this?Was I recording events and ideas just as a reminder to memory,or was there some larger purpose for this(19) exercise?I got a big picture for the taskI was recording events,thoughts,words that were(20) to my lifeI(21) a future me sitting down to read the pagesI wondered w

10、hat it would feel like to read those words laterI filled the notebook Charles gave meI bought a new one and(22) itThen another and anotherRecently,I decided to look through my notebooks in the past 42 yearsCharles had been(23) I remembered the big(24) ,the central happenings,but on each page were de

11、tails I had(25) I hadnt written every day,but I always picked up the(26) when it felt importantI often wrote in them at school(27) my students were writingI wanted to pass on the(28) Charles had given meThese writings formed a continuous(29) between my past,present,and future through events in my li

12、feIt took several long evenings to read through my notebooksAs I read,I suddenly realized they are a gift to the(30) meI am now the person I was writing to throughout those years16ASoBInsteadCMoreoverDOtherwise17AdonationBrewardCadviceDpromise18AlistenersBreadersCstudentsDprofessors19AdailyBweeklyCm


14、ouseClessonDeffort29AproductionBconnectionCinstructionDsituation30AlateBpastCpresentDfuture三、阅读理解(共4小题;每小题6分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案17(6分)(2017扬州)The 9/11 Memorial & Museum honors the 2,983 victims in the terrorist attacks on September 11,200 1and February 26,1993The 9/11 Memorial is also a place to honor t



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