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1、信息与计算科学专业一、培养目标本专业培养具有良好的数学素养,掌握信息科学和计算科学的基本理论和方法,受到科学研究的初步训练,能运用所学的知识和熟练的计算机技能解决实际问题,能在科技、教育和经济部门从事研究、教学和应用开发和管理工作的高级专门人才。I. Cultivation Objectives:This major aims at preparing students to be advanced specialists with good mathematicalaccomplishments and initial training for scientific research who

2、 can master the basic theories and ways of information science and computing science, use their knowledge and skillful techniques to resolve practical problems, and be engaged in researching, teaching, applicationdevelopment and management in science and technology, education and economic sectors.二、

3、培养要求本专业学生主要学习信息科学和计算科学的基本理论、基本知识和基本方法,打好数学基础,受到较扎实的计算机训练,初步具备在信息科学与计算科学领域从事科学研究、解决实际问题及设计开发有关软件的能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1. 具有扎实的数学基础,掌握信息科学和计算科学基本理论和基本知识;2. 能熟练使用计算机(包括常用语言、工具及一些专用软件),具有基本的算法分析、设计能力和较强的编程能力;3. 了解某个应用领域,能运用所学的理论、方法和技能解决某些科研或生产中的实际课题;4. 对信息科学与计算科学理论、技术及应用的新发展有所了解;5. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有一定

4、的科学研究和软件开发能力;6. 能熟练地用英语阅读本专业书刊,并有较强的英语综合能力。II. Cultivation RequirementsStudents of this major are required to master basic theories, knowledge and methods of computer science and information science; to set a solid foundation of mathematics; to receive good computer training and to be capable of doi

5、ng science research, solving practical problems and software development in the field of information science and computer science.Knowledge and Abilities 1. Graduates are supposed to have a good mastery of mathematics, the basic theory and knowledge of information science and computer science.2. Bei

6、ng able to use computers with proficiency (including common languages, tools and some special softwares); have the basic capability of algorithm analysis, design and strong programming.3.Learning about some application fields; by using previous theories, methods and skills, be able to solve some rea

7、l problems in scientific research and production4. Understanding the theories, technology and new application development of information and computing science.5. Mastering the method of document retrieval and information enquiry with the capacity of scientific researching and software developing.6.

8、Having proficiency in English professional publications reading and strong comprehensive skills in English.三、主干学科、主要课程和主要实践性教学环节 Major Disciplines, Main Courses and Main internship and Practical Training主干学科:数学、计算机科学与技术、通信与信息系统Major Disciplines: Mathematics, Computer Science and Technology, Communic

9、ation and Information System主要课程:数学基础课(数学分析、高等代数、解析几何)、概率与统计、数值分析、离散数学、C语言程序设计、数据结构、面向对象的程序设计、算法分析与设计、信息论基础、信号与系统分析、应用密码学、最优化方法等。Main Courses inSpecialty: Mathematical Fundamentals(Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Analytic Geometry), Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Numerical

10、Analysis,Discrete Mathematics,Advanced C Programming Language, Data Structure, Object-Oriented Programming, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Foundational Information Theory, Signal and System Analysis, Applied Cryptography, Optimization Method etc.主要实践性教学环节:计算机上机训练、课程设计、专业实习、毕业设计、创新实验等。Main Practi

11、ce Training: Computer Operation Training, Curriculum Design, Innovative Experiments etc.主要专业实验:数据库原理实验、数据结构实验、数值分析实验、计算机网络实验、算法分析与设计实验、信息与编码实验、操作系统实验等。Main Experiments in Specialty: Experiment of Principles of Database, Experiment of Data Structure, Experiment of Computer Networks, Experiment of Ana

12、lysis and Design of Algorithms, Experiment of Information and Coding, Experiment of Operation System etc.四、毕业合格标准 Eligible Criteria Graduation1. 符合德育培养目标要求。Complying with requests for objectives of moral education.2. 学生最低毕业学分为198学分,其中理论课157.5学分,实践与课外教育部分40.5学分。Minimum credits of curricular is 198, i

13、ncluding theoretical curricular 157.5 credits and Practice and education outsid-classcurricular 40.5 credits.3. 符合大学生体育合格标准。Complying with qualified standards of physical education for college students.五、标准修业期限和授予学位 Normal Period of Study and Degree Conferred标准修业期限:四年Normal period of study: four yea

14、rs授予学位: 理学学士Degrees conferred: Bachelor of Science六、教学计划进程表(见附表一) Table of Teaching Schedule(see table 1)七、专业培养计划总学时、学分统计表 Total Planned Hours for Major and Statistical Table for Credits(see table 2)八、本专业供辅修的核心课程(见附表三) Core Course for Minor(see table 3)附表一 信息与计算科学专业教学进程计划表(必修部分)Table 1 Table of Teac

15、hing Schedule(Compulsory Course)课程类别CourseClassified主要课程Main Course课程代码CourseCode课 程 名 称Course Name学 时 分 配Teaching Time学分数Credits各学期学时分配应修学分Request Credits总计Total讲授Lecture实验Experiment课程实践Practice上机一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th课内In-class课外Out-class通识教育基础课Basic Course for General EducationBG0902大学计算机基础ACollege Computer Foundation4824242434843.5BG9001思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethic & Fundamentals of Law48408348BG9004中国近代史纲要Survey of Mordern ChineseHistory3224


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