四年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1 don

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《四年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1 don》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1 don(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Preview,I say, you repeat and do,walk write run sing talk dance,Touch your nose/eyes/hair.,Preview,touch 抚摸,触摸,Preview,The baby sheep is sleeping.,Preview,Dont.,Dont sing here! Dont dance here! Dont talk here! Dont play here!,listen,point and say,Presentation,crisps,potatoes,Presentation,potatoes,P

2、resentation,machines,Presentation,1) Where is it?,Its a factory.,Presentation,2) What do the machines make?,They make crisps.,Presentation,3) What does this machine do?,It cuts the potatoes.,Presentation,4) What does this machine do?,It puts the crisps in their bags.,Presentation,5) What does the ma

3、n ask them not to do?,Presentation,Role play,Practice,Dont sing here! Dont write here! Dont talk here! Wear the glasses! Wear the hat! Stop!,Practice,In the classroom,Dont eat or drink.,Dont draw on the desk.,Dont shout or run.,Keep quiet.,Summary,表示禁止的:Dont,please! 表示肯定的:Wearplease!,Dont sing here!,Dont write here!,Dont talk here!,Wear the hat!,Homework,1. Listen to the tape 20 minutes; 2. Read Module 1 Unit 1 ; 3. Recite the text.,谢谢观看!,


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