计算机专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 茹庆云 lesson two

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《计算机专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 茹庆云 lesson two》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《计算机专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 茹庆云 lesson two(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、计算机英语,UNIT 2 Hardware and peripherals Lesson two System board,计算机英语, Key points:,What is system board? What is the Characteristic of the system board? The function of the system board . Various expansion cards. What is bus line?, Difficult points: closed architecture and open architecture. What is p

2、lug and play? The four principal bus lines.,计算机英语, Requirements: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to know What is the system board? The Characteristic of the system board. The function of the system board. Various expansion cards. What is bus line? closed architecture and open architect

3、ure. What is plug and play? The four principal bus lines.,计算机英语,Abstract: This article tells of the system board of a computer, the function of the system board. Then it tells of various expansion cards, closed architecture, open architecture and the meanings of plug and play. At last, it tells of t

4、he bus line and exemplified the four principal bus lines. Key words: accelerated graphics port(AGP); adapter cards; bus bus line ; cables; controller cards;data bus; expansion cards; firewire port; firmware; high performance serial bus(HPSB);,计算机英语,industry standard architecture(ISA); interface card

5、s; main board; modem card; motherboard; network adapter card; open architecture; TV turner card; parallel ports; plug and play; port; serial ports; system unit; peripheral component interconnect(PCI) semiconductor; silicon chip; slots; universal serial bus(USB); system board; television boards;,计算机英

6、语,communicate with v. 与通信 external eks5tE:nl a. 外围的,外部的 locate v. 位于 常用于被动形式 be located at(in) 位于 chip n 芯片 silicon 5silikEn n 硅,晶体硅 silicon chip n. 硅片 emiconductor n. 半导体 mount maunt v. 安装,安置,New Words And Expressions,计算机英语,plug and play n. 即插即用 universal a. 普遍的,通用的 socket 5sCkit n. 凹处,槽 serial 5si

7、EriEl a. 串行的 parallel 5pArElel a. 并行的,计算机英语,NOTES,1. The system board is also known as the main board or motherboard A chip is also called a silicon chip, semiconductor, or integrated circuit 在这里,is also known as, is also called 这种短语都是用来进一步解释说明,宾语和主语是一样的意思,或者是进一步地解释这个东西.,计算机英语,2. A bus linealso know

8、n as data bus or simply busconnects the parts of the CPU to each other. 与A bus line connects the parts of the CPU to each other意思是一样的,also known as data bus or simply bus仅仅是 a bus line 的同位语,是进一步地说明,解释的作用.,计算机英语,3.Computers are known for having different kinds of “architectures”. Machines that have c

9、losed architecture are manufactured in such a way that users cannot easily add new devices. Most microcomputers have open architectures. 第二句中用一个定语从句来加以说明closed architecture是为了引出open architecture,那么什么是open architecture呢? Users can easily add new devices.,计算机英语,科技英语中倍数增减(包括比较)的汉译 1、倍数增加的译法 英语中说“增加了多少倍

10、”,都是连基数也包括在内的,是表示增加后的结果;而在汉语里所谓“增加了多少倍”,则只表示纯粹增加的数量。所以英语里凡是表示倍数增加的句型,汉译时都可译成“是的几倍”,或“比增加(n-1)倍”。为了便于查阅,现将英语中表示倍数增加的一些表达法及其译法归纳如下: 例如: a The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.(各种立体声录音机的产量比1977年增加了三倍。) b The output of color television receivers increa

11、sed by a factor of 3 last year.(去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加了二倍。) 应当指出,有些书认为by后面的倍数是净增加的倍数,汉译时应译为“净增加多少倍的 ”,而不该减一倍。本人认为这种译法未必妥当,因为“by n times”的意思是“用n数乘”。如15 increased by 5 times是155 = 75之意,75与15相比显然是增加了四倍,而不是五倍。,计算机英语,2、倍数比较的译法 (1)“n times + larger than + 被比较对象”,表示其大小“为的n倍”,或“的 比大n-1倍”。例如:This thermal power plant

12、 is four times larger than that one. (这个热电站比那个热电站大三倍。) 这是因为英语在倍数比较的表达上,其传统习惯是larger than等于as large as,因此汉译时不能只从字面上理解,将其译为“比大n倍”,而应将其译为“是的n的 倍”,或“比大n-1倍”。 (2)“n times + as + 原级 + as + 被比较对象”,表示“是的n倍”。例如:Iron is almost three times as heavy as aluminum. (铁的重量几乎是铝的三倍。) 3、倍数减少的译法 英语中一切表示倍数减少的句型,汉译时都要把它换成

13、分数,而不能按照字面意义将其译成减少了多少倍。因为汉语是不用这种表达方式的,所以应当把它译成减少了几分之几,或减少到几分之几。我们所说的增减多少,指的都是差额,差额应当是以原来的数量为标准,而不能以减少后,计算机英语,的数量作标准。英语表示倍数减少时第一种表达方式为:“ + 减少意义的谓语 + by a factor o的 f n或by n times”。这种表达法的意思是“成n倍地减少”,即减少前的数量为减少后的数。 (1)The automatic assembly line can shorten the assembling period (by) ten times. (自动装配线能够缩短装配期十分之九。) (2) This metal is three times as light as that one. (这种金属比那种金属轻三分之二)第二种表达方式为“n times + 减少意义的比较级”。,


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