计算机专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 霍宏涛 Chapter10

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1、Professional English in Computer Field,Chapter Ten Information Security,内容,正文 How to Implement Trusted Computing Computer Virus 阅读材料 A National Cyberspace Security Response System Carnivorous,1 How to Implement Trusted Computing,Key Words,perimeter defense 边界防御 starkly adj.十足地,完全地 redoubt n.堡垒 indig

2、enous adj.土著的 supersede v.取代 interstice n.空隙 bilateral adj.双边的 assailant n.攻击者 special interest group 特别兴趣小组 trusted computing group 可信计算小组 mandate n.受命进行的工作 royalty n.专利权税 Trusted Platform Module 可信平台模块,Key Words,Exponentially adv.以指数方式 vet v.检查 dual-threaded processor 双线程处理器 dual-core processor 双核

3、处理器 forensic logging 司法记录(日志),可作为证据 SAN Storage Area Network的缩写, 存储区域网 NAS Network Attached Storage的缩写,网络附加存储 monolithic adj.整体的 attestation n.验证 biometric n.生物测定 retrofit v.对.作翻新改进,Key Words,smart card 智能卡 deliberately adv.故意地 batten down 封住 malefactor n.坏人 digital rights management 数字版权管理,Notes,Th

4、ey spoke over channels that the Allies understood to be monitored by Axis intelligence, but the trick was that only the sender and receiver could decode the message. 同盟国知道轴心国间谍监听他们交换信息的通道, 但是他们并不担心,因为只有发送者和接受者知道如何解密信息。 But the whole network could be jeopardized by a single compromised client. An int

5、ruder could simply pose as a legitimate user and gain access to whatever rights and privileges that user had. 但是整个网络可能由于某个有潜在危险的客户而受到威胁。一个侵入者可以简单的伪装成一个合法用户从而获得该用户的所有权限。,Notes,The protocol involves the packaging of a network request with information that positively verifies the user and the hardware

6、as well as the state of the requesting device. 这个协议涉及封装一个网络请求,这个网络请求包含的信息可能用于确认用户、硬件以及发送请求的设备的状态。 If the measurement falls within a certain range, the device can be given provisional access, shunted to a quarantine area, and remediate before being let on the network. 如果测量结果在一个特定的区间内,该设备可被授予临时的接入权限,转

7、移到一个隔离区,并在准入网络前进行修复。,Notes,Organizations that fail to protect their data in the face of these new mandates become subject to legal action and potential severe financial loss. 根据这些新的规定,没能保护好数据的组织将面临法律上的制裁(行动)以及潜在的经济上的严重损失。 The key can be extracted from the registry with readily available software too

8、ls. However, several solutions now on the market use a TPM to protect the private key, a monumental improvement in data protection. 使用现成的软件工具即可以将密钥从注册信息中提取出来。但是,一些流行的方案应用一个TPM来保护私钥,这在数据保护方面是个显著的进步。,2 Computer Virus,1Basic types of viruses 1.1 Boot sector viruses 1.2 Multipartite viruses 1.3 Macro vi

9、ruses 1.4 Network viruses 2. Methods to avoid detection 2.1 Avoiding bait files and other undesirable hosts 2.2 Stealth 2.3 Self-modification 2.3.4 Metamorphic code 3. Vulnerability and countermeasures,Key Words,virus n. 病毒 generic adj. 一般的, 泛泛的 dogmatic adj. 教条的 downfall n. 没落 prevalent adj. 流行的 he

10、yday n. 全盛期 deception n. 诡计,欺骗 likelihood n. 可能性 sparse adj. 稀少的,Key Words,Heal v. 治愈 encipher v. 译成密码 polymorphic adj. 多形态的 mutation n. 突变 constrain v. 束缚 refrain v. 抑制 catalyst n. 催化剂 chiefly adv. 主要地 heuristic adj. 启发式的,探索的,Notes,Virus types are used as a way for people to think about the things

11、that viruses do, but being overly dogmatic about these types can often be confusing. 人们根据病毒的类型来分辨病毒的行为,但是如果过于拘泥于这些类型往往会产生迷惑。 Since bait files are used to detect the virus, or to make detection possible, a virus can benefit from not infecting them. Viruses typically do this by avoiding suspicious pro

12、grams, such as small program files or programs that contain certain patterns of garbage instructions. 因为诱饵文件被用来发现病毒或使发现病毒成为可能,一个病毒可以通过不感染诱饵文件而躲过侦测。病毒通常通过避开可疑程序的方式来做到这一点,比如,小程序文件或含有典型“垃圾代码”模式的程序。,Notes,Windows and Unix have similar scripting abilities, but while Unix natively blocks normal users from

13、 having access to make changes to the operating system environment, Windows does not. Windows和Unix使用类似的脚本功能,然而,Unix会本能的阻止一般用户修改操作系统环境,而Windows不会做此限制。,Reading Material 1 A National Cyberspace Security Response System,1. ESTABLISH PUBLIC-PRIVATE ARCHITECTURE FOR RESPONDING TO NATIONAL-LEVEL CYBER INCI

14、DENTS 1.1 Analysis 1.2 Warning 1.3 National Incident Management 1.4 Response and Recovery,Reading Material 1 A National Cyberspace Security Response System,2. INFORMATION SHARING 2.1 Improve and Enhance Public-Private Information Sharing about Cyber Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities 2.2 Encourag

15、e Broader Information Sharing on Cybersecurity,Reading Material 2 arnivorous,1. Carnivorous Evolution 2. Packet Sniffing 3. The Process 4. Prey of the Carnivore,Exercises,IBM contributed its development work on the chip, now called the _, to the Trusted Computing Group, for addressing security. If t

16、he desktops can be considered as stationary systems, then notebooks will be taken as _. _ represent a special class of applications, which must not only be secure themselves, but also safeguard the integrity of the perimeter. _ is a specification that covers the dynamic relationship between clients and servers in the enterprise network


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