an analysis of feminism in the scarlet letter分析《

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1、本科毕业设计(论文)An Analysis of Feminism in The Scarlet LetterAbstractNathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most influential writers in Americain the 19th century. His novelThe Scarlet Letter published in 1850 ensures his permanent fame in literature. In this novel Hawthorne sets his story in the 17th century

2、American Boston under the rule of Puritan magistrates. Taking Hesters adultery being foundand punished as a clue, Hawthornedescribes the characterization ofHester and explores womens inner world and their fate. This thesis is to explore hisfeminist consciousness embodied in The Scarlet Letter by app

3、lying feminist criticaltheories and methodology. Through the analysis of the thesis, especially the characterization of the protagonistHester, we find that Hawthorne has feminist consciousness which is rare in othermale writers. Hester, an adulteress, is cast off in the marginal place of the patriar

4、chalsociety, but Hawthorne purposely put her in the center of his story, endowing herwith a position of subjectivity. As to her disobedience and rebellion against themale-dominated society, he offers his great sympathy, and shows his appreciation for her. Hester is depicted as a feminist precursorwh

5、ose rebellion and feminist thought bring about some social changes. It isHawthornes feminist consciousness that contributes to the successful creation of arebellious woman Hester, which helps us understand the existing situation of womenand causes people to attach great importance to womens experien

6、ce and value.Key words: Hawthorne; feminism consciousness; Hester摘要纳桑尼尔霍桑是美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一。他的小说红字使他永葆文坛盛誉。小说以十七世纪清教徒统治下的美国波士顿为背景,以海丝特因通奸被发现而受罚为线索刻画了海丝特这一人物形象并展开对以海丝特为代表的女性人物的内心世界及命运的探索。霍桑作为一个男性作家,由于其独特的家庭、政治、宗教等背景使其在作品中表现出男性作家少有的女性意识。本文将运用女权主义批评理论和方法来揭示霍桑在小说红字中所表现出来的女性意识。通过分析其作品文本尤其对主人公海丝特的刻画,我们发现霍桑

7、在作品中表现出男性作家少有的女性意识。海丝特,作为一个通奸的罪者,被抛在社会的边缘,可是霍桑在其作品中把她放在中心位置,赋予她主体地位。对于海丝特对父权社会的不从和反叛,霍桑表现出极大的同情,同时对海丝特的独特品质表现出欣赏。海丝特被描写成一个具有反叛意识和女权思想的女性,她起到了社会变革的作用。正是由于霍桑的女性意识才使得对反叛女性海丝特的创作获得成功,从而帮助我们更好地了解妇女的生存状况并对妇女的自身价值给予肯定。关键词:霍桑; 女权主义意识; 海丝特ContentsIntroduction1A Hawthorne.2B The Scarlet Letter.4Feminist Theor

8、ies .6A Feminist Critical Theory and Methodology.6B Hawthornes Feminism.8Hawthornes Feminism Embodied in The Scarlet Letter.9 A The Themes of The Scarlet Letter9B Characterization of Hester.10Conclusion15Bibliography.16Acknowledgements.17An Analysis of Feminism in The Scarlet Letter IntroductionNath

9、aniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) has been considered to be one of the greatestAmerican writers in the 19th century and his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter has set aneverlasting monument in his writing career as a major American writer. Since thepublication of The Scarlet Letter in 1850, the novel, with it

10、s perceptive portrayal of theprotagonist, the psychological realism, the delicate representation, the mysterious imagination, the multiple themes, the ambiguous connotations and the evocative useof symbolism, has aroused the interests of one generation after another.The Scarlet Letter has been the c

11、enter of critics for many years. Critics almost seeevery aspect of the novel and analyze it with many approaches. This thesis aims touse some feminist critical theories to examine Hawthornes feminist consciousnessreflected in the portrayal of the heroine Hester in The Scarlet Letter. Feminist litera

12、rycriticism is a critical approach influenced by Womens Liberation Movement, which has gradually become one of the main streams in the critical world. Feminists point out that thewhole western ideology sets up binary oppositions between male and female, subject and object. With the development of fe

13、minist movement, feministcritics formed their perspectives on the interpretation of novels by male writers so as toreveal misogyny assumptions which are widely pervasive in their works. Furthermore,feminists point out that the existence of binary oppositions in the society has resulted in theunfair

14、hierarchy. In other words, as soon as one achieves superior status and the other isviewed as the inferior. Actually, man has dominated the superior status forcenturies, and woman has suffered too much. As a result, feminists should deconstruct thebinary oppositions to make womens identity restored. In this thesis, the writer is to adoptsome feminist critical theories and some conclusions the critics have arrived at toexplore Hawthornes feminist consciousness embodied in The Scarlet Letter.Feminism thoughts have exerted great influence on the society in whichHawthorne


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