2014届高考英语(人教版)复习教学案:必修5 Unit 1 Greatscientists

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1、必修5Units 12五、一次环保活动Step 千里之行, 始于足下。A journey of one thousand miles begins with the first step!这里的佳句背诵是为了Step的满分作文句型提炼与拓展1.学生会组织了一次海滨之行。The Students Union organized a trip to the seaside.2到达机场后, 他把英镑换成了美元。On arriving at the airport, he exchanged his pounds for dollars.3我们学校开展了丰富多彩的课外活动, 如篮球, 排球, 歌咏比赛

2、等。Our school organized colorful afterclass activities, such as basketball, volleyball, singing competitions and so on.4村民们竖起牌子告诉孩子们在河里游泳危险。The villagers set up boards to remind children of the danger of swimming in the river.5他作了一场关于我们应该如何控制自己的演讲。He gave a speech on how we can control ourselves.1. o

3、rganized a trip .组织了一次旅游。2on arriving at the airportAs soon as sb.arrived at the airport .The moment/The instant sb.arrived at the airport .Immediately/Directly sb.arrived at the airport .Hardly/Scarcely/Rarely had sb.arrived at the airport .when .No sooner had sb.arrived at the airport .than .一到达机场

4、 3such as .and so on 如等4set up boards to remind .of the danger竖起牌子提醒危险5give/make/deliver/address a speech on .作了关于的演讲趁热打铁,佳句活用对照修改, 再次背诵1.今天上午, 我们班在附近的公园组织了一次环保活动。_2一到达那里, 我们就把此次活动分成了三部分。_3首先, 我们清理废纸、烟蒂、塑料袋等废弃物。_4然后, 我们树立了几块标牌, 告诉游客要爱护花草树木。_5我们向游客演讲, 告诉他们“白色污染”的害处以及保护环境的重要性。_1.This morning,our class

5、 organized an environmental protection activity in the nearby park.2On arriving there,we divided this activity into three parts.As soon as/The moment/The instant/Immediately/Directly we arrived there,we divided this activity into three parts.Hardly/Scarcely/Rarely had we arrived there when we divide

6、d this activity into three parts.No sooner had we arrived there than we divided this activity into three parts.3First,we collected the rubbish,such as waste paper,cigarette ends,plastic bags and so on.4Then we set up several boards to remind the visitors to take care of the flowers and trees.5We gav

7、e a speech to the visitors on the danger of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the environment.Step 不积小流, 无以成江海。Step after step the ladder is ascended.这里的佳句背诵是为了Step 的满分作文句型提炼与拓展 1.我认为作出这个决定对你来说非常重要。I think it is very important for you to make the decision.2为了舒适, 她换上了旧衣服。 She wore ol

8、d clothes for the sake of comfort.3应当采取适当的措施提高我们的教学质量。Appropriate measures should be taken to improve our teaching.4你对公司作出了很大贡献。You have made great contributions to our firm.5我们常去图书馆, 收获不小。We benefited a lot from our visits to the library.6我决不会忘记在海边工作的那个暑假。Ill never forget the summer holiday when I

9、worked by the seaside.1.I think it is very important for sb.to do sth.I think it very important for sb.to do sth.我认为某人做某事非常重要。2for the sake of comfort 为了舒适 3take appropriate measures 采取适当的措施4made great contributions to .对做出了很大贡献5We benefit a lot from the visits to the library.The visits to the libra

10、ry are beneficial to us.The visits to the library benefit/do good to/are helpful for us.We gain/obtain benefit from the visits to the library.The visits to the library are of benefit to us.我们去图书馆受益匪浅。6Ill never forget .我永远也忘不了趁热打铁,佳句活用对照修改, 再次背诵1.我认为保护环境对我们来说非常重要。_2为了人们的健康与幸福, 应当采取措施控制并且制止污染。_3每个人都应

11、该对此作出一份贡献。_4这次活动我们受益匪浅。_5我永远也忘不了这么有纪念意义的一天!_1.I think it is very important for us to protect the environment.2For the sake of peoples health and happiness,measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution.3Everyone should make a contribution to it.4We benefited a lot from this activity.This

12、activity was beneficial to us.This activity benefited/did good to/was helpful for us.We gained/obtained benefit from this activity.This activity was of benefit to us.5Ill never forget the memorable day!Step 今天的成功可以复制。Todays success can be replicated.Step 和Step 的背诵是为了考场写作的成功开始连句成文, 体验成功复习Step 和Step 背

13、诵的句子,然后写下面的作文:2月4日, 星期天上午, 你们班同学骑车到学校附近的公园组织了一次环保活动。请根据下表内容用英语写一篇日记并发表你对此次活动的看法。活动内容一扫除:清理废纸、烟蒂、塑料袋等废弃物活动内容二宣传:树立标牌, 告诉游客要爱护花草树木活动内容三演讲:向游客宣传“白色污染”的害处以及保护环境的重要性你的看法注意:1.日记必须包括表内所有的内容, 可以适当增加细节, 使内容连贯;2.词数:100左右;3.参考词汇:烟蒂cigarette endFebruary 4, Sunday FineThis morning, our class organized an environmental protection activity in the nearby park.On arriving there, we divided this activity into three parts.First, we collected the rubbish, such as waste paper, cigarette ends, plastic bags and so on.Then we set up several boards to remind the visitors to take care of the flower



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