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1、题型:名词解释、简答、论述、英译汉第一章 国际传播学总论国际传播是指通过大众传播媒体(即国际媒体)并以民族国家和国际组织为主体的跨越民族国家界限的国际信息传播及过程。国际传播的历史:一、初步形成时期二、通讯社电报时期 国际传播全球都市的历史、冲突及控制罗伯特福特纳1835年 世界上第一个通讯社:哈瓦斯通讯社1849年 德国沃尔夫通讯社1851年 英国路透社特点:1.现代国际传播的理念初步形成并逐步得以确立。国际传播作为一种新的理念开始引起当时世界上主要国家的重视。2.世界各国之间虽然有摩擦,但更多是国际间的合作和协调。国际传播日益显现其重要性。三、国际广播时期KDKA 1920年 美国西屋电气

2、公司在匹兹堡建立KDKA电台 是世界无线电广播事业的开始,是世界上第一家办理正式执照的广播电台,并通过电波向听众广播固定的节目。福特纳:第二次世界大战中,各国对国际传播的信息控制手段:1.电台干扰,故意干扰传进来的广播信号。2.收缴收听设备,通过法律禁止收听外国广播3.黑客播音,即侵入敌方的新闻节目中插播虚假的声明或新闻4.破译密码,交战各方通过监听和分析广播节目来获取敌对国军用和民用的情报。宣传的黑与白:英国的对外广播被称为白色宣传,主要传播真实的新闻事实;而德国的广播被称为黑色宣传,实际上是一种误导信息的形式,指在广播中策略性地运用谎言或选择性地播放新闻。这两种宣传的目的是相同的,都是为了


4、五、多元化时期国际媒体的发展现状通讯社:美联社、合众社、路透社、法新社、俄罗斯塔斯社、中国新华社国际广播电视:CNN(美国有线电视新闻网):1980年成立,并且24小时连续播出电视新闻节目国际传播的特征1.国际传播目的的多元化2.国际传播范围的扩大化3.国际传播方式的多样化4.国际传播主题的多元化5国际传播功能的增强。国际传播的两大要素1.硬性要素:技术和资本2.软性要素:语言和文化第二章 国际传播研究范式 (主要考查定义和主要观点)国际媒体体系范式1.施拉姆等的四种理论 报刊的四种理论Four Theories of the Press中心议题是:媒体与政府的关系,媒体是否受到政府的控制集权


6、意见。苏联共产主义报刊Aim of the book 写作的目的 why does it apparently serve different purposes and appear in widely different forms in different countries? the differences reflect the ability of a country to pay for its press, the mechanical ingenuity and resources that can be put behind mass communication, and t

7、he relative degree of urbanization which makes the circulation of mass media at once easier and more necessary the differences in the press of different countries reflect simply what people do in different places and what their experience leads them to want to read about.Basic reason the press alway

8、s takes on the form and coloration of the social and political structures within which it operatesAmerican press VS Soviet press Both use words like freedom and responsibility to describe what they are doing1 American press tries to contribute to search for truth Soviet press tries to convey pre-est

9、ablished Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist truth2 American press think of the audience of the press as “rational men”, able to choose between truth and falsehood. Soviet press thinks of their as needing careful guidance from caretakers, and to this end the Soviet states set up the most complete possible sa

10、feguards against competing information3 American press bend over backward to make sure that information and ideas will compete Soviet press bend over backward to make sure that only the line decided upon will flow through the Soviet channels.American press say their press is not free, Soviet press s

11、ay that American press is not responsible.2威廉 哈克坦的五个理念 世界新闻多棱镜The World News Prism 1、极权主义理念 2、西方理念 3、共产主义理念 4、革命理念 5、发展理念3赫伯特 阿特休尔的三个世界 权力的媒介Agents of Power 三个体系中媒体都是维护社会秩序的中介力量,即教育人民,使他们在社会中发挥各自的作用。4卡尔 诺登斯特伦的五种范式 理论、根源、应用 1、自由-多元主义范式(liberal-pluralist) 2、社会责任范式(social-responsibility) 3、批判范式(critica

12、l paradigm) 4、行政管理范式(administration paradigm) 5、文化协商范式(cultural negotiation国际传播功能范式 一、宣传模式论 二、现代化理论 传统社会的消逝The Passing of Tradition Society 1、to spread and ease the long, slow social transformation required for economic development, in particular, to speed and smooth the task of modernizing human re

13、courses behind the national effort. 2、to encourage both personal and national aspirations, rouse people from fatalism and a fear of change特点:1、top-down approach one-way flow of information2、the definition of “development”3、media as a neutral force4、modern and traditional lifestyles were mutually exc

14、lusive. 三、传媒依附理论 拉美学者提出 1960年代末到1970年代标志是:1976年墨西哥组建 观点:批评现代化理论,记录下该理论给拉美带来的巨大负面影响。参与国际传播新秩序的争论。transnational corporations (TNCs), most based in the North, exercise control, with the support of their representative governments, over the developing countries by setting the terms for global trade - do

15、minating markets, resources, production and labor. Development for these countries was shaped in a way to strengthen the dominance of the developed nations and the maintain the peripheral nations in a position of dependence. 四、文化帝国主义 定义:the sum of the processes by which a society is brought into the modern world system and how its dominating stratum is attracted, pressured, forced, and sometimes bribed into shaping social institutions to correspond to, or even to promote, the values and structures of the domina


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