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1、Brain dysfunction,金静华 Department of Neurobiology ,Outline,I: General conception about human brain II: Cognitive disorder III: Consciousness disorder IV: Summary,1.Structural Characteristics,It is located inside the skull, protects brain from injury, confines the brain It is composed of neurons and g

2、lial cells The blood supply is from twin vertebral arteries and carotis interna (颈内动脉) The brain blood barrier protects brain from invasion of toxic insults,Human Brain,To understand the dysfunction of the brain, its important to know a bit about the brain,The Brains Vital Statistics Adult weight: a

3、bout 3 pounds Adult size: a medium cauliflower Number of neurons: 100 billion Number of synapses: 100 trillion,Inside the Human Brain,Cell Types of the Brain,Neurons Glia,Structure of Neuron,Neurons,Specialized Regions of Neurons Carry out Different Functions,Structure of typical mammalian neurons,H

4、ippocampus(海马),Glia,Cellular Functions,Neuron is in charge of different functions Glia nourishes and protects the neurons,How are neurons connected?,Synapses!,Spine,How does the Synapse carry the signal?,1. Electrical current travels down the axon Vesicles with chemicals move toward the membrane Che

5、micals are released and diffuse toward the next cells plasma membrane 4. The chemicals open up the transport proteins and allow the signal to pass to the next cell,2. Characteristics of Metabolism,The most active organ in energy metabolism Glucose is almost the only source of brain energy The storag

6、e of glucose in the brain is very limited,3. Characteristics of Brain Disease,Region-dependent consequences to injuries Limited capacity for self repair Acute brain damages will cause disturbance in consciousness whereas chronic lesions usually lead to cognitive dysfunction,Brain responses to Injuri

7、es,Cellular responses: Neuron death (necrosis, apoptosis) Degeneration (axon/dendrites retraction, atrophy ) Inflammation (microglia, astrocytes) Demyelination (oligodentrocytes) Functional responses: Cognitive disorder Consciousness disorder,Outline,I: General conception about human brain II: Cogni

8、tive disorder III: Consciousness disorder IV: Summary,1.Cognition,The ability of the brain to process and store information in order to solve problems. It involves a series of voluntary psychological and social behaviors, such as study, memory, language, thinking, emotion etc.,Structural Basis of Co

9、gnition,Brodmann Mapping (52 areas),Cerebral cortex,Function of cerebral cortex,Frontal cortex: voluntary movements, complex intellectual activities such as writing, memory, creativity, judgment, vision and social responsibility. Lesions in this area will result in contralateral hemiplegia (偏瘫), agr

10、aphia (失写症) and frontal dementia (痴呆). Damage in Brocas area (44 and 45) result in motor aphasia (Brocas aphasia 失语症),Function of cerebral cortex,Parietal cortex: plays major role in high level process and integration of sensory information. Lesions in this area produce controlateral sensory deficit

11、s. Lesions in the angular gyrus (角回) result in alexia (失读症) . Lesions in the supamarginal gyrus (缘上回) result in astereognosis (实体感觉缺失).,Function of cerebral cortex,Temporal cortex: sensory receiving area for auditory impluses. Lesions in area 22 (auditory association cortex) can lead to Wernickes ap

12、hasia (感觉性失语) Lesions in temporal hippocampus can produce spatial or emotional memory impairment,Function of cerebral cortex,Occipital cortex: vision Lesions in the primary visual cortex result in visual fields defects. Lesions in the visual association cortex result in a lack of recognition of obje

13、cts and in distinguishing the difference of animals (cat vs. dog).,2. Cognitive Disorder,The disturbance of the mental process related to learning and memory, reasoning and judgment, accompanied by aphasia(失语), apraxia (失用), agonasia (失认) or disturbance in executive functioning,Major Manifestations,

14、Learning and memory disorders Aphasia Agonosia Apraxia Dementia,Learning and memory deficits: Patient HM: MRI,HMs lesion includes medial temporal lope structures in addition to hippocampus (amygdala, entorhinal cortex),HMs good news and bad news,The surgery had a profound effect on declarative memor

15、y Severe anterograde amnesia Mild retrograde amnesia Disability to transfer new short-term memory into long-term memory But there was no effect on: Personality Attention Intelligence Many forms of memory were spared (short-term memory, motor, implicit memory, etc).,3. Etiology and Pathogenesis,Chron

16、ic brain damage Chronic systemic diseases Mental and psychic disorder Other factors,Chronic Brain Damage,Imbalance of regulating molecules in the brain Protein aggregation in the brain Chronic cerebral ischemic injury Environmental and metabolic toxins Cerebral trauma Brain aging,(1) Imbalance of Regulating Molecules,Dopamine Norepinephrine Acetylcholine (Ach) Glutamate Aberrant neuropeptide Lack of neurotrophic factors,Dopamine Pathway,Dopamine,Dopamine


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