鄂尔多斯专版2019中考英语高分复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练17Modules7_9九上习题 含答案

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鄂尔多斯专版2019中考英语高分复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练17Modules7_9九上习题 含答案_第1页
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《鄂尔多斯专版2019中考英语高分复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练17Modules7_9九上习题 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《鄂尔多斯专版2019中考英语高分复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练17Modules7_9九上习题 含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 课时训练课时训练( (十七十七) ) ModulesModules 7 79(9(九上九上) ) (限时:30 分钟) .2018广安完形填空 Once a gentleman was travelling in a train. He felt 1 and got down at a station to look for some water. But when he got to the water tap, the train had started. He ran back but 2 the train. It was getting late and he decided t

2、o spend the night at the station. The next morning he asked about the next 3 . He came to know that the next train was on the other day. So he decided to find a place for a days stay. It was getting 4 and he could not find a place near the station. At last he reached a small village. He asked a vill

3、ager 5 he could stay in his house for a night. The villager agreed. The villager cooked him food and 6 him a room to stay in. But he did not ask for anything in ret urn. At seven in the evening, the gentleman heard a knock at the door. The villager opened the door. It was a 7 man in black. He asked

4、the man to pay his debts (债务). The next morning, the gentleman 8 some money on the bed. When the villager found the money, h e also found a note. It said, “You 9 me but didnt want any pay from me. Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the rich man. I know that you were in need of 10 . T

5、his is what you need.” 1.A.hungryB.thirstyC.tired D.busy 2.A.caughtB.missedC.gotD.saw 3.A.bus B.shipC.plane D.train 4.A.darkB.clean C.dirty D.quiet 5.A.and B.orC.ifD.but 6.A.gaveB.built C.hadD.bought 7.A.poorB.richC.uglyD.nice 8.A.forgotB.remembered C.leftD.borrowed 9.A.cookedB.taught C.talkedD.help

6、ed 10.A.foodB.money C.timeD.house .2018广安阅读理解 People read books less often in these days. With the invention of radio, television and 2 most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems t hat reading books is no longer a popular activity. However, I believe that books are an important part of

7、 our lives. Books offer an outstanding wealth of learning and at a cheaper price than taking a course. Books can make people cleverer, because heavy readers have greater knowledge of how things work and who or what people were. Everything in todays society requires reading. Imagine trying to do some

8、thing as simple as reading the directions on a medicine bottle without good reading skills. Someone could not understand them and become very sick or even die. Even something as simple as walking or driving through the city could become very dangerous without enough reading. Sometimes , you must be

9、able to understand what is written and explain the meaning of them. Some people say that reading is a waste of time and we can do better things with our time. Even if we dont read books, we still read every day, and reading books can strengthen(加强) our abilities. Reading is one of the greatest thing

10、s we can do in our spare time . With a book, you can travel anywhere you want, do anything you want, and talk to anyone you want. Reading is very important in our lives, no matter your age. So I think people should read books. 11.What activity is less popular these days than before? A.Reading a book

11、.B.Listening to the radio. C.Watching TV.D.Surfing the Internet. 12.We can learn from the second paragraph that . A.reading can improve your memory B.reading can make you interesting and attractive C.reading can make you smarter D.reading can reduce stress 13.The underlined word “them” in the third

12、paragraph refers to . A.the books they are reading B.the directions on a medicine bottle C.the good reading skills D.the words a doctor tells a sick person 14.Some people disagree to read books because they think . A.walking in the city also needs reading skills B.driving along the road is dangerous

13、 C.reading books is very helpful for our abilities D.reading books just wastes their time 3 15.The best title of the passage can be . A.People Should Enjoy Themselves B.How We Improve Reading Skills C.Why People Should Reading Books D.What We Love Doing in Spare Time .2018哈尔滨改编选词填空 阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正

14、确形式填空。(每词限用一次) true once twelve what correct go he win excite decide Mark was a clever pupil. After he celebrated his 16. birthday, his teacher announced a school spelling competition. He wanted to win the first prize. In order to get good luck before the competition, Mark made a 17. to go to the ba

15、rbers(理发店). The barber Jimmy was a friendly young man. He asked Mark, “Do you have confidence in the co mpetition?” “Maybe,” Mark answered. “Can you spell the word confidence?” The barber 18. on asking Mark. “C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-C-E. Confidence,” Mark answered. “Oh, youre great! A lot of people spell th

16、e word wrong, but you can spell it 19. ,” the barber said. “Remember that confidence is a 20. secret weapon(武器).” Mark stared at the barbers face in the mirror uncertainly. “Oh, Ill remember 21. you said.” In the end, Mark won the competition. How 22. Mark felt! Twenty years later, Mark founded 23. own company and made a lot of money. 24. a reporter asked him, “How did you become so successful?” Mark answered, “To tell the 25. , confidence is m


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