天津市葛沽第三中学:module 4 life in the future unit2 每课一练(外研版七年级下)

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1、课堂跟踪I. 请根据句意及括号内的汉语提示写出所缺单词。 1. Its reported that its going to _(下雨) in the afternoon.2. This kind of _(交通) is very popular.3. My friend Lindas uncle works on a _(农场).4. The _(风) is so strong that I have to wear a coat.5. The pencil is _(便宜的) and I want to take two.II.用所给词的反义词完成句子。1. I think this ne

2、w English story book is very _ ( dull ).2. Tomorrow I will be _ ( free ) . I have lots of work to do.3. In the future, no one will do _ ( light ) work in factories, offices and farms.4. Daming enjoys swimming in _ (hot) water in winter.5. In America, more and more people are going to work by bike, n

3、ot by car, because fuel will _ (cheap).6. In the future all people will have _ (short) holidays.7. I think that job is very _ (difficulty) for me to do.8. Dont _ (close) the windows. There is strong wind outside. 9. Coke, ice cream and hamburgers are my favourite good but they are not _ ( unhealthy)

4、 food.10. Flying in _ ( small ) planes will be cheap.III. 请根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,每空限填一词。 1. 怀特先生在这家工厂每周工作三天。Mr. White works in the factory_ _ _ _.2. 他妹妹露西经常在网上看新闻。His sister Lucy often reads news _ _ _. 3. 李明在将来想当一位医生。Li Ming wants to be a doctor _ _ _.4. 我的朋友大卫有许多有趣的书。My friend David has _ _ _ interesting

5、 books.5. 没有人想做这种重活。 _ _ wants to do this kind of heavy work.课后提升I.选择填空。1.People will work _ in the future. A. three days a week B. three days of week C. three day of a week D. there day in a week 2.There will be heavy _ and strong _ in the future. A. rain, wind B. rain, winds C. rains, wind D. rain

6、s, winds 3.There _ a basketball game in our school next week. A. is B. has C. will be D. will have 4.She often uses a computer _. A. writes B. is writing C. write D. to write 5.Be quick, _ well be late for the train. A. or B. and C. but D. so II.用so或because 填空。1.He hurt his leg, _ he cant play footb

7、all with you now. 2.I must go to bed now, _ it is too late. 3.Tony wont go to the party _he is ill. 4.Im busy with my studies, _i cant take the job. 5.There will be heavy rain this afternoon, _ you cant go out. III.补全对话。A: Whats the _ _ today in Beijing?B: Its snowing, but it is not very cold. The r

8、adio says it _ _ tomorrow.A: Whats the temperature today? B: Its 4 to 3.A: Does it often _ in winter here?B: Not very often, but there is much strong _.A: What _ spring here?B: Its quite warm, but it also blows strongly.A: Which season do you _ better, spring or winter?B: I like _ . Because I like s

9、now and I can skate.A: But I like spring. Because its warm. The trees become _ and flowers come out.IV.阅读短文,并用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。Life in the future will be different from life today. What will be changes be?Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there (1)_ (be) at least one in every home. Pe

10、ople (2)_(work) fewer hours and they (3)_ (have) more free time for sports, (4)_(watch) TV and travelling. (5)_(work) in the future will also be different. Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car.III. 1. three days a week2. on the Internet3. in the future4. a lot of5. No one课后提升I.1-5ABCDAII.1.so 2.because 3.because 4.so 5.so III.1. weather 2. like 3. will 4. stop 5. snow 6. wind 7. about 8. like 9. winter 10. greenIV.1.will be 2.will work 3.will have 4.watching 5.Work 全 品中考网



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