unit 5 feeling excited(第12课时)(topic3 sectiond)学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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1、Unit5 Topic 3 Section D一、话题导学:(学习目标)1. Learn some new words and phrases: spirit, silent, decision, sense, think over, make a decision, such as, in good spirits, take care of remember to do/doing something, try to do, get help from somebody/something, be strict with somebody2. Summarize and review th

2、e basic structures of simple sentences.3. Learn how to take care of oneself(1) Its very important for us to be in a good mood. (2) So we must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in a good mood.二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆 1)spirit 2)silent 3)sense 4)decision 2、短语互译与记忆 1)think over 2)make a decision 3)in go

3、od spirits 4)记住做某事 5)从得到帮助 6)照顾 7)对某人严格 _8)例如,举例子_ 8)尝试做某事 _3、句子理解与熟读(1) Its very important for us to be in a good mood. (2) So we must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in a good mood. 三、课堂导练: 1、选词填空thought, be full of, sky, quiet, surprise1) There is _in the countryside.2) When it rains, he

4、 always have unhappy _.3) The _ is filled with clouds. Its going to rain later on. 4) The bottle _water. 5) I was _ to see him.2. 单项选择( ) 1.- Oh, I always make mistakes. - Before doing things, use your head to _.A. think them of B. think them over C. think over themD. think out them( ) 2. - I left m

5、y book at home. - It doesnt matter. Remember _ it here tomorrow.A. brings B. bringing C. to bring D. brought( ) 3. - Follow the doctors advice _ you will get well soon.A. so B. or C. and D. but( ) 4. Everybody in our class _ very excited because we won.A. felt B. feel C. feels D. feeling( ) 5. It is

6、 very important _ us _ English well.A. of; learnB. of; learning C. for; learning D. for; to learn四、复习自测:阅读。Theearthmovesroundthesun,andthemoonmovesroundtheearth.Whenourpartoftheearthturnstothesun,itisday.Whenourpartoftheearthturnsawayfromthesun,itisnight.Thesunismuchbiggerthanthemoon.Butsometimesthe

7、moonlooksbiggerthanthesun,becauseitsmuchnearertotheearth. Thesunisverybright.Itgivesaverystronglight.Themoonlooksquitebright,too.Butitdoesntgiveanylightatall.Themoonlooksmuchbiggerandbrighterthanthestars.Butinfactthestarsaremuchbiggerandbrighterthanthemoon.Theylooksmallerthanthemoonbecausetheyremuch

8、fartherawayfromus. ( ) 1._movesround_. A.Theearth,themoon B.Themoon,theearthC.Themoon,thestars D.Thesun,theearth ( )2.Sometimesthemoonlooksbiggerthanthesun,because_.A.itismuchbiggerthanthesunB.itcomesoutonlyatnightC.itismuchnearertotheearththanthesunD.itdoesntgiveaverystronglight( ) 3.Thesun_. A.giv

9、esuslight B.givesmorelightthanthemoondoesC.movesroundtheearth D.makesthemoonmoveroundtheearth( ) 4.Thestars_. A. lookmuchbiggerthanthesunB.lookmuchbrighterthanthemoon C.arealotbrighterthanthemoon,buttheyarenotbiggerthanthemoonD.aremuchfartherawayfromusthanthemoon( ) 5.Themoonlooksbrightbecause_. A.i

10、tgiveslight B.itreflects(反射)thesunslightC.itisnearertotheearth D.itisnearertothesun五、课文解读:(1)If we are in good spirits, we can study or work better. 假如心情好的话,我们就能更好地学习或工作。in good spirits “好心情”常见的相关词组有:in high spirits “情绪高昂地,精力充沛地”, in low spirits “情绪低落地”(2)Think it over before making an important dec

11、ision.在你作出重要决定之前,一定要仔细考虑。think over “仔细考虑,慎重考虑” (3)Get back to your everyday activities.继续你的日常活动。get back to“继续。,回到。上”(4)It will give you a sense of happiness. 这将给你一张重新拥有快乐的感觉。a sense of “。的感觉” a sense of duty “责任感”六、评价内容等级自评小组长评价预习情况ABCD课堂表现ABCD小组合作ABCDSection D一、1. 情绪,心境,精神 2. 不说话的, 沉默的 3. 感觉,意识 4. 决定二、1. 仔细考虑 2. 作决定 3. 好心情 4. remember to do sth. 5. get help from 6. take care of / look after 7. be strict with sb. . such as 9. try to do sth. 三、1. quiet 2. thoughts 3. sky 4. is full of 5. surprised四、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D五、15 BCADB



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