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1、Lesson 46Canada and the US. 一、单项选择1This is _ eagle. It is the national animal of the US.Aa Ban Cthe D/2Niagara Falls is famous all _ the world.Ain Bfor Cover Daround3In autumn there are a lot of _ on the ground.Aleaf Bleafs Cleaves Dleaves4Canada is _ the east of China.Ain Bto Con Dat5Jim is from _.

2、 He speaks _.AFrance; French BEnglish; EnglandCChinese; China DAustralian; Australia6_ country is northeast of China, Canada or Australia?Canada.AWhere BWhich CWhen DWhose7Li Ming, where would you like to go during your holiday?I want to visit _ in the US.8Here _ a pen and some erasers for you.Abe B

3、is Care Dwill be9_ do you know about our school?AHow often BHow longCHow many DHow much10Do you know where Ottawa is?Sorry, _.Aits easy BI know about OttawaCthats great DI dont know二、按要求完成下列各题11Niagara Falls is in Canada. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Niagara Falls? 12My sweater is red and white. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is y

4、our sweater? 13He knows a lot about Canada. (改为一般疑问句) _ he _ a lot about Canada? 14The Canadas flag has a red leaf. (改为同义句) _ _ a red leaf on Canadas flag. 15The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. (对画线部分提问) _ is the capital city of Canada? 三、根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空Do you know about the US.? I

5、ts in the s_16 of Canada. The c_17 city of the US. is Washington, DC.The flag of the US. has stars and _18 (stripe). The eagle is its _19 (nation) animal. The Statue of Liberty is f_20 in the world. People in the US. speak English.四、补全对话 A:Hi! Where are you from? _21B:Im Australian. I come from Sydn

6、ey. _22A:Im from the UK. I speak English. Do you speak English?B:_23A:I have a friend from China. He can speak English, too. _24B:Are you in the same school?A:_25AAre you English or Australian?BYes, I do.CYes, we are.DWhat about you?EAnd he often helps me with my Chinese.五、完形填空(词数:约130;建议用时:5分钟)Im L

7、i Hong. I know a lot _26Canada. I have two good friends. _27are Jim and Lucy. They _28in Canada. They _29English and French in Canada. Canada is a very big country in the world. It is _30of the US. The capital city of Canada is Ottawa. You can see many beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes and waterfal

8、ls in the country. Do you know Niagara Falls? It is a very _31 waterfall in Canada. Its great!Hello! Im Mike. I like to _32a hat, a pair of pants and a shirt. And my _33has stars and stripes. Its red, white and blue. _34am I from? Guess! Thats right. Im from the US. Would you like to come to the US.

9、? Im _35you will like the parks and the big buildings.26A.with Bto Cat Dabout 27A.You BShe CThey DWe 28A.like Blive Cvisit Dgo29A.say Btalk Cspeak Dtell 30A.north Bwest Csouth Deast31A.traditional Bfamous Cbright Ddifferent32A.take Bwear Cmake Dcarry33A.dress Bshirt CTshirt Dskirt34A.When BWho CWher

10、e DHow35A.sure Bafraid Cready Dagainst六、阅读理解(词数:约100;建议用时:5分钟) Dear friend,My name is Tom King. Im 14 years old. I am from Australia and I speak English. I can also speak a little Chinese. I have a brother and a sister.Their names are Sam and Lisa. I play soccer on weekends. Its my favourite sport.

11、I enjoy PE. Its great fun. My favourite movie is The Long Weekend. Do you know it? Its an action movie.Please write to me and tell me about yourself. I want to be your pen pal. Please write to me in English or Chinese.Yours,Tom阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。36Tom King can only speak English.37His brother Sam is 14

12、 years old.38Lisas favourite sport is soccer.39The Long Weekend is a movie.40Tom wants to make a pen pal.答 案一、1.B2.C3.C4.B5.A6.B7.B8.B9.D10.D二、11.Where is12.What colour13.Does; know14There is15.What三、16.south17.capital18.stripes19national20.famous四、21.A22.D23.B24.E25.C五、26.D27.C28. B点拨:句意:他们住在加拿大。live in居住,故选B。29C30. A点拨:句意:加拿大在美国的_。根据常识可知,加拿大在美国的北部,故选A。31.B32. B点拨:句意:我喜欢戴一顶帽子,穿裤子和衬衫。wear穿;戴,故选B。33. B点拨:本题运用结合上下文法。由上文提到I like to_ a hat, a pair of pants and a shirt.可知选B。34. C35A点拨:句意:我相信你会喜欢这儿的公园和高大的建筑物。sure确信;afraid害怕;ready准备好;against反对。结合句意,故选A。六、3640:FFFTT



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