(广西专版)2016中考英语总复习 教程同步篇 第十八课时 九上 modules 9-10 外研版

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《(广西专版)2016中考英语总复习 教程同步篇 第十八课时 九上 modules 9-10 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广西专版)2016中考英语总复习 教程同步篇 第十八课时 九上 modules 9-10 外研版(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第十八课时九年级(上)Modules 910(课时重点话题:发明与技术)高频单词和词组发明与技术【单词】1_(v.)借入;借来2_(n.)网站3_(n.)教科书;课本4_(n.)一页(纸)5_(adj.)电子的6_(adj.)有影响力的7_(v.)修补;补救8_(n.)复数 说明书9._(n.)发展;进步10_(n.)买卖;交易11_(v.)(因而)产生12_(v.)扩展;蔓延13_(n.)引进;采用;推行14_(v.)存储;储藏15_(n.)种类;类型16_(n.)方向17_(v.)替换;取代【词组】18_挂,张贴19_快速阅读;浏览20_用手;靠手21_大量的22_等等看;等着瞧23_每次

2、;一次24_从某一角度来看25_以各种各样的形式其他【单词】1_(adv.)大部分地;主要地2_(adj.)充满的3_(v.)(把某物)借出4_(adv.)合适地;正确地5_(n.)量;数量6_(adj.)中心的7_(adj.)神奇的;迷人的8_(n.)高度;身高9_(n.)帽子10._(adj.)在东北的11_(v.)使保持(某种状态)12_(n.)日记13_(v.)憎恨;讨厌14_(v.)(用刷子)刷15_(n.)精灵;神灵;精神16_(n.)亲戚【词组】17_ 我们这就看看18_根据;按照19._(使)避开20_剪掉;切掉;割掉21_记日记22_把某物从某物上刷掉23_与关系密切24_对


4、ry(形容词:担心的)_17ride(名词:骑马运动)_18quickly(比较级)_19introduce(名词:介绍)_20replace(过去式、过去分词)_重点句型1.Theyll be _ _on the school website.它们将被公布在学校的网站上。2And they_ _ _ by other classes,even people living in other countries.它们能够被其他班级看到,甚至生活在其他国家的人都能看到它。3Every evening,my mother_ _ magazines at home.每天晚上,我妈妈都在家里翻阅杂志。4

5、In those days,books were only produced one_ _ _ by hand.在那个年代,书是手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。5_ _ _,there were not many books,and they were expensive.这样一来,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。6.I have some_ _ I took in Australia last year.我有一些去年在澳大利亚拍摄的照片。7_ _the local people,its a special and magical place.当地人认为这是一个特殊而神奇的地方。8They wear s

6、pecial hats that_ the flies _.他们戴着能把苍蝇赶走的特别的帽子。9The scissors that they are holding_ _ _ _ the wool _ the sheep.他们正握着的剪刀是用来剪掉绵羊身上的羊毛的。10Salad_ _ _ cold vegetables that you dont need to cook.沙拉由凉的蔬菜制成,你不需要加热。核心语法1.被动语态(3)2.that引导的定语从句.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。()1.A.Shoes with adjustable heels.BHeated ice cream

7、scoop.CBatteryoperated slippers.()2.A.The telephone.BThe car.CThe computer.()3.A.In 1976. BIn 1896. CIn 1876.()4.A.In Korea. BIn Japan. CIn India.()5.A.Clean. BDirty. CClear.听短文,选择正确的答案。()6.Living in a modern Australian city is almost_living in an American city.Adifferent fromBcomfortable likeCthe s

8、ame as()7.Usually farm families live in_.Abig cities Bvillages Cevery town()8.The farmers in_can not see each other easily on weekdays.Athe world BAustraliaCthe United States()9.How do the farmers children go to school?AThey can take school buses or walk to school.BThey ride their bikes to school.CT

9、hey only walk to school.()10.What about the farmers life now?ATheir life is poor.BTheir life is changing.CTheir life is quite different from the city life.Theyll be put_up on the school website.它们将被公布在学校的网站上。.单项选择。()1.(2015来宾一模)My little brother often_his toys by himself before dinner when he lived

10、in Shanghai with my grandparents.Aput upBput awayCput on()2.(2015来宾一模) Look at the sign.You are not allowed to smoke here.Sorry,Ill _the cigarette right now.Aput off Bput upCput out Dput on()3.(2015泰安)The exam is over and the results will be _ on Friday afternoon.Aput down Bput offCput up Dput away.

11、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4(2015遂宁)今日事,今日毕(不要把今天的事推迟到明天)。Never _ _ till tomorrow what you can do today.5(2015宿迁)消防员们及时赶到,并很快扑灭了大火。The firemen arrived in time and _ _ the big fire quickly.要点速记考点用法宾语为代词时,必须放中间put away把放好put on穿上,把放在上put off推迟put down放下,写下put out扑灭put up 举起、抬起、张贴、建造put up with忍受 Every evening,my mother looks_through magazines at home.每天晚上,我妈妈都在家翻阅杂志。.单项选择。()1.(2015乐山)I found my sister _ my things and took my new magazines.What should I do?I guess you should tell her its not right.Alooking through Blooking upClooking for(


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