八年级英语下册 unit 6 topic 1 we’re going on a three-day visit to mount tai section a教学案(新版)仁爱版

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八年级英语下册 unit 6 topic 1 we’re going on a three-day visit to mount tai section a教学案(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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1、Unit 6 Topic 1 Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai Section A学习目标: 通过1a学习,谈论有关旅游的准备事项,如何查询旅途费用,选择最佳交通工具等,学习重点词汇:field, proper,total, go on a visit to make a decision, tooto和decide on及动词不定时(to do)的用法。第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习 20-25 学习内容摘 记Step1. Introduction (PPT)1. Free talk. -What do you usually

2、do when you feel bad? - Listen to music, Play sports, Go to the movies,Read books,Talk to friends/parents, Play computer games,Go traveling-2. Learn the new words.Step2.听读-感悟短文 1、 完成P27-1b听力。2、仔细阅读P27-1a文本,完成填空。(PPT)The students will go on visit to Mount Tai. Michael wants to there, and it will _ th

3、em a few days. So its _ far for them _ go there by bike. Miss Wang asks them to make the _ together. There are other _for them to choose. Miss Wang wants them to find out the _ for train, bus and plane. They will the best way to go on their 。3、播放视频短文,小声跟读,然后大声朗读。3Step3.品读-读出理解 (自主学习:要求独立、安静完成)一、快速阅读

4、短文,核对所猜大意,扫清生词障碍及对话含义并在课本划出以下重点短语或句子。 1) I have some exciting news to tell you. 2) For our spring field trip(春游), were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. (去旅游)。3) It will take us a few days to get there by bike. (花费某人多长时间做某事 ) 4)make a decision. 5) Its too far to cycle. (太.而不能. ) 6) Well decid

5、e on the best way to travel on our field trip.( 决定 ) 二、语言点梳理。1、请看:I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有些好消息要告诉你们。 【归纳】to tell you 是动词_,作定语,修饰 ,动词不定式作定语时要放在所修饰的名词或代词的 (前/后面)。【练一练】 1)I have nothing _ (say ) .我没有什么要说的。 2)Could you give me something (eat)? 你能给我点吃的东西吗? 2、请看: For our spring field trip

6、, were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. 这次春游,我们将去泰山玩3天。 【归纳】1)去某地旅游:_2) a threeday visit 译为“_”,threeday 是复合形容词,作定语修饰名词,其结构为: 。 【练一练】 1)一个七天的假期_ 2) 一名八岁的男孩_3、请看:Well decide on the best way to travel on our field trip. 我们将决定郊游的最好方式。【归纳】1) decide v. 译为: _= (decision) 决定做某事:_,其否定形式为 2)决定/选定某事: _

7、 第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨 20研讨内容摘 记 内容一:小组成员之间交换讲学稿,看看同学语言点梳理的答案及与你的有什么不同。把你的意见直接标注; 内容二:按照组长的分工,每位同学选择一个内容向全组同学进行交流。如有不同意见,请直接提出或质疑。 内容三:理解下列句子,相互交流翻译并背诵。1) I have some exciting news to tell you.2) For our spring field trip(春游), were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. (去旅游)。3) It will take us a fe

8、w days to get there by bike. 花费某人多长时间做某事 4) Its too far to cycle. (太.而不能. ) 5) Well decide on the best way to travel on our field trip.( 决定 ) 模块三:巩固内化(15)学习任务摘 记任务一:小组讨论,完成P27-2; 任务二:小组讨论,完成P28-3;任务三:完成P28-4, 听力。 课题:Unit6 Topic1 Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai. Section A P 27-28 第1课时 授课

9、时间:第4周周日晚 姓名 模块四:当堂训练(10)老师的话:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情认真做,认真做的事情重复做,重复做的事情创造性做!一时专一事,做最好的自己,你一定成功!一、基础题:根据汉语提示填空。 1. Can you see a sheep eating grass in that (田地)? 2. He gave me a (恰当的)example of it. 3. Whats the (价格)of the black shoes? 4.The (全部的)number of the classes in this school is 24. 5. We plan to (参观)

10、Jiuzhaigou this summer.二、发展提:选择题( ) 1. What is Li Leis plan during the summer holidays? -He wants to go on a _visit to Beijing.A. five day B. five days C. five-day D. five-days( ) 2. There are all kinds of jackets in the clothes store. I cant decide which one _.A. buy B. to buy C. sell D. to sell( )

11、 3. Lucy will learn to play the piano though it _ too much. A. costs B. takes C. spends D. pays( ) 4. -Shopping with me?-Id love to, _ I have a lot of clothes .A.and, to wash B. and, washing. C. but, to wash. D. but, washing( ) 5. Of the three dictionaries, they the cheapest one at last.A. put on. B. decided on. C. came on D. cheered on.三、翻译句子1.骑自行车到那儿将要花费我们好几天的时间。 2. 我有些好消息要告诉你们。 3. 这次春游,我们将去泰山玩3天。



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