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1、Unit 2 Working the land Section Grammar & Writing.完成句子1见到你是一件非常高兴的事。(meet)_ has been a great pleasure.2你能想象在一个荒岛上独自一人生活一个月吗?(imagine)Can you _ on a lonely island for a month?3他说他正考虑不去那儿。(consider)He said that he was _.4我们不允许在办公室里吸烟。(allow)We dont _ in the office.5他试图对我的问题避而不答。(avoid)He tried to _ my

2、 question.【答案】1.Meeting you2.imagine living alone3.consider not going there4.allow smoking5avoid answering.阅读理解AAnyone who has gardened will be familiar with insects.You may not know them by name,but you know that they can do a lot of damage to plants,sometimes destroying them completely.But not all

3、 insects are bad.There are many beneficial insects that can help to fight those planteating insects in your garden.You can attract beneficial insects to your garden by providing specific plants just for them.Beneficial insects are like teenage boys.If you feed them,they will keep coming back for mor

4、e.There are a large variety of common plants and flowers that attract beneficial insects.Beneficial insects are not only attracted to plants which are infected with their insect prey,but they also tend to be selective about the plants on which they lay their eggs.Some of these plants may already be

5、in your garden,and others are a worthy addition.Plants with umbrellashaped flowers are very attractive to a number of beneficial insects.Queen Annes lace and dill are examples of plants that produce blooms with an umbrella shape.Green or brown lacewings and ladybugs will also appreciate the same umb

6、rellashaped flowers.Lacewings prefer to lay their eggs in shady areas that are protected from the weather.Theyll be happy to find some of their favourite plants in a quiet,protected corner of the garden.Lacewings lay eggs on their favorite host plants,with each tiny egg appearing on the end of a thi

7、n thread attached to a leaf.Learn to recognize the beneficial insects in your garden in both their adult and larval (幼虫的) stages so you dont neglectfully destroy these little garden helpers.Tachinid flies look like hairy house flies,and they lay their eggs on caterpillars (毛虫) that can do a lot of d

8、amage in a garden.Tachinid fly larvae will destroy corn earworms, cabbage worms and army worms.【语篇解读】我们可以吸引益虫到花园里来控制虫害,本文主要介绍益虫偏好的植物类型。1What is mainly talked about in the text?AHow to protect beneficial insects.BHow to tell beneficial insects from harmful ones.CWhat kinds of plants beneficial insect

9、s like most.DWhat beneficial insects can do for us.【解析】综合分析全文可知,本文主要介绍益虫偏好的植物类型。【答案】C2We can attract beneficial insects by_.Agiving them food oftenBproviding proper plantsCgiving them money oftenDproviding harmful insects【解析】从文章第一段倒数第三句可知,主要靠在花园里种植特定的植物来吸引益虫。【答案】B3What kinds of plants do beneficial

10、insects like most?APlants with umbrellashaped flowers.BPlants with a lot of leaves.CPlants with sweet smells.DPlants with a lot of flowers.【解析】从文章第三段可知,益虫最喜欢开伞状花的植物。【答案】A4Which of the following belong to beneficial insects?ATachinid flies.BCorn earworms.CCabbage worms. DArmyworms.【解析】从文章第四段可知,寄生蝇的幼虫

11、寄生在害虫体内,因此是益虫。【答案】AB【导学号:34410031】If you want your land to keep fertile,you must try to stop soil from being carried away by water or winds.When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds,we call it soil erosion.Ways have been found to stop soil erosion,and this is known as soil conservati

12、on.One way of stopping soil erosion is to grow small plants such as grasses.These plants are referred to as cover_crops,whose roots hold the soil tightly together.The rain water cannot wash away the soil.When trees and tall bushes are planted at the edges of an open field,soil erosion by strong wind

13、s cannot take place.The trees and bushes,which act as a very big and firm wall,protect the open land from the winds.The way to stop soil erosion on slopes is to build terraces on the slope of hillside and mountainside.When the slope of a hillside is cut into “steps”,water carrying soil cannot run st

14、raight down the terraces,which are used to slow down the speed of the flowing water containing much soil in it.In this way most of the soil in the water is left behind on the terraces,much soil in it is kept.【语篇解读】本篇是一篇说明文。目前,农业由于水土流失而大大受到影响。本文主要讲述了水土流失和防止水土流失的方法。5What takes place in soil erosion?AF

15、lood happens to the fertile land.BA large quantity of the earth wears away gradually.CTerraces are built on the slope of hillside or mountainside.DPlants are grown to protect the open land.【解析】细节理解题。由“When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds,we call it soil erosion.”可以得出答案。【答案】B6The underlined “cover crops” in this passage means_.Agrass rootsBtrees and hushesCplant life of an areaDcovering plants that produce grain or vegetables【解析】词义猜测题。根据该短语所在的上下文,我们可以判断该词的意思为“植被”。【答案】C7Be


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