九年级英语全册《unit 10 by the time i got outside,the bus had already left(第3课时)》学案 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 10 By the time I got outside the bus had already leftSection B学习目标掌握重点单词和短语:fool愚弄 embarrassed尴尬的 empty空的 exhausted极其疲惫的 describe描述 announce宣布 convince使确信 panic恐慌 reveal提示 farmer农夫;农场主 marry嫁;娶 thrill使非常激动 ending结尾 embarrassing令人为难的 show up出现 April Fools Day愚人节 set off激起 get marrieed结婚 a piece

2、of一片掌握重点句型What happened to Dave on April Fools Day?Wells was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, snd panic set off across the whole country.By the time people realized that the story was a hoax, all of the spaghetti across the country had been bought.He asked her to marry him.能

3、够谈论有关令人尴尬或令人难忘的事情第三课时(1a4)预习按要求填单词1embarrasse(形容词)_ 2.full (反义词) _ 3.exhaust (形容词)_ 4.invite(名词)_5.marry (过去分词)_ 6.flee (过去分词)_根据汉语提示完成句子When the other kids _ (出现), I realized that my brother _ (愚弄) me.I was _(极其疲惫) because I _ _(熬夜) all night studying.He took a shower,_ _(穿上衣服)and had breakfast in

4、a hurry.The famous singer will _ _(露面) in the stage.He had chnged the clock to an hour _(提早).In the westen country, Apil 1 is _ _ _(愚人节)。课堂练习单项选择1I was late today because my alarm clock didnt _. A .run off B.go off C. give out D. put off2. My bike _ and I had to walk to school. A. broke B. broke up

5、C. broke down D. broke into3.You are _ by the naught boy. A. fool B. foolish C. fooled D. fooling4.Well go in the same direction. Let me _. A. give you some feet B. give you rides C. give you a ride D. give you a walking5.have you ever been late _ work? No, Im always early. A. to B. for C. at D. on6

6、.Im _ by his comments about my clothes. A. embarrass B. embarrassed C. exhaust D.exhausted翻译在星期六,我的确很晚才睡。 On Saturday,I _ _ real late.我到校的时候,其他孩子都没有露面。 When I got to school, the other kis didnt _ _.愚人节那天Dave怎么啦? _ _ _ Dave _ Apil _ Day?上星期五晚上,我朋友邀请了我去他的生日晚会。 _ _ night, my friend _ me _ his birthday

7、party.后来我发现我朋友作弄了我。 Then I _ _ my friend _ _ me.完形填空 If you wake up on the 1_ day of April and feel that the whole world has gone mad,you are correct. April Folls day is the day in a year when you cannot 2_ anything you see or hear, and probably will not mind 3_ a “fool”. Friends play simple jokes a

8、ll day long. One April Fools day in 1938, a radio programme 4_ actor Orson Welles announced that aliens from Mars 5_ on the earth. He describled where they had laned and told how they were moving 6_ the United States. Welles was so 7_ that hundreds of people believe the stroy, and panic 8_ across th

9、e whole country. By the time the authorities 9_ that the story was a hoax, !0_ people had fled from their homes. Oh, it was the April Fools Day.( )1.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )2.A. know B. realize C. believe D. think( )3.A. calling B. called C. to be called D. being called( )4.A. of B.

10、from C. by D. with( )5.A. landed B. had landed C. had been landed D. have landed( )6.A. cross B. across C. through D. on ( )7.A. comvince B. convinces C. convincing D. convinced( )8.A. ran off B. took off C. turn off D. set off( )9.A. told B.knew C.revealed D. said( )10.A. thousand B. thousands C. t

11、housand of D. thousands of .第十单元参考答案第三课时预习一、1.embarrassing 2.empty 3.exhausting 4.invitation 5.married 6.fled二、1. showed up; fooled 2. exhausted; stayed up 3. got dressed 4.show up 5. earlier 6.April Fools Day课堂练习一、16 BCCCBB二、1.stayed up 2.show up 3. What happened to; on ; Fools 4. Last Friday; invited to 5.found out; had fooled 三、15 ACDCB 610 BCDCD


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