七年级英语下册 module 12 unit 2 vienna is the centre of european classical music(第1课时)教案 (新版)外研版

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1、M12Unit2 Vienna is the center of European classical music课题: M12Unit2 Vienna is the center of European classical music. (第一课时)【教学目标】知识目标:能够灵活运用感叹句,反意疑问句能力目标:让学生学会使用本模块的单词及句型。情感目标:通过学习,让学生了解西方音乐。教学重点:Vocabulary-centre European classical century composer elder another piece poor perfect sadStructures-

2、 not onlybut also 教学难点:对“not onlybut also” 句型及感叹句的熟练运用。重难点突破:以介绍为核心,通过小组活动,在听、说、读、写中使单词及句型以不同的形式反复出现,从而强化学习重难点。教、学法:任务型教学法,讲授法,小组合作学习法,情境演练。教具:磁带、录音机、多媒体课件。一、自主学习(一):学单词,跟录音或老师读单词,并掌握其拼写。乐手;音乐家 _ 年长的_中心 _完美的 _ 贫穷的_又一个;再一个 _欧洲的 _世纪_作品_(二)、重点短语(教师填写)1)在的中心 _ 2).不但而且_ 3.) 出生 _ 4).带领某人参观 _ 5).成百上千的 _(三)

3、重点句型:(教师填写)1)Vienna is a beautiful old city on the River Danube in the centre of Europe(六)复述课文Vienna is the centre of European classical music. Lots of composers and musicians once(曾经)studied and worked here. The most famous one is the Strauss family. Johann Strauss the elders waltzes made him famou

4、s all over Europe. Johann Strauss the younger was even more successful and popular. He wrote more than 400Waltzes.The Austrian musician Mozart was born in 1756, his father was a musician, too. Mozart played all kinds of instruments. His father took him around Europe and Mozart gave many concerts. At

5、 the age of 12,he wrote his first opera and hundreds of (成百的) beautiful classical music. He was the greatest European musician. He died when he was only 35 years old. 2)The father,Johann Strauss the elder,wrote and played music for traditional dances,called the waltz. 3)Mozart was another very impor

6、tant composer.4)He played not only the piano but also the violin.(四)1.听读课文并回答问题,见(P75) 2.小组合作翻译课文(五)知识点归纳梳理1. elder与older2.another.又一个,再一个(辨析other the other another)3.takearound带领参观4.not onlybut also是一个并列连词,意为 “不但而且”连接两个相同的成分。Mr.Hu can speak not only English but also Japanese.胡先生不仅会讲英语而且还会日语。(并列宾语)The little girl not only can play the piano but also can play the guitar. 这位女孩不仅会弹钢琴而且还会弹吉他。(并列谓语).Not only you but also Li Lei _( be) right.【特别提醒】 当连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词采用就近原则。 板书设计:Module 12 Unit 21. Vocabularycentre;中心elderly: 年长的another;又一个,再一个 perfect: 完美的2.not onlybut also 课后反思:


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