江苏省永丰初级中学七年级英语下册《unit 3 welcome to sunshine town》复习课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、7B Unit 3 welcome to sunshine town Revision,我的 没有什么 安静的 新鲜的 本地的 6.地铁 7. 著名的 8. 西方的 9. 错过,失去 10. 明信片 11. 钥匙,单词背诵1,mine nothing quiet fresh local underground famous western miss postcard key,12. 划船 13. 旅馆 14. 拥有,所有 15. 家乡 16. 友好的 17. 饲养 18. 生长,发育 19. 嗅,闻到 20. 驾驶,开车 21. 等一会儿 22. 盼望,期待 23. 艺术品 24. 钥匙扣 2

2、5. 到处,遍及,单词背诵2,12. row 13. hotel 14. own 15. hometown 16. friendly 17. raise 18. grow 19. smell 20. drive 21. wait a minute 22. look forward to 23. work of arts 24. key ring 25. all over,1.为某人买某物 2.期待做某事 3.带某人参观某地 4.一个居住的好地方 5.许多可做的事 6.对某人友好 7.我的一个老朋友 8.带他们去电影院 9.离远 10.欣赏京剧 11.听某人唱歌,buy sb sth,hear

3、sb.sing,look forward to doing,show sb around,a wonderful place to live,lots of things to do,take them to the cinema,be friendly to sb,an old friend of mine,enjoy Beijng Opera,be far away from,重点短语句型,用所给词的适当形式填空,1) I look forward to _ (watch) films at weekends. 2) Why not _ (have) a try? 3) It takes

4、me a long time _ (walk) to school. 4) Would you like _ (play) with me? 5)What about _(show) me around the city?,watching,have,to walk,to play,showing,language points,1. There be sb doing sth.有某人在做某事。 There be sth to do.有某事要做。 这儿没有事情可做。 2. A be far (away) from B. (句子) A离B远。 海南离北京很远。 A far (away) from

5、 B (短语) 离B远的A 上冈是一个离北京很远的小镇。 Shanggang is a small town far away from Beijing.,有一些人在游泳池里游泳。,There are some people swimming in the swimming pool,There is nothing to do here,Hainan is far away from Beijing,3. It takes (sb) some time (to get to sp) by +交通工具。 乘-(到达某地)花费(某人)-,乘公交到达市中心要花费我们半个小时。,It takes u

6、s half an hour to get to the city center by bus.,4. West (名词) 西方 Western (形容词)西方的 5. Why not do sth?=Why dont you/we do sth? 为何不干某事?(表建议) 6. miss 想念,错过 7. look forward to doing sth,西方国家 Western countries,西方人 people in the West,为什么不乘地铁去?,Why not go by underground?,错过早班车,miss the early bus,我们正盼望着收到你的来

7、信。,We are looking forward to getting your letter,translation,1.从我家到学校骑车只要半小时。 2.我的学校离警察局很远。 3.为什么不尝尝北京烤鸭? 4.我们盼望着与你在聚会上见面。,It_ from my home to school by bike,My school _ the police station.,_ try Beijing duck?,We are _ you at the party.,takes only half an hour,is far from,Why not,looking forward to

8、meeting,Grammar:, 名词所有格:,名词所有格的变换规则:,1.通常在单数名词后直接加 s,如:fathers book,2.不以s结尾的复数名词后加s,如:Womens Day,Childrens Day,3.以s结尾的复数名词只需要加,如:teachers,students,4.通常在名字后面直接加s,如:Lilys Amys,5.要表示两人或多人共有时,只在最后一个名词词尾加s;如果为各自所有,各个名词后,都要加s 如:Lily and Lucys bed Lilys and Lucys beds,(二)1. 表示时间、距离、国家、城市的名词,加s或s 构成所有格 five

9、 minutes walk= a five-minute walk todays meeting 今天的会议 2. 共同所有格与个体所有格: 共有的东西,所有格也共有; 分开的东西,所有格也分开. Shes Tom and Jims mother. (同一个母亲) Theyre Toms and Jims mothers. ( 各自的母亲),知识拓展,1、There are so many desks in the classroom. These two desks are_ (Peter and Millie),2、-Is that _( Peter and Millie ) desk?

10、-Yes, they share it.,(三)、 双重所有格是指 “of+名词 s / of + 名词性的物主代词”的结构。当被修饰的名词前a, an, two, some, such, this, those时,常用这种所有格。 a friend of mine an old photo of my fathers two rooms of ours some books of my sisters Mary and Gina are my cousins. Three friends of _work in our local hospital. A. their B. they C.

11、them D. theirs,知识拓展,根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空,1、Please put the book on _( Millie) desk. 2、These teddy bears are the _( girls). 3、June 1 is _( children ) Day. 4、This is the _( boy ) Walkman. Its not the _( girl ). 5、Is it 20 _ (minute ) walk from your home? 6、_( My mother ) birthday is on May 9.,Possessive ad

12、jectives and pronouns, 物主代词,注意: +名词,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词= +名词,形容词性物主代词,This is my book. Yours is over there.,Possessive Pronoun 形容词性物主代词,(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词,=名词性物主代词,(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs) 所以名词性物主代词后不必加名词。,小结,用适当的物主代词填空:,1. I think books are yours, Peter. They are not my bo

13、oks. They are not _. 2. Please give this to Susan. It is _ pen. 3. We are working hard on _ project. The teacher will like it.,mine,her,our,4. My cousins and I live in the same building. My flat is on the third floor. _ is on the tenth floor. 5. I cant find my ruler. Can I borrow _? 6. Mr Chen loves

14、 _ new car very much.,Theirs,yours,his,Do some exercises:,用所给词的正确形式填空。,1. Wendy and Andy often go (walk) for half an hour after supper.,2. People in (west) countries cook potatoes in many ways.,3. My uncle (miss) the bus, and he has to go home by taxi.,4. We are all looking forward to (watch) the ne

15、w film,5. Toms family (own) a new car.,6. The fish (smell) so nice. I cant wait to eat!,7.Its about ten _ ( minute) walk from here to the playground.,8. Our school is very big, but (their) is small.,10. Why not _ (play) foot ball with us?,9. We all like this girl because she is (friend) to all of us,11. Th



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