广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 读后感受课件

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《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 读后感受课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 读写任务 要点各个击破 读后感受课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、读后感受,就是要求考生在阅读故事后,表达心情感受,然后就故事中的人和事发表看法。基本模板是:“感受句+就事论事”。这类要点通常含有“你读()后的感受”。表示心情感受的词有disappointed (失望的), ashamed (羞愧的), sorry (惋惜,难过的), touched/moved (感动的), impressed (印象深刻的), inspired (受启发的,受鼓舞的), surprised (惊讶的), astonished (惊讶的), shocked (震惊的)等。,1. 读完我真的很感动, 在这里 说实在的,这是我第一次 I was really moved /to

2、uched when I finished reading , in which To be honest, it was the first time that I had,常用句式,2. 读了后, 我相当兴奋/高兴/遗憾/惭愧/失望,因为 I felt very excited /happy /sorry /ashamed /disappointed after I read because 3. 看完的故事后,我因而感动。 After reading the story of I was touched by,4. 阅读这篇演讲稿后,我为那个学生感到非常惋惜。 After reading

3、 this speech, I feel really sorry for the student 5. 读完这篇文章后,我对有了更深刻的了解。 Having read the passage, I have a better understanding of,6. 看完这个故事后,我对这个男孩感到失望,他 Having read the story, I feel disappointed with the boy, who 7. 读完那篇文章/那个故事的那一刻, 我陷入了沉思。 After I read the passage /story, I was lost in thought.,

4、8. 这个故事使我感动得流下了眼泪。我从来没想到过 This story moved me to tears. I never thought that 9. 这个故事是如此, 以致于我 The story is sothat I.,高考链接,读信后的感受(2007广东高考) I was deeply moved when I finished reading your letter, in which I had a better understanding of your excitement over my coming to the world and your sincere hop

5、e on my growing. To be honest, it was the first time that I had realized your deepest love for me, which accounts for my great appreciation and thanks to you.,对中学生活的感受(2008广东高考) When it comes to my middle school life, I could tell you that it has already made a good impression on me. I can well reme

6、mber that I really had a good time in this school, where I gained a great deal of knowledge and made a large number of good friends. Therefore, I cherished the life of my high school.,1.说说你读信后的感受。(John来信说他考上了理想的大学,你给他回信) 首先,写出主题句,说出心中的感受:读完你的信后,我非常兴奋,在信里我知道你考上了自己理想的大学。 然后,拓展主题句,列举成功的原因:your hard wor

7、k/make your dream come true/different extracurricular activities(课外活动)/contribute to(有助于) your success,要点特训,I was very excited after I finished reading your letter, in which I knew that you had been admitted to your ideal university. I do believe that it was your hard work that made your own dream c

8、ome true. Whats more, you always took part in different extracurricular activities to broaden your horizons, which contributed to your success.,首先,写出主题句,说出心中的感受:在我看来,暑假做兼职工作的经历对我的人生有极大的影响。 然后,拓展主题句,细说具体的影响:learn a lot/deal with some difficulties/ become more independent/think it useful,2.对暑假做兼职工作的感受

9、。,From my point of view, the experiences of doing part-time jobs in my summer vacations have had a great influence on my life. In fact, I learned a lot about how to deal with some difficulties on my own, which helps me become more independent now. Therefore, I think it useful to do par-time jobs in

10、my summer holidays.,3.谈谈你知道张丽莉老师的事迹后的感受。(张丽莉老师在车祸瞬间推开学生,自己被轧,双腿截肢,人们称她为“最美教师”) 首先,写出主题句,说出心中的感受:知道了张丽莉老师为救学生牺牲自己的故事后,我被深深感动了。 然后,拓展主题句,细说感动的原因:deserve to be honored/her bravery and kindness/show the inner beauty,Having known about the story of Zhang Lili who didnt care about herself in order to save

11、 the students, I was deeply touched. She deserved to be honored as “the most beautiful teacher” because of her bravery and kindness. It was she that showed the inner beauty as a teacher. Indeed, her spirit will be ever-lasting.,仿真模拟,The author was surprised that people in a town paid for the needy i

12、n a coffee shop with the waiter putting papers on the wall, which helped the needy enjoy their coffee without lowering their self-esteem. I was really touched after reading the story. It is the way of helping the needy without embarrassing them that impressed me a lot. The helped neednt know about t

13、he one who is giving this cup of coffee to him.,He only looks at the wall, places an order for himself, and then enjoys his coffee. The story above reminds me of a Chinese charitarian, Chen Guangbiao, who becomes well-known in China for personally rescuing 13 people and donating millions to the peop

14、le of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.,He also gave away envelopes of cash on the streets of Taiwan and distributed a pile of cash worth US 5 million to young people in China. However, his way of helping others may hurt them. Actually, it is significant to respect others mainly because your respect will greatly influence others, especially when you help others. It is respect for others that contributes to respect for yourself.,



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