精选2019年高中新创新一轮复习英语人教版:必修三 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars

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1、.Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars一、刷黑板.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1astronomy n天文学2astronomer n. 天文学家3solar adj. 太阳的;日光的4billion pron.&n.& adj. 英万亿;美十亿5carbon n. 碳6dissolve vt.& vi. 溶解;解散7acid n. 酸 第二屏听写8mammal n哺乳动物9dioxide n. 二氧化物10extinct adj. 灭绝的;绝种的11lessen vi.& vt. 减少;减轻12weightlessly adv. 失重地13so

2、lar system 太阳系14carbon dioxide 二氧化碳_ 第三屏听写.高频词汇(汉译英)1system n系统;体系;制度2religion n. 宗教;宗教信仰3theory n. 学说;理论4violent adj. 猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的5atmosphere n. 大气层;气氛6unlike prep. 与不同;不像7fundamental adj. 基本的;基础的 第四屏听写8presence n出席;到场;存在9harmful adj. 有害的10chain n. 链子;连锁;锁链11reaction n. 反应;回应12multiply vi.& vt. 乘;增加

3、13oxygen n. 氧14exist vi. 存在;生存15thus adv. 因此;于是 第五屏听写16puzzle n谜;难题vt.& vi. (使)迷惑;(使)为难17biology n. 生物学18biologist n. 生物学家19gravity n. 万有引力;重力20satellite n. 卫星;人造卫星21gentle adj. 温和的;文雅的 第六屏听写22physicist n物理学家23climate n. 气候24crash vi.& vt. 碰撞;坠落25spaceship n. 宇宙飞船26pull n& vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力27float vi.&

4、 vt. (使)浮动;(使)漂浮n. 漂浮物 第七屏听写28globe n球体;地球仪;地球29exhaust vt. 用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽30in_time 及时;终于31lay_eggs 下蛋32give_birth_to 产生;分娩33in_ones_turn 轮到某人34prevent_._from 阻止;制止 第八屏听写35block_out挡住(光线)36cheer_up 感到高兴;感到振奋37now_that 既然38break_out 突发;爆发39watch_out_for 密切注意;当心;提防40get_the_hang_of 熟悉;掌握;理解 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅

5、读单词1.astronomy n天文学2astronomer n. 天文学家3solar adj. 太阳的;日光的4billion pron.&n.& adj. 英万亿;美十亿5.carbon n碳6dissolve vt.& vi. 溶解;解散7acid n. 酸8mammal n. 哺乳动物9.dioxide n二氧化物10extinct adj. 灭绝的;绝种的11lessen vi.& vt. 减少;减轻12weightlessly adv. 失重地表达单词1.system n系统;体系;制度2unlike prep. 与不同;不像3fundamental adj. 基本的;基础的4m

6、ultiply vi.&vt. 乘;增加5gentle adj. 温和的;文雅的6crash vi.&vt. 碰撞;坠落7pull n&vt. 拉(力);拖;牵引力8float vi.&vt. (使)浮动;(使)漂浮n. 漂浮物语境活用1A truck went out of control and crashed (碰撞) into the back of a bus.2Some experts think reading is the fundamental (基本的) skill upon which school education depends. 3Those anxious fo

7、r reform say that the present system (系统) is too narrow.4He found something floating (漂浮) on the lake,which frightened him.5If you multiply (乘) two and three, you will get six.拓展单词1.religion n宗教;宗教信仰religious adj.宗教的2theory n学说;理论theoretical adj.理论的;理论性的3violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的violence n暴力violently

8、adv.猛烈地;激烈地4harmful adj.有害的harm n&v.伤害;危害harmless adj.无害的5exist vi.存在;生存existence n存在;生存6puzzle vi.&vt.(使)迷惑;(使)为难n.谜;难题puzzled adj.迷惑不解的;困惑的puzzling adj.令人迷惑的7globe n球体;地球仪;地球global adj.全球性的;全世界的语境活用1There was a puzzled look on the little girls face because a puzzling problem puzzled her.(puzzle)2D

9、o you believe the existence of ghosts? Perhaps they only exist in the minds of some people.(exist)3Last night we had a discussion, which became more and more violent. Finally we reached an agreement that we will never use violence whatever happens.(violent)4The harmful materials became harmless to t

10、he environment after being dealt with.(harm)5He often says that he doesnt believe in any religion but meanwhile he respects others religious freedom. (religion)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.in_time及时;终于2lay_eggs 下蛋3give_birth_to 产生;分娩4in_ones_turn 轮到某人;接着5watch_out_for 密切注意;当心;提防6cheer_up 感到高兴;感到振奋7dep

11、end_on 依靠;取决于8break_out 突发;爆发9prevent_._from 阻止;制止10block_out 挡住(光线)11get_the_hang_of 熟悉;掌握;理解12now_that 既然1.Last night, Mrs. Green had a heart attack. But luckily, the doctor came in_time to save her life.2Do remember to watch_out_for cars while crossing the street.3At last the firefighters put out

12、 the fire in the supermarket, which broke_out at ten this morning.4When the professor turned up, all the students cheered_up.5Class Three should be responsible for raising the red flag this week in_its_turn.6Only by practising time and time again can you get_the_hang_of the grammar rules.7She marrie

13、d at 25 and gave_birth_to her first child shortly after.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.这就产生了连锁反应,使生命的发展成为可能。makeitadj./n.for sb. to do。掌握此项技术可能会让我们更加有效地利用网络。Mastering the technology makes_it_possible_for_us_to_use_the_Internet_more_effectively.2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.但当我试着向前迈步的时候,我发觉我被送出去很远,步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍远,因而我摔倒了。 倍数表达法:倍数asadj./adv.原级as其他。


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