2020版高考英语北师大版一轮课件:选修7 unit 20 new frontiers

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1、Unit 20 New Frontiers,-2-,高频词汇,难点句型,1.assist vt.帮助;协助 assistant n.助理,助手 assistance n.U帮助,协助 高考佳句 A nurse who understands the healing value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures. 一位懂得沉默的治愈价值的护士会运用这种体谅来帮助护理那些与她们的文化背景相同和来自其他文化背景的病

2、人们。(2016全国卷,阅读理解D篇) assist sb (with sth)帮助某人(做某事) assist sb to do sth=assist sb in doing sth帮助某人做某事 come to ones assistance来援助/帮助某人 be of any(great)assistance帮上忙,-3-,高频词汇,难点句型,单句语法填空 He assists her in (cook) matters.(2018全国卷,阅读理解B篇) Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept (ass

3、ist) from.(2016全国卷,完形填空) His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching_ (assist) in class. (2016全国卷,阅读理解B篇) 写作升级 A team of nurses assisted the doctor to perform the operation. 满分表达 A team of nurses assisted the doctor_ the operation.,cooking,assistance,assistant,in performing,-4-,高频词汇,难点句型,2.

4、conflict v.抵触,冲突 n.争执;斗争,冲突;争论 高考佳句 What kind of education can be “meaningful” to young people affected by conflict? 什么教育对受到冲突影响的年轻人可能是“有意义的”?(2016浙江卷,阅读理解B篇) a conflict between.and.在和之间的冲突 conflict with.和发生冲突 in conflict with.和冲突 come into conflict发生冲突,-5-,高频词汇,难点句型,单句语法填空 If we are not careful,the

5、n,we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined,super intelligent machines whose objectives conflict our own,with the real world as the chessboard.(2017北京卷,阅读理解D篇) The two companies come frequent conflicts as a result of competition. 写作升级 All these actions by them conflicted wit

6、h the universally accepted international laws. 满分表达 All these actions by them was_ the universally accepted international laws.,with,into,in conflict with,-6-,高频词汇,难点句型,3.donate vt.捐赠;赠送 donor/donator n.捐赠者,赠送者 donation n.捐赠物(尤指捐款) 高考佳句 Donations began flooding in from hundreds of people. 成百上千的人开始捐款

7、。(2017天津卷,完形填空) (1)donate sth捐赠某物 donate sth to.把某物捐给 (2)make a donation/make donations进行捐赠,-7-,高频词汇,难点句型,单句语法填空 For just a small (donate) you can take a tour with our garden guide.(2018全国卷,阅读理解A篇) Volunteers came with carloads of (donate) clothing and toys.(2016北京卷,阅读理解B篇) I found the pre-holidays

8、a good time to encourage young children (donate) less-used things.(2018全国卷,阅读理解D篇) .they were all amazed when Miss McCarty decided to donate $150,000 the University of Southern Mississippi.,donation,donated,to donate,to,-8-,高频词汇,难点句型,4.meanwhile adv.对比之下 高考佳句 Moth,meanwhile,after an initial struggle

9、,found his symptoms were strangely reduced by their daily tiring journey. 同时,在初步努力和坚持之后,Moth通过每天辛苦地徒步旅行发现他的病症不可思议地减轻了。 (2018江苏卷,完形填空) meanwhile和in the meanwhile及in the meantime表达相同的意思。,-9-,高频词汇,难点句型,单句语法填空 ,I will regard it as my duty to help keep our environment clean and healthy. 写作升级 The flight w

10、ill be announced soon.Meanwhile,please remain seated. 满分表达 The flight will be announced soon. ,please remain seated.,Meanwhile,In the meanwhile/meantime,-10-,高频词汇,难点句型,5.split v.撕裂,裂开;劈开;分开,分离;使分裂;分担,分享 n.裂开;分担;裂口 高考佳句 I worried,remembering those split seconds decades ago when my mind would go blank

11、 and my fingers would freeze. 我很着急,记起了数十年前,我大脑一片空白,手指僵硬的那些时候。 split sth into.把分成 split up(with.)(和)断绝关系;(和)分开,(和)分离 split ones sides笑破肚皮,捧腹大笑 split the difference互相让步,折中 split second一刹那,瞬间,-11-,高频词汇,难点句型,单句语法填空 For the purposes of the survey weve split the town_ four parts. 完成句子 Lets ,and Ill give y

12、ou 20. 咱们折中一下,我给你20英镑。 Its unwise that Jack his sister. 杰克和他姐姐断绝关系是不明智的。,into,split the difference,split up with,-12-,高频词汇,难点句型,6.cure vt.治愈;治好;解决 n.药,疗法;治疗 高考佳句 There was no cure,only pain relief.没有治疗方法,只能减轻病痛。(2018江苏卷,完形填空) cure sb/sth治愈某人/某物 cure sb/sth of.治愈某人/某物的(病) a cure for.治愈疗法,-13-,高频词汇,难点

13、句型,词义精析 (1)cure指治愈疾病、消除痛苦、戒除恶习/弊端/嗜好等。可以是人做宾语,也可以用病做宾语,人做宾语时,病用介词of引出。它强调结果。 (2)treat只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病,人做宾语时,病用介词for引出。它强调“治疗”这一动作。treat 也可表示“对待,招待”。,-14-,高频词汇,难点句型,完成句子 Many bad habits can be especially difficult_ because they are likely to have been formed at a very young age. 许多坏习惯特别难以

14、纠正,因为它们可能是人们在年幼时就形成了的。 It can uncover laws of nature, ,make bombs,and help bridges to stand up. 它(科学)可以揭示自然规律、治愈疾病、制造炸弹,帮助建起桥梁。,to cure,cure diseases,-15-,高频词汇,难点句型,用treat或cure的恰当形式填空 So condors with high levels of lead are sent to Los Angeles Zoo,where they with calcium EDTA,a chemical that removes

15、 lead from the blood over several days. 所以铅含量高的秃鹰被送到洛杉矶动物园,在那里它们被用一种可以在几天内把铅从血液中去除掉,叫做calcium EDTA的药物所治愈。(2016北京卷,阅读理解B篇) The doctor his headache with a new drug but didnt him. 医生用一种新药治他的头痛,但没有治好。,are treated,treated,cure,-16-,高频词汇,难点句型,写作升级 After he was cured of his cancer,Stephen went back to work for the charity. 满分表达 his cancer,Stephen went back to work for the charity.,Cured of,-17-,高频词汇,难点句型,7.permit vt.允许,准许,许可 n.许可证,特许证,执照 permission n.许可,允许,准许 高考佳句 The California Department of Motor Vehicles began giving permits in April for companies to te



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