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1、单元质量评估(五)时间:100分钟分数:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThough larger cities were mostly spared,Sundays tornadoes damaged some small towns in the middle of the US.One of the hardest hit was Van,Texas,a town of about 2,600 people located 70 miles southeast

2、 of Dallas.Winds there reached up to 140 miles per hour and damaged about 30 percent of the area.Weather experts say it was the strongest tornado to hit the town in more than 70 years.Emergency workers in Van moved quickly to help those affected,but two people were killed and more than two dozen wer

3、e injured by the tornados winds.A driver in the nearby town of Corsicana was killed by floodwaters that had risen after the storm.In Lake City,Iowa,a tornado tore the roof off South Central Calhoun High School.One hundred and fifty people had gathered in the safety of the schools basement,and all es

4、caped without major harm.Nine people were injured in the 130-mph winds of a tornado that touched down in Delmont,South Dakota,but tornadoes werent the only severe weather that state saw on Sunday.Residents in the Black Hills region were faced with a late-spring snowfall of 10 to 18 inches.Scientists

5、 measure tornadoes using the Enhanced Fujita(EF)Scale.It categorizes tornadoes based on the amount of damage they cause and their estimated wind speed.EF1 tornadoes are the weakest,while EF5 tornadoes are the severest.The tornado in Van was categorized as an EF3.Although tornadoes can happen in any

6、state,they are most common in the central US.This is why that part of the country is nicknamed(给起绰号)Tornado Alley.Though this past weekends storms were damaging,they were not abnormal for this time of year.More tornadoes hit the US in May than in any other month,according to the National Weather Ser

7、vice(NWS) “Weve had at least one tornado reported somewhere in the nation every day since May 2,” weather expert Greg Carbin said. “Its a dangerous time of year.” 【语篇解读】本文是说明文。龙卷风席卷了美国中部。1Which part of the US was hit by tornadoes on Sunday?AThe central part.BThe eastern part.CThe western part. DThe

8、southern part.解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“Sundays tornadoes damaged some small towns in the middle of the US.”可知,周日美国中部受到了龙卷风的袭击。答案:A2What happened to people in South Central Calhoun High School?AThey were killed by floodwaters.BThey survived the tornado luckily.CThey were badly hurt by the storm.DThey were not

9、 influenced by the tornado.解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的“One hundred and fifty people had gathered in the safety of the schools basement,and all escaped without major harm”可推断学校的人因为提前躲到了地下室里而很幸运地从龙卷风中幸存下来。答案:B3Which tornadoes are the strongest?AEF1 tornadoes. BEF3 tornadoes.CEF4 tornadoes. DEF5 tornadoes.解析:细节理解题

10、。由倒数第三段中的“while EF5 tornadoes are the severest”可知。答案:D4The nickname Tornado Alley is connected with _Aa weather expert Bthe areas climateCthe areas landform Dthe creation of the EF Scale解析:推理判断题。由倒数第二段开头的“Although tornadoes can happen in any state,they are most common in the central US.Tornado Alley

11、”可知,美国中部之所以有“龙卷风巷”的绰号是因为这一地区经常遭遇龙卷风。据此可推断,该绰号和该地的气候有关系。答案:BBDoris Carvalho,a woman from Tampa,America has come up with an original way of combining her two greatest passionsveterinary science(兽医学) and fashion.She recycles dog hair and changes it into highend designer handbags.Doris loves her new job

12、 so much that she hopes to change it into a businessshes currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise $ 15,000 toward that purpose.Thats just enough money to make her first line of 30 handbags and pay for marketing.“These handbags prove that highend can be made ecofriendly from your pet for you

13、,” she pointed out.“I turn dog hair that would be rubbish anywhere else in the world into these handbags.I use it to make the thread.Its reused and recycled.”It takes Doris about 50 hours to complete each one handbag without any machines.She needs about two pounds of fur per handbag and she insists

14、that the completed handbag is as soft as any other fur.It is priced at $ 1,000,but she says that the price would go down if the products were to ever go into mass production.“I hope in the future I can make it cheaper and sell much cheaper for everyone,” she said.We arent sure how well these handbag

15、s are selling,but according to Jaime Calderbank,owner of One Lucky Dog in St Petersburg,it all depends on how much people are willing to display their love for their dogs.“I think a few of them that really love their dogs would like something like that,” she said.Doris has managed to raise just $ 35

16、0 ever since she started the campaign,but she has 50 days to reach her $ 15,000 goal.“I hope people who like the campaign can help,” she said.“Any contribution is welcome.”【语篇解读】多丽丝用废弃的狗毛做成高端手提包。5What do you know about Doris Carvalho?AShe makes handbags from dog hair.BShe is studying veterinary science.CShe studied fashion desi


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