Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson 42 Cars are Cool 教学课件 (冀教版九年级下).ppt

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1、,Lesson 42 What Do You Want To Do,用适当的关系词填空: 1. This is the boy _ we are talking about . 2. The teacher with _ we had a talk just now isnt in the city. 3. This book is the only novel _ I have read twice. 4. Everything _ I said was true. 5. This is the most interesting film _ Ive ever seen. 6 .The wr

2、iter and his novel _ youve just talked about are really well-known.,that /不填,who/whom/that /不填,whom,that /不填,that /不填,that /不填,Think about it! 1.What do you want to be when you grow up?,Read carefully and answer the following questions: What did Chelsea want to be at first? What does she want to be

3、now? Is it hard to find a place to study car design?,A car designer.,An actress.,Yes, it is.,4 When does she want to go there? 5 What does Chelsea need to get ready for the university in California?,She will need to study art,physics and maths in high school.She also need a collection of her drawing

4、s and ideas.,After she graduates from high school.,Language notes:,1. I thought if I were an engineer, I could design cars.,如果我是个女孩,我就买下这个花裙子。 如果我有一辆小汽车,那该多好。,If I _(be) a girl, I _(buy) the colored dress.,虚拟语气的句子,对现在事情的假设。 if 引导的从句谓 语动词用过去式,主句用 would/could/should + 动词原形 当条件句中的谓语是be动词时,均用were,That _

5、(be) nice if I _(have) a car.,were,would buy,would be,had,2. I found out that wasnt quite true.,look for “寻找” 表示找的动作 find “找到,发现” 表示找的结果,侧重“失而复得” find out “几经周折,费尽心思,才查明事情真相”,Language notes:,你在找什么? 你找到你的钢笔了吗? 警察最后找到了小偷。,3. It teaches about the design of all kinds of transportation, including cars!,1

6、) What are you looking for?,2) Have you found your pen yet?,3) The police found out the thief at last.,include vt. “包括” including prep. “包括” 其后所跟的内容是句子包含 内容的一部分,常做插入语,置于 句中或句未,用逗号隔开。引导的 短语常在句中作为状语使用。,Language notes:,These boys _Jim and Tom. Everyone was asked to attend the meeting, _ Mr. Smith.,incl

7、ude,including,4. After I graduate from high school, I plan to go there.,graduate from “从毕业”,=After I finish high school, I plan to go there.,junior high school “初中” senior high school “高中”,plan n. & v. planned planned planning plan to do sth. “计划/打算去做某事”,The police worked out a plan to catch the thi

8、ef. They plan to visit the Summer Palace.,Language notes:,have money for “有干的钱”,5. I already have some money for my education.,1) She has money for books. 2) We are very poor and we have no money for food.,educate v. education n.,1) He has had a good education.,他受过良好的教育。,A task: What job do you want

9、 to do after you graduate from high school? What do you need to study to get that job? What should you do if you want to achieve your goal? Write a plan to help your dream come true. Try using this pattern: To get my job, first _, then _ and finally, _.”,Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions o

10、r adverbs: When I grow _, I want to be a car designer. I want a job _ a big car company. The students are all busy getting ready _ the coming examination. We must find _ who made our classroom so dirty. _ first I wanted to be an actress. I looked _ the Internet to find one university. After I gradua

11、te _ high school, I plan to go there. I already have some money _ my education. She wants to draw plans _ them.,up,with,for,out,At,on,from,for,for,Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: I dream to be a _(design) in the future. Jiang Wenli is a well-known _(act). I like her very m

12、uch. I hope to go to university to get good _(educate). My _(hobby) are swimming, skating, running and reading. Congratulations! I am _(real) happy for you. Where do you plan _(go) this weekend? Many students went to the Summer Palace yesterday, _(include) me. Its very expensive _(study) in the United States. I will also need a _(collect) of my _(draw) and ideas.,designer,actress,education,hobbies,really,to go,including,to study,collection,drawings,


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