九年级英语上册 module 3 unit 6 healthy diet period 5课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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1、Module 3 Leisure time,Oxford English,Unit 6,Period 5,Writing Project,Healthy diet,1,Brainstorming,Brainstorm the question below.,What can attract you to go to the same restaurant again?,2,Writing,Read the introduction on page 92.,A restaurant review A restaurant review is about your experience of ea

2、ting at a restaurant. You can find this kind of review on the Internet easily.,Read the restaurant review below. Then match each part of the review to the names in the box.,introduction Opening Recommendation Title Review of the food Review of the service,Title,Introduction,Review of the food,Review

3、 of the service,Opening,Recommendation,Read the review again and answer the questions.,Which restaurant did Doris go to last Saturday night? What kind of food does the restaurant serve? How much did the food cost for each person? What food attracted Doris most?,The Country House.,It serves tradition

4、al English food.,About 15 to 20 pounds each.,The fish pie and fish and chips.,What does Doris think of the waiters? What should people do if they want to go to this restaurant according to Doris?,They were polite but a little slow.,People should get there early and be prepared to spend a lot of time

5、 waiting for the food.,In pairs, use the following questions to make a conversation to talk about a restaurant you like. Then write your answers down.,Write your own restaurant review. Use the example in A and the questions below to help you.,A Work in groups. Each group should choose one type of fo

6、od to work on. Choose from the list below or use your own idea.,3,Project,China Japan Thailand Italy America ,dumplings, spring rolls,sushi, sashimi,pineapple fried rice,pizza, spaghetti,hotdogs, hamburgers,Recipes for food from all over the world,B Each group should work together to write a recipe

7、for this type of food. Do some research by asking your parents or looking on the Internet. Use the example on page 96 and the words from the box to help you.,H,Homework,1. 抄写单词和短语:review,title,serve,pound,pie,chip,service, seat;(be) prepared to do sth.。 2. 修改完善自己的作文。 3. 通过书籍或网络搜集本组要撰写食谱的美食制作所需的食材、工具以及制作的步骤,并搜集这种美食的相关图片。然后,通过小组合作,撰写这份食谱。 4. 完成综合练习册第104页Writing的练习。,


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